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  2. AHMES PUZZLE 1)Seven houses each have seven cats. Each cat kills seven mice. Each of mice ,if alieve, would have eaten seven ears of wheat. Each ear of wheat. Each ear of wheat produces seven measures of flour. How many measures of flour were saved by the cats?

  3. 16.807 IT

  4. PATTERN 15 2)Five different whole number add up to 15. Multiply those same five numbers together, and the result is 120. Can you determine those five numbers are?

  5. IS

  6. TREASURE ISLAND 3)The pirate who drew this map labeled each of the islands with a false statement. To confuse his enemies, he made only one of the satements false. Can you still figure out where the terasure is buried?

  7. Treasure in the yellow island. NOT

  8. SIX-SEVEN • 4)I s there a way to use three 6s to make a 7? 6 7 6 6

  9. 6+ 6/6 = 7 THAT

  10. Handshakes • 5)At a business meeting each person shook hands with every other person exactly once. If there were 15 handshakes, can you tell how many people attended the meeting.

  11. There were six people at the meeting. Each person shook hans five times, but that makes for fifteen handshakes. THEY

  12. FAMILY REUNION 6)One grandfather, one grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one father in law, one mother in law and one daughter in law attended family reunion. If both helves of relation ship attended (the father and the son)how many people showed up?

  13. There were seven people at the reunion: a man and his wife, their three children (two girl, one boy), and the mens mother and father. CAN’T

  14. Network of Twos • 7)How many numbers can you write using three 2s and no other symbols?

  15. 16 • 222 • 22.22=484 • 2 22=4.194.304 SEE

  16. Cheese Cut • 8)Can you cut this wheel of cheese into eight identical pieces with only three straight cuts?

  17. THE

  18. Elipse Where? • 9)The man in the illustration desperately needs to see an ellipse. How can he make one while sitting at the table with out touching his pen.compass,ruler or computer?

  19. an ellipse is formed by slanted cuts trough cones or cylinders. The man can make such a cut by pickibg up hia watwe glass and titing it. The surface of the water will from a perfect ellipse. SOLUTION

  20. School Trip •  10)Elementary schoolchildren on a field trip sit in groups of four, so that every girl sits at least one other girl. How many permutations are possible?

  21. It-6 permutation G G G G G G G B B G G G G G B B B G G B B B G G B B B B

  22. LUCY PUZZLE • 11)Can you dissect this horseshoe into six pieces with only two straight cuts?

  23. IT

  24. APPLE PICKERS • 12)If five apple pickers can pick five apples in five seconds, how many apple pickers would it take to pick sixty apple a minute?

  25. Just five, the same pickers who can pick five apples in five seconds can pick sixty apples in sixty seconds. IS

  26. Page Numbers • 13) You pull out a page from a newspaper and find that pages 8 and 21 are on the same sheet. From that , can you tell how many pages the newspaper has?

  27. Since there are seven pages before page 8, there must be seven pages after page 21. The newspaper has twenty eight pages. THAT

  28. Age Difference • 14)I have a field who became a professional magician more than 45 years ago, shortly after the birth of his son. He told me recently that his age and the age of his son are numerically reserved. If he is 27 years older than his son, how old are they?

  29. The possible answers are 52 and 25, 63 and 36, 74 and 47, 85 and 58, or 96 and 69 But the ages that match up with how long my friend has been practicing magic are 74 and 47. THEY

  30. CAUNTING ANIMALS • 15) I went to the zoo and saw the camels and the emus. If all told, I saw thirty five heads and ninety- four feet, how many camels and emus did I see?

  31. 23 emus, 12 camel CAN’T

  32. GHOTI • 16) The word below may seem odd, but its pronounced just like a common English word. Pronounce the gh as in “though”, the o as in “women” and the ti as "emotion”. • What ,then, is the common word that “ghoti” sounds like?

  33. FISH SEE

  34. 17) One of the three switches on the ground floor turns on the lamb in the attic. Your job is to find out which of the three switches activities the lamb, but you are allowed only one trip to the attic to check on the light. Can you figure out how to tell which light switch works?



  37. Referances • 1000 Play Things

  38. Solution-an ellipse is formed by slanted cuts trough cones or cylinders. The man can make such a cut by pickibg up hia watwe glass and titing it. The surface of the water will from a perfect ellipse. • Problem- lightbulb will be hotter if they works. • Not-orange Can’t –7 • That-6 plus 6/6 • See- 23 emus, 12 camelSolution-an ellipse is formed by slanted cuts trough cones or cylinders. The man can make such a cut by pickibg up hia watwe glass and titing it. The surface of the lightbulb will be hotter if they works. • The-fish • It- • They-28 • See-4 • It-6 permutation • That-5 Is- 1,2,3,4,5 • Can’t-74,47 • The- • Is-

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