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PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Preparing for the PARCC Field Test: Training for Test Coordinators April 24 , 2014. Adapted from Pearson training modules. To discuss the Roles and Responsibilities of Test Coordinators To discuss test security guidelines
PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL • SCHOOL DISTRICT • Preparing for the PARCC Field Test: Training for Test Coordinators • April 24, 2014 • Adapted from Pearson training modules
To discuss the Roles and Responsibilities of Test Coordinators To discuss test security guidelines To review tasks to complete BEFORE testing To review tasks to complete DURING testing To review tasks to complete AFTER testing To review general testing guidelines Goals
Roles and Responsibilities • of Test Coordinators
Serve as school’s primary contact person for Field Test Coordinate all PARCC Field Test-related activities Prepare Test Administrators to administer the PARCC tests according to the Test Administrator Manual(TAM) Identify test administrators Train test administrators Ensure Technology Coordinator is trained and completes all necessary tasks for Computer-Based Testing PARCC Test CoordinatorsPrimary Responsibilities
PARCC Test CoordinatorsPrimary Responsibilities • Ensure the security of test materials and compliance with test administration procedures before, during, and after testing • Develop security plan • Oversee the inventory, distribution, collection, and return of securetest materials • Student login tickets, seal codes • Tests, math reference sheets • Observe and monitor test administration in your school and report any testing irregularities
Roles & Responsibilities • Test Coordinator • BeforeTesting: • Establishes the testing schedule • Develops and implements test security plan • Develops and implements training, logistics plans • Trains Test Administrators, Tech. Coordinators • Ensures the security of and accounts for all test materials • Ensures standard test environments for students • During Testing: • Monitors test administration in classrooms • Supports Test Administrators by answering questions • Ensures security of test materials and/or Student Authorization Tickets between testing sessions • Schedules and supervises make-up testing • Maintains master list of students and their required accommodations • After Testing: • Collects and inventories all test materials from test administrators after each session • Applies student labels to booklets • Completes online documentation • Organizes secure materials by “Scorable” and “Non-Scorable” to prepare for return shipment
PARCC Test AdministratorsPrimary Responsibilities • Administering the assessment • Actively supervise the test administration • Prepares students for testing • Prepares testing environment
Roles & Responsibilities • Test Administrator • During Testing: • Reads scripts • Distributes test materials to students • Keeps accurate time for each test session • Maintains security of test materials • Ensures accommodations are provided • Supervises students at all times during testing • Notifies Test Coordinator of testing irregularities • Before Testing: • Meets with the Test Coordinator • Reads Test Administrator Manual • Meets with educational team to determine student accommodations as needed • Prepares testing environment for students • Prepares students for testing with Practice Test • Obtains and prepares materials needed for testing • After Testing: • Verifies that each student has completed the required information on test materials • Ensures student accommodations are documented • Returns test materials to the Test Coordinator • Ensures chain-of-custody record is completed and returned to the Test Coordinator • Completes Test Administrator Survey
WHO CAN ADMINISTER PARCC • TEST ADMINISTRATORS (TA) • Must be employed as teacher or school-level administrator • Must hold valid AR license • PROCTORS • Must be trained in test security, administration policies, and procedures • Who Cannot administer the PARCC • Student teachers may NOT serve as TAs. • Parents cannot administer to their own child nor can he/she be present in the room with child.
Schools can test at any time during the Field Test testing windows: PARCC Field Test Schedule • Paper-Based Test Material Return Dates • EOY – May 30, 2014
Establish the Testing Schedule For the Field Test, LEAs and Schools may set their own schedules within each testing window (PBA, EOY) Work with building principal to identify test dates and makeup dates Identify test locations Notify students, teachers and parents of test dates and materials needed for testing Schedule testing for the early part of each testing window to maximize number of available testing days in case of issues Test Schedules
Test Schedules Policies on scheduling and testing time: • Each session for a subject and grade must be completed in a single school day to avoid compromising item validity • For PBT: All students within the same grade/subject must test on same day • For CBT: Schools with multiple classrooms testing in the same grade must schedule sessions as close together as possible • Schools will administer one session per day. • ELA – 2 days • Math – 2 days • Make-up Days must be specified
Guidelines for Testing Time In planning schedules, include Total Field Test Administration Times for each session (See Tables 1.1 to 1.8 in TCM for times) Session Time is the amount of time it should take a student to complete a session Additional Time Allowed is approximately 50% of Session Time Schools must provide all students with the entire amount of field test administration time listed for the Session Time and must schedule accordingly If all students have completed testing at the end of the session time, the session may end. Students who are productively engaged in testing must also be provided the Additional Time Allowed to complete a session A new session cannot be started until ALL students in a session are finished or relocated for extended time accommodation Test Schedules
Make-Up Testing Students who are not tested on the regular administration date should be tested on a make-up day Make-up testing sessions may be scheduled for any day after the initial administration date as long as they fall within the testing window Test sessions must be administered in order The same test security and administration protocols for regular administration sessions apply to make-up test sessions NOTE: Students who become ill or have to leave for other reasons during testing should attempt to finish a test they started on a scheduled make-up date. Test Administrators must note the exact place in the test where the student stopped. Students are not allowed to return to any previous session or change any previously completed item(s). Test Schedules
MAKE-UP TESTING • Computer-Based Testing • Schools must have a plan in place to conduct make-up tests. • Once a student utilizes the next session’s seal code, students will not be able to return to previous session. • Make-up Sessions cannot occur in the same room as regular testing. • Paper-Based Testing • Schools must have a plan in place to conduct make-up tests. • Different test makeup sessions cannot test during the same make-up session (different times, directions, etc.)
Guidelines for Scheduling ELA/Literacy and Mathematics Session Times for PBA and EOY Components
TEST SECURITY GUIDELINES • All ACTAAP test security guidelines apply to the PARCC Field test with a few exceptions (extraneous materials, scratch paper) • Read guidelines during training just like they are read to you. • Sign your copy before leaving today. • Security Agreement • Must be signed prior to testing by STC, TA, OTC • A copy is maintained for 3 years • A copy of agreements must be faxed to DTC before testing begins but no later than: • May 5 - EOY
Develop and Implement Test Security Plan A successful Security Plan will: Direct individuals authorized to be involved in test administration to review security protocols, prohibited activities, testing irregularities, and security breaches as well as sign the Security Agreement Establish a documented chain of custody Designate a central locked storage area for securing test materials Document that Technology Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Proctors have received necessary training for successful, secure administration of the PARCC Field Test Test Security
Test Coordinators must develop a Chain-of-Custody Plan that ensures test materials are accounted for at all times before, during, and after test administration. The Chain-of-Custody Plan should: Include procedures for documenting the hand-off and return of test materials between School Test Coordinators and Test Administrators. Account for the return of test materials to DTC (PBT only). Include a process to document shredding or recycling, as appropriate, of test materials that are not returned to Pearson. Failure to develop, implement, and follow a Chain-of-Custody Plan could result in test invalidations or other action per state policy. Test Security
CHAIN OF CUSTODY PLAN • Test Materials • TA accounts for each test booklet number assigned to his/her classroom. Test booklets are counted in the presence of the test coordinator. Once the number has been verified, the TA signs his/her name in the signature column and indicates the date and time the books are issued. • booklets become the responsibility of the test administrator • Upon return of test booklets, STC accounts for each test booklet returned. Test booklets are counted in the presence of the test administrator. Once the number has been verified, the STC signs his/her name in the signature column and indicates the date and time the books are returned. • booklets become the responsibility of the test coordinator
CHAIN OF CUSTODY PLAN • STC certifies that materials were accounted for each day. • Test Materials must be secured before and after testing each day. • Test materials will be returned to DTC on designated date. • All nonreturnable materials (scratch paper) will be shredded on-site immediately after testing. The STC is responsible for collecting and shredding all documents. The STC and backup coordinator (or other designee) will be present during the shredding. A checklist will be provided to each school to document the shredding and will be returned to the DTC.
CHAIN OF CUSTODAY PLAN • Recycled materials will be collected by the STC and verified by the Backup Coordinator. All materials will be stored in a secure location until the next testing window. The STC will document that all guidelines have been followed. • Each school will maintain records on destroyed and recycled materials for 3 years.
The Test Coordinator must distribute test materials to and from Test Administrators each test administration day. Test materials must not be stored in classrooms prior to or following the day of administration. Test materials that will be distributed by Test Coordinators to each Test Administrator include: Test Booklets and Answer Documents (PBT) Vendor-supplied Rulers and Protractors (PBT) Vendor-supplied Mathematics Reference Sheets (PBT) Student Authorization Tickets (CBT) Seal Codes (CBT) Headphones (CBT) Scratch Paper (both) Test Security
Security Checklist: Test Coordinators must maintain a log of secure materials. Schools will use the company supplied Test Booklet Security Checklist. See the example in Appendix C. Schools also need a log to account for collection and destruction of Mathematics Reference Sheets written on by students as well as for scratch paper written on by students. Schools will use the district-supplied math reference security checklist. Test Administrators are not to have extended access (>15 minutes) to test materials before or after administration. Test Administrators must document the return of all secure test materials to the Test Coordinator immediately after testing. Test Security
School Security Checklist • TA counts and signs out test booklets. • Can fill in the first line and squiggle down to the last book. • STC counts and signs test booklets back in. • Can fill in the first line and squiggle down to the last book. • School test coordinator signs form after testing. • Use one form for each day of testing. • A copy of checklists must be returned to DTC.
Test Materials • Materials must be inventoried immediately upon receipt. • PAPER-BASED TESTING • Test Coordinator Kit • Grade 3 - a consumable test booklet. • Test booklets – Grade 4 and higher (packages of 5 or 6) • Answer Documents – Grade 4 and higher (packages of 5 or 6) • Test Booklets and Answer Documents are in form order. • Test Administrator’s Manual (1 for every 20) • Rulers and Protractors • Mathematics Reference Sheets • School ID forms • Student labels • STCs must notify DTC if additional materials are needed.
Test Materials • Test Materials cannot be opened more than 1 day before testing begins. • If a test booklet or answer document is defective, provide student with the same form number of the test booklet or answer document being replaced.
The test coordinator or principal must immediately report any concern about breaches in test security or noncompliance with test administration procedures to either the LEA or SEA, according to their state policy (see state-by-state policies in the appendix of the Test Coordinator Manual). Instruct Test Administrators to contact the School Test Coordinator and/or principal immediately to report all testing irregularities. Breaches in Test Security
Breaches of Test Security Include: Use of electronic devices (e.g. cell phone, smartphone, e-reader, tablet computer) by Test Administrator or student(s) while secure test materials are still distributed or while testing is in progress Reading non test-related material(s) before closing out the test session (CBT) or turning in test materials (PBT) Altering or interfering with students’ responses in any way Leaving test materials unattended or failing to keep them secure Leaving students unattended while they are testing Formally or informally scoring student responses to test items Failing to follow test administration directions Not administering a session according to the allotted time Breaches in Test Security
Additional Breaches of Test Security Include: Failing to actively monitor testing students at all times Encouraging students to finish early Cheating by students (passing notes or talking to one another while testing or sharing responses to test items) Administering test(s) to family members or allowing unauthorized persons access to secure test materials Giving students access to test items or prompts prior to testing Viewing or letting students view secure content before testing Copying or reproducing any part of the passages or test items or any secure test materials or online test forms Removing secure materials from the school Breaches in Test Security
Testing Irregularities Include: Building evacuation or lock-down Losing a student’s Test Booklet or Answer Document Displaying testing aids in the testing environment (e.g., a bulletin board with relevant instructional material(s) during testing) Failing to provide a student with a documented accommodation Providing a student with an accommodation that is not documented and therefore is not appropriate ALL instances of security breaches and testing irregularities must be immediately reported to the School Test Coordinator who must, in turn, report the incident(s) to the LEA Test Coordinator and to SEA, according to their state policy. Breaches in Test Security
Breaches in Test Security • Violations and Irregularities • All violations must be reported to the STC immediately. • The STC must report to building principal and DTC immediately. • Building principal and/or STC must complete Test Improprieties Form. • Use form in Appendix B • All written statements must be submitted to DTC within 3 days of violation. • Appropriate signatures • Statement of corrective actions • Faxed to 490-5724
TEST ENVIRONMENT • Good lighting and ventilation • Comfortable room temp • Noise free • Comfortable chairs • Appropriate table/desk height
Develop a Training Plan Make sure that you: Include your trained alternate Test Coordinator in all plans Ensure all school staff involved in administering PARCC tests are trained and understand their responsibilities and security protocols Train alternates Ensure Test Administrators understand the expectation of “active proctoring” while students are testing Use the checklists available in Appendices of the Test Coordinator Manuals Ensure Test Administrators and Proctors sign the Security Agreement at the conclusion of the training. Training Plan
Training Plan • Include cell phone policy, calculator policy, calculator accommodation info, and prohibited materials • Discuss severe weather and safety threats procedures
CALCULATORS • Review the calculator policy during training. • Calculators can be used on non-calculator sessions (except fluency items) if written in student’s IEP.
Prohibited Materials • Materials that may provide assistance must be covered or removed. Examples include: • Posters, maps, charts • Math formulas • Graphic organizers • Number lines • Multiplication tables • 100s charts • Word lists • Definitions • Writing formulas
Materials Allowed After Test • Recreational books • Textbooks for subjects other than the one being tested • Pamphlets, magazines, or periodicals • Notebooks or paper • Pens or colored pencils • Must be unrelated to content being assessed
Develop a Test Administration Logistics Plan To ensure successful and secure administration of the PARCC Field Test, make sure that your Logistics Plan includes the following tasks: Identify all students participating in each grade-level test Authorize individuals to serve as Test Administrators Train all relevant staff Inform students and parents about the PARCC Field Test Meet with students to review testing day policies and expectations Designate appropriate testing spaces Work with Test Administrators to schedule Sample Tests for their assigned students prior to the Field Test Logistics Plan
Develop a Test Administration Logistics Plan (continued) Plan ahead to provide “accessibility features” (CBT only) for all students and accommodations (PBT and CBT) for ELL/LEP students and students with disabilities on test day by: Reviewing each student’s approved IEP or 504 Plan ahead of time Preparing a list showing each student and his/her specific accommodation(s) Indicating whether a specific test setting or Test Administrator will be required Training all Test Administrators (including substitutes) on PBT and CBT test accommodations and CBT accessibility features (if applicable) (CBT only) Ensuring required accessibility features and accommodations are selected during the registration process (e.g., read-aloud/text-to-speech) and ensuring each student knows how to use accessibility features and accommodations prior to testing Schedule test administration sessions and locations Logistics Plan
Develop a Test Administration Logistics Plan (continued) Prepare a record of Test Administrators and their students for each testing session Assign students and testing locations to Test Administrators Review district policy for allowing students to read a recreational book after completing individual tests Students will not be allowed to remain on the computer. (CBT only) Consult with Technology Coordinator to confirm that all computers used for testing meet minimum requirements for computer-based testing Logistics Plan
Administrative Considerations • STC, principal, or committee may schedule • Students in testing spaces other than regular classrooms • Students at different scheduled times • As long as other testing requirements are met • Small group testing • Frequent breaks • Time of day • Separate or alternate location • Specified area or seating • Adaptive and specialized equipment
What Clarifying Directions means: No part of the test may be read to the student. All directions may be repeated to students as needed. The Test Administrator may clarify all words used in the scripted directions, NOT directions for specific test items. Directions may be provided in a student’s native language. Students who are off task: Test Administrators can say student’s name. Tell student to return to work on test. Provide visual cues for the student to stay on task. During Testing: Clarifying Directions
Final Preparation for PBT and CBT Testing Before the day of testing, Test Coordinators must: Verify testing rooms are set up so students are separated by a reasonable distance to encourage independent work and prevent collaboration Ensure testing rooms are clear of any and all instructional displays Final Preparations