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MAGNETIC HORN DESIGN for CNGS PROGRAM. Workshop ‘’Neutrinos Beam and Instrumentation’’ CERN , Geneva March 2002. Sandry WALLON CNRS – IN2P3 – LAL (Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire) Orsay, France. CONTENTS. MAGNETIC HORN DESIGN for CNGS PROGRAM. Project and magnetic horn : overview
MAGNETIC HORN DESIGNfor CNGS PROGRAM Workshop ‘’Neutrinos Beam and Instrumentation’’ CERN, Geneva March 2002 Sandry WALLON CNRS – IN2P3 – LAL (Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire) Orsay, France NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
CONTENTS MAGNETIC HORN DESIGNfor CNGS PROGRAM • Project and magnetic horn : overview • Inner conductor : design, manufacturing, checking • Electrical connection • Next steps of project NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
1. Project and magnetic horn : overview Collaboration between Cern and IN2P3-CNRS (French contribution to CNGS Program) Design & manufacturing of magnetic lenses (2 horns, 1 reflector) and some others facilities Provided by Cern : inner conductors profiles and lot of advises IN2P3 : National institute for particles and nuclear physics (CNRS dep't) LAL : Laboratory specialized in particles physic research, detector & accelerator design and manufacturing NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
1. Project and magnetic horn : overviewHorn designed for CNGS program Fully 3D design(1) (Catia CAD) HORN (1) : Sébastien Blivet, Alexandre Gonnin (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL) soil adjustable supports electrical connection NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
1. Project and magnetic horn : overviewHorn designed for CNGS program Horn on its supports NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
1. Project and magnetic horn : overviewHorn designed for CNGS program • 7 m length (approx.) • horn axis height : 1.6 m • 1 ton (approx.) inner conductor NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
1. Project and magnetic horn : overviewHorn designed for CNGS program • double pulse every 6 sec. • 150 kA (peak), 5000 ARMS • toroidal B field : 1.9 T max. Current input / output NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
1. Project and magnetic horn : overviewHorn designed for CNGS program drive current to inner conductor drive current to outer conductor How to have electrical insulation and water-tightness between red plate and yellow one? NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
1. Project and magnetic horn : overviewHorn designed for CNGS program Centring function with respect of electrical insulation Arclex washer Water-tightness with respect of electrical insulation glass ring between 2 metal seals (Sn-Ag) NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor Main part of magnetic horn • length : 6.65 m • min. thickness : 1.8 mm • diameter : 30.8 to 136 mm • made up of 9 conical parts and 2 flanges NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductorDesign and manufacturing constraints • Cyclic load • Heat load • Corrosive environment • Geometrical constraints NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and manufacturing constraints /Cyclic load current vs. time 150 kA t magnetic pressure vs. time t Stress field & spectrum NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and manufacturing constraints /Heat load current vs. time 150 kA t particles flux vs. time t Volume heat flux 1 Volume heat flux 2 NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and manufacturing constraints /Corrosive environment example of metal consumption A : DI water B : DI water + radiation A B Warning B/A > 3 NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and manufacturing constraints /Geometrical constraints Real outer surface at 0.5 mm max. from nominal outer surface (theoretical outer surface) NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and manufacturing constraints /Geometrical constraints Weld Expected deformation after welding NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductorDesign and studies • Material : more important than usually! • Heat transfer study : is it hot? • Static study : do it keep straight (after mounting)? • Buckling study : do it collapse? • Fatigue-corrosion study : do it resist to cyclic magnetic forces, during 4 years? NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Material • good compromise : aluminium alloy 6082 (AlSiMg) • Electrical resistance (6082 vs. Cu : 42 vs. 17 nΩ.m) • Thermal conductivity (174 vs. 400 W/m.K) • Transparency to particles • Radioactive half lifetime • Corrosion resistance • Mechanical strength (heat treated) • Machining • Welding NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Heat transfer study Is it hot? What about thermal expansion? • Heat load : • 13 kW (electrical resistance) • 5 kW (radiation) Sprinklers works at low pressure gentle water curtain expected It looks like heat transfer for heat exchanger working with liquid film falling onto horizontal tube NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Heat transfer study Fortunately, some experimental results forced convection coeff. vs. flow rate water curtain working zone NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Heat transfer study Results from heat transfer simulation (FEM / SAMCEF) (for cooling water at 20°C [inlet]) DeltaT < 10°C for 95% of conductor Thermal expansion < 1.5 mm Enabled by thin flange NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Static study do it keep straight (after mounting)? 3 sets of wires (spiders) reduce inner conductor deformation Max. displacement without spiders: 0.8 mm (weight effect) NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Buckling study Global buckling (magnetic forces) : No (tensile force) Global buckling (thermal expansion) : No (thin flange [flexible]) Local buckling (magnetic forces) : No (analytical calculation) NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Fatigue-corrosion study do it resist to cyclic magnetic forces, during 4 years? How inner conductor can move? modal analysis (FEM / SAMCEF) axisymmetric model Mode 1 : conductor moves like a wiper Mode 2 : local deformation of thin flange NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Fatigue-corrosion study Natural vibration mode 1 : 140 Hz Natural vibration mode 2 : 310 Hz NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Fatigue-corrosion study Experimental results (W. Coosemans, Cern) Monitoring the thin flange of a similar inner conductor, under double pulse excitation Capacitor mounted onto flexible end cap NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Fatigue-corrosion study Experimental results (W. Coosemans, Cern) 1st pulse 2nd pulse NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Fatigue-corrosion study Experimental results vs. simulation Basically, fatigue analysis should focused those 2 frequencies Axisymmetric model for dynamic analysis is good (1) : test conductor & experimental results (2) : new conductor & results from calculations NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Fatigue-corrosion study Method to solve problem • Calculation of magnetic pressure field full analytical calculation is OK(1) • Making FEM model (2) • Looking for high stress zones (step by step)(2) • Calculation of stress amplitude and mean stress for a multiaxial stress (2)(see Sines formula) • Calculation of the Equivalent Completely Reverse Uniaxial Stress(2)(see Goodman formula) • Calculation of theoretical safety factor (2) (1) : Guy Le Meur (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL) (2) : Marek Kozien (Cracow University of Technology, Poland) NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Fatigue-corrosion study High stress zones vibration mode 1 Pt 1 (mode 1; 1+2) vibration mode 2 Pt 3 (mode 1+2) Pt 2 (mode 2; 1+2) SFpt2, mode 2= 1.49 NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Design and studies /Fatigue-corrosion study Safety factor From Marek Kozien’s analysis NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Manufacturing • Dimensioning following ISO standards • Machining • Welding • Geometric checking NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Manufacturing /Dimensioning following ISO standards Inner conductor drawing Inner conductor is made up of 11 parts geometrical specs welding specs Constraints conditions to check that flexible part NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Manufacturing /Dimensioning following ISO standards Thick flange drawing local shot penning to improve fatigue behavior NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Manufacturing /Machining All part are machined from : - bars for conical parts - cylinders for flanges Only two kind of alloy compositions used (1st cast for bars, 2nd cast for cylinders) NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Manufacturing /Welding • Electrons beam welding • Only 2 casts of Al alloy • low deformation • Expected axis straightness : 0.9 mm NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Manufacturing /Checking Checking each parts before welding D1 ref. checking D2 ref. checking alignment error / D1-D2 axis D1-D2 • Mid. section checking : • shape • alignment / D1-D2 NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Manufacturing /Checking Checking the inner conductor • Checking procedure • settle conductor on testing bench • clamp flanges • use 3 V supports modelling spiders • check outer surface axis / D1-D2 (thank to laser tracker or interferometer) • extra task : put probe inside conductor and record it position / D1-D2 NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
2. Inner conductor / Manufacturing /Checking Checking the inner conductor (after mounting inside outer conductor) • Adjustment procedure • put self-centring probe inside inner conductor (at spider position) • check probe position / D1-D2 • adjust wires tensile force until to find correct alignment • repeat previous tasks for 2 others spiders NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
3. Electrical connection Quick remove electrical connection Strip lines NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
3. Electrical connection Strip lines NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
3. Electrical connection NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL) Strip lines
3. Electrical connection Lateral displacement enabled Remove and vertical displacement enabled NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)
4. Next steps of project • Finish inner conductors manufacturing (Qty 2) final checking within June 2001 testing at Cern of one of two conductor (1 million double pulses) • Manufacture others parts : in progress • Finish design of others facilities : soon • Start production (mounting) shipping to Cern within 2003 : 2 horns & 1 reflector • Electrical checking at Cern (2003-2004) NBI 2002, 15 march Sandry Wallon (CNRS-IN2P3-LAL)