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Jeopardy. Personal Selling and Direct Mail. The Promotional Mix. Sales Promotion. Advertising. Public Relations. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Personal Selling and Direct Mail The Promotional Mix Sales Promotion Advertising Public Relations Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question Any form of communication a business or organization uses to inform, persuade or remind people about its products or improve its public image

  3. $100 Answer Promotion

  4. $200 Question What are the five categories of the promotional mix?

  5. $200 Answer Advertising Personal Selling Public Relations Direct Marketing (Mail) Sales Promotion

  6. $300 Question What are the two types of promotion?

  7. $300 Answer Product and Institutional

  8. $400 Question All parts of the promotional mix should ___________. Why?

  9. $400 Answer Coordinate – so that customers will recognize the promotions and tie them together

  10. $500 Question Explain the difference between the push and pull concepts

  11. $500 Answer Push – promotional mix developed for the next partner in the distribution channel Pull – promotional mix developed to reach the customer

  12. $100 Question Define advertising

  13. $100 Answer Any PAID form of promotion by an identified sponsor

  14. $200 Question What are the two types of advertising? Hint: They are similar to the two types of promotion

  15. $200 Answer Promotional and Institutional

  16. $300 Question What are the four types of advertising media?

  17. $300 Answer Print Broadcast Online Specialty

  18. $400 Question Name a pro and con of each: Newspaper Advertising Magazine Advertising Outdoor Advertising

  19. $400 Answer Judged by teacher

  20. $500 Question An out door sign that is purchased or rented from advertising companies that use lights and moving parts to attract attention Hint: found in malls and airports

  21. $500 Answer Spectacular

  22. $100 Question What is the difference between advertising and publicity

  23. $100 Answer Publicity is free

  24. $200 Question Publicity is an important tool used by marketers, but what is the drawback?

  25. $200 Answer No control over HOW the media will share the information

  26. $300 Question ___________ is the most powerful force in society.

  27. $300 Answer Public Opinion

  28. $400 Question How can positive employee relations benefit a company’s overall profit?

  29. $400 Answer Happy employees are good employees If they are happy they will work harder

  30. $500 Question What are three functions of public relations?

  31. $500 Answer General Communication Image shaping and enhancement Coping with a Crisis Community Relations Launch a new product or innovation

  32. $100 Question What are the two forms of direct mail?

  33. $100 Answer E-mail Postal mail

  34. $200 Question Why is personal selling the costliest form of promotion?

  35. $200 Answer Must pay employees

  36. $300 Question What are the two goal of direct mail?

  37. $300 Answer Get customers into the store Generate leads for personal selling

  38. $400 Question What are two ways a company can utilize personal selling?

  39. $400 Answer • Telemarketing • E-mail Contact • Sales people in a store

  40. $500 Question How are personal selling and direct mail linked when used in a promotional mix

  41. $500 Answer Direct Mail is used to generate leads for personal selling

  42. $100 Question Define Sales Promotion

  43. $100 Answer All marketing activities – other than person selling, advertising, and public relations – that are used to stimulate purchasing and sales

  44. $200 Question What are two objectives of sales promotion?

  45. $200 Answer Increase Sales Inform potential consumers about new products

  46. $300 Question This kind of sales promotion is designed to get support for a product from manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers

  47. $300 Answer Trade Promotions

  48. $400 Question • What is the difference between a contest and sweepstakes?

  49. Contest – game of skill Sweepstakes – game of chance $400 Answer

  50. $500 Question Name four different kinds of sales promotions

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