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THE STATE. The State can be defined as a political association that estalishes sovereign jurisdiction within defined terrirorial borders and exercises authority through a set of permanent institutions . . THE STATE…. 5 key features of the state The state exercises sovereignity
THE STATE TheState can be defined as a politicalassociationthatestalishessovereignjurisdictionwithindefinedterrirorialbordersandexercisesauthoritythrough a set of permanentinstitutions.
THE STATE… 5 keyfeatures of thestate • Thestateexercisessovereignity • Stateinstitutionsarerecognisable ‘public’, in contrasttothe ‘private’ institutions of thecivilsociety • Thestate is an exercise in legitimation • Thestate is an instrument in domination Weber: Thestate has a monopoly of themeans of ‘legitimateviolence’. 5. Thestate is a territorialassociation
Variaties of theState • Minimal States (nightwatchmanstates) : advocatedbyclassicalliberalsandthe New Right- justpeaceandsocialorder • DevelopmentalStates: closerelationshipbetweenthestateandtheeconomicinterests of bigbusiness, aimtodevelopstrategiesfornationalprosperity in a context of transnationalcompetition.
Varieties of thestate.. • Social-democratstate:İntervenewidely in economicandsocial life forgrowthandfullemployment, reducepoverty, moreequtabledistribution of socialrewards. • Collectivised (socialist) states: found in ex- communistcountrie, abolishedprivateenterpricealtogetherand set upcentrallyplannedeconomies. • Totalitarianstate: penetrateeveryaspect of humanexistencethrough a combination of comprehensivesurveillanceandterroristicpolicing, ideologicalmanuplationandcontrol.
TheState-TheGovernment • Thestateis an inclusiveassociationthatencompassesalltheinstitutions of thepublicrealmandembracesallthemembers of thecommunity. Thegovernment is part of thestate, is themeansthroughwhichtheauthority of thestate is broughtintooperation. • Thestate is a permanententitywhilegovernmenttemporary.
TheState- TheGovernment… • The state exercises impersonal authority • The state represents the public interest or the common good. Government represents the sympathies of those who happen to be in power at any particular time.
Theories of thestate(thenature of statepower) • Liberalsviewthestate as a neutralarbiteramongstcompetinginterestsandgroups in society. • Marxistshaveportrayedthestate as an instrument of classoppression, a ‘bourgeois’ state, orallowinfforits ‘relativeautonomy’ fromtherulingclass. • DemocraticSocialistsregardthestate as an embodiment of thecommongood • Conservativeslinkedthestatetotheneedforathorityanddisciplinetoprotectsocietyfromincipientdisorder, sotheypreferstrongstate.
The New Righthighlightedthenon-legitimatecharacter of thestate, byemphasizingitsowninterestsseperatefromthelargersocietyandalsodetriment of theeconomicperformance • Feministshaveviewedthestate as an instrument of malepower, the ‘patriarchial’ stateservingtoexcludewomenfromthepublic arena • Anarchistsarguethatthestate is nothinglessthanlegalisedoppressionoperating in theinterests of thepowerful, propertiedandpriviliged.