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R U B I E S. RUBIES is a test-taking strategy based on critical thinking skills for the Science TAKS test.  http://www.rubies-scientific.com. R U B I E S. The letters in RUBIES stand for the following steps: R - Read and reread everything . U - Underline the question.

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  1. RUBIES • RUBIES is a test-taking strategy based on critical thinking skills for the Science TAKS test.  http://www.rubies-scientific.com

  2. RUBIES • The letters in RUBIES stand for the following steps: • R - Read and reread everything. • U - Underline the question. • B - Bracket the key words. • I - Identify the key concept or pattern. • E - Eliminate the wrong answers. • S - Select the best answer.

  3. Step 1: Read and RereadEVERYTHING • You may like to write down the word RUBIES next to each question as you go through each step.  • Place a small checkmark next to each part of the problem as you read it.  • Remember that the main idea in this step is to collect as much information as possible.

  4. R List AList B Glass beaker Copper wire Wooden spoon Steel bolt Plastic cup Nickel-plated fork Rubber band  Iron wrench  Marcus and Anne were going through some things in their attic to use in an experiment at school.  As they sorted through the objects that they found they put them into two boxes.  What would be the best label for the objects in List B?     A. Magnetic objects B. Hard objects C. Electrical Conductors D. Thermal Insulators 

  5. Step 2Underline the Question • Remember that the main idea of this step (along with "Bracket the Key Words") is to help students organize the information in the problem. • You need to make sure that you understand the question.  • Underlining the question helps you to focus on it and find it quickly when you refer back to it. • You must take the time and effort to go back and ensure your understanding of the question.

  6. RU List AList B Glass beaker Copper wire Wooden spoon Steel bolt Plastic cup Nickel-plated fork Rubber band Iron wrench Marcus and Anne were going through some things in their attic to use in an experiment at school.  As they sorted through the objects that they found they put them into two boxes.  What would be the best label for the objects in List B?  A. Magnetic objects B. Hard objects C. Electrical Conductors D. Thermal Insulators

  7. Step 3Bracket the Key Words • Remember, the main idea of this step is to help the student organize the information and focus their attention on key words or concepts in the problem.  • You shouldplace brackets around . . . • all science vocabulary words • any words whose meaning you don't know • any words giving specialized directions.

  8. RUB List AList B [Glass] beaker [Copper] wire [Wooden] spoon [Steel] bolt [Plastic] cup [Nickel-plated] fork [Rubber] band [Iron] wrench Marcus and Anne were going through some things in their attic to use in an [experiment] at school.  As they sorted through the objects that they found they put them into two boxes.  What would be the best [label] for the objects in [List B]? A. Magnetic objects B. Hard objects C. Electrical Conductors D. Thermal Insulators

  9. Step 4Identify the Key Concept or Pattern • Remember that the main idea of this step is to analyze the information in the question.  Here is where the hard work begins.  • You must examine the key words, graphs, pictures, etc. to find an organizing idea or pattern behind the question.

  10. RUBI List AList B [Glass] beaker [Copper] wire [Wooden] spoon [Steel] bolt [Plastic] cup [Nickel-plated] fork [Rubber] band [Iron] wrench Non-metal objects Metal objects Insulators Conductors Marcus and Anne were going through some things in their attic to use in an [experiment] at school.  As they sorted through the objects that they found they put them into two boxes.  What would be the best [label] for the objects in [List B]? A. Magnetic objects B. Hard objects C. Electrical Conductors D. Thermal Insulators

  11. Step 5Eliminate the Wrong Answers • Remember that the main idea of this step is to test the answer choices and eliminate the ones that CANNOT be true.  • You should focus on eliminating answers with facts and logic.  • An answer choice should not be eliminated just because you don’t think it is likely.

  12. RUBIE List AList B [Glass] beaker [Copper] wire [Wooden] spoon [Steel] bolt [Plastic] cup [Nickel-plated] fork [Rubber] band [Iron] wrench Non-metal objects Metal objects Insulators Conductors Marcus and Anne were going through some things in their attic to use in an [experiment] at school.  As they sorted through the objects that they found they put them into two boxes.  What would be the best [label] for the objects in [List B]? X  Magnetic objects      Copper is NOT magnetic B. Hard objects C. Electrical Conductors X  Thermal Insulators       Metal CONDUCTS heat

  13. Step 6Select the Best Answer • Remember that the main idea of this step is to evaluate the remaining answer choices. • Often two or three answer choices could possibly be correct, but one is always much better than the others.  Explain why.

  14. RUBIES List AList B [Glass] beaker [Copper] wire [Wooden] spoon [Steel] bolt [Plastic] cup [Nickel-plated] fork [Rubber] band [Iron] wrench Non-metal objects Metal objects Insulators Conductors Marcus and Anne were going through some things in their attic to use in an [experiment] at school.  As they sorted through the objects that they found they put them into two boxes.  What would be the best [label] for the objects in [List B]? • X  Magnetic objects        Copper is NOT magnetic • X  Hard objects        Glass could be harder than copper • C. Electrical Conductors      ALL metals conduct electricity • X  Thermal Insulators       Metal CONDUCTS heat

  15. RUBIES • The letters in RUBIES stand for the following steps: • R - Read and reread everything. • U - Underline the question. • B - Bracket the key words. • I - Identify the key concept or pattern. • E - Eliminate the wrong answers. • S - Select the best answer.

  16. What do the letters in RUBIESstand for the following steps? • R - ______ and ______ everything. • U - ________ the question. • B - ________ the key words. • I - ________ the key concept or pattern. • E - ________ the wrong answers. • S - ________ the best answer.

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