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How To Create A New Logo | Pennink Productions

There are various scenarios in which a business owner might see fit to replace the company logo.<br>The existing logo may use outdated imagery or typography, or the business itself might be pivoting<br>in a new direction and therefore require a revamped brand identity reflecting this

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How To Create A New Logo | Pennink Productions

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  1. How To Create A New Logo | Pennink Productions There are various scenarios in which a business owner might see fit to replace the company logo. The existing logo may use outdated imagery or typography, or the business itself might be pivoting in a new direction and therefore require a revamped brand identity reflecting this. However, when you approach your graphic designer about having a new logo created, you could make the mistake of being a little too indistinct and fluffy with your brief. What exactly do you want from a new logo? Here’s how to help make sure your answer isn’t lost in translation. Communicate logo design ideas vocally You might have been thinking about possibly sending over a few images – think logo designs and fonts you particularly like – to the designer by email, just to give them an idea of the kind of thing you want. What could possibly go wrong? Sadly, potentially quite a lot. A smattering of sample images might not do justice to encapsulating what your brand is about and how the finalised logo design should convey this. That’s why you should get onto the phone to your designer, too. As you can definitely speak faster than you can type, communicating your ideas on a call or face-to- face would make it easier for you to do so at length. You could discuss, for example, why you chose each element you sent over, and how you think it could be seamlessly weaved into the logo design. Specify your ICA – and a long one at that ICA stands for “ideal customer avatar”, which describes your target customer. However, you may too easily overlook how much has been left out of your ICA before you send it to your graphic designer. For example, have you detailed what challenges your customer often faces and what hopes and dreams they have? This information could be really useful to the designer. Request a creative logo design brief In this context, the “creative brief” is a document explaining what the designer perceives you want in a logo design and how they will work alongside you to make it a reality.

  2. However, once the designer has initially drawn up this brief, it is important that you get to see it. This will enable you to suggest any modifications you deem necessary before the designer starts getting on with their work on the logo project. Don’t be afraid to phone our experts on digital marketing in the UK here at PENNInk Productions on 020 8144 7931, to start discussing the ideas you have in mind.Remember: the more open you are early on about what you want in a new logo, the fewer revisions we could end up having to make – and, thus, the more time we could save you – as your logo takes shape. PENNInk Productions Ltd. 20 Sandy Lodge Way Northwood Middlesex HA6 2AN Tel. 020 8144 7931 https://www.pennink.com

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