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Expert Group Meeting to Review Critical Issues Relevant to the Planning of

Expert Group Meeting to Review Critical Issues Relevant to the Planning of the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses 15-17 September 2004 New York.

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Expert Group Meeting to Review Critical Issues Relevant to the Planning of

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Expert Group Meeting to Review Critical Issues Relevant to the Planning of the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses 15-17 September 2004 New York Topics of emerging policy relevance and suggested minimum and essential census topics: Implications for updating the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses Demographic Statistics Section Demographic and Social Statistics Branch United Nations Statistics Division

  2. Overview (a) Need for updating the census recommendations (b) Aspects to be considered • Topics for updating the census recommendations • Population censuses • Housing censuses • Minimum and essential census topics • Population censuses • Housing censuses (c) Implications for updating of census recommendations

  3. Basis for recommended updates and topics • Country experience based on 2000 round • Perceived policy relevance of topic • New methods and/or revised classification • Recommendations of experts and researchers

  4. Population census topics • Place of usual residence • International migration • Marital status • Families and households • Educational characteristics • Economic characteristics • Ethnicity and indigenous persons • Human functioning and disability • Mortality • Other

  5. Housing census topics Based on 2000 round of censuses …… (a) Variation between countries and regions in topics covered and question wording (b) New topics in 2000 round of censuses - Availability of computer in living quarters - Access to Internet in living quarters (c) Experts invited to suggest updates for housing census topics

  6. Minimum and essential census topics – the need for • Provision of data at national level for policy, research, advocacy…. • Monitoring of goals/recommendations of major international conferences • Improved international comparability of timely census results on common topics • For international reporting

  7. Minimum and essential census topics – some issues to be considered • To what extent has the Minimum National Social Data Set (MNSDS) been implemented based on the 2000 census round? • To what extent is the MNSDS still relevant? What modifications, if any, should be made to the list of items in the set?

  8. Minimum and essential census topics – some issues to be considered (cont.) • Or should topics be based on the list of core topics in the Principles and Recommendations? • Or should we start afresh? What would guide the selection of topics? • Can a minimum and essential list of census topics that is relevant to all countries be identified? How many items should be included in this list?

  9. Implications for recommendations for 2010 census decade • Are the suggested topics for updating of census recommendations and for the minimum and essential census topics the most currently relevant? What other topics need to be taken into account? • What activities should be taken in the updating of the census recommendations?

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