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Redefining Beautiful

Redefining Beautiful. Beauty gives intense pleasure deep satisfaction to the mind a meaningful design or pattern. Beautiful Having beauty Excellent of its kind Wonderful Fantastic. How the world defines beautiful. Media. Family. Friends. Partner. How. How does God

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Redefining Beautiful

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Redefining Beautiful

  2. Beauty gives intense pleasure deep satisfaction to the mind a meaningful design or pattern

  3. Beautiful Having beauty Excellent of its kind Wonderful Fantastic

  4. How the world defines beautiful

  5. Media

  6. Family

  7. Friends

  8. Partner

  9. How How does God seebeauty and beautiful

  10. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

  11. “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”. • What is beautiful to us may be ugly to another. To regard something as beautiful it must meet our own definition and concept of beauty. The fact that beauty is an individual concept is understood clearly by all. However, many don’t realize that God’s concept of beauty also is His own.

  12. The Virtues of Mary

  13. WHAT IS A VIRTUE? VIRTUS, Latin: strength, valor, power

  14. MARY Picture of strength, valor and power She thinks what is right She thinks what is good

  15. Humility • Love for God • Love for her neighbor • Faith • Hope • Charity • Poverty in spirit • Obedience • Patience • Spirit of Prayer


  17. Therefore, we can only see true beauty in God.

  18. Our heart is restless until it rests in you… St, Augustine of Hippo, Early Church Father and Doctor of the Church

  19. Beauty is more than just skin deep

  20. Am I beautiful?

  21. Am I beautiful?

  22. I am beautiful because.. • I live with the truth • I live truthfully • As a Youth Minister I must be an epitome of what is TRUE… a mirror of God

  23. I am beautiful because… • I do what is good for myself and my neighbor • I see the goodness in others.

  24. The beauty in me is not the beauty of the world but the beauty of God which is in me. A beauty that is a bearer of truth and the good.

  25. External coverings Cannot substitute the inner realities. A beautifully made-up face is not a guarantee that the heart too is beautiful. Sometimes, an ugly face can hide a deep capacity to love. But man would rather kiss the face rather than be embraced by the heart. Na Kuha, Vol. 1, 1997, Rev. Fr. Roman E. Caleon

  26. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.What is essential is invisible to the eye… Antoine de Saint-Exupery The Little Prince

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