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Definition of Rape: Myths, Facts & What to Do | Modern Education for Knowledge Society

This project by JUDr. Petr Valný covers the definition, causes, myths, and facts about rape, emphasizing what to do in case of assault. Including sources and resources for modern education.

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Definition of Rape: Myths, Facts & What to Do | Modern Education for Knowledge Society

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  1. Rape JUDr. Petr Valný / PRN BOA Obchodná akadémia, Akademika Hronca 8, Rožňava Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť / Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ OA Rožňava – moderná škola ITMS kód Projektu 26110130729

  2. RAPE Autor: JUDr. Petr Valný

  3. OBSAH • Definition of rape • Causes of rape • Myths and facts about rape • Myths and fact about rape • What to do in case of rape • Zdroje Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ

  4. Definitionofrape • Itisunlawfulsexualintercoursewith a womanwithoutherconsent.

  5. Causesofrape: • 1. Falseopinionthatwomen are here to sexuallysatisfymenregardlessoftheirdesire. • 2. Thedesireof man to prove aroundthatheissexuallyactive • 3. Theinfluenceofsomefilms on the psyche ofcertainmen

  6. Myths and facts about rape 1. A rape occurs only when the attacker is unknown man. Fact: Most attacked women are raped by someone who they know and who they trusted. 15 % of all rapes is represented by rape from own husband 2. The rape can be only spoken about if a woman can prove that she actively resisted. Fact: Regardless of whether the woman physically resisted or not, she has rarely visible evidence, such as scratches or bruises 3. If rape victim does not prevent herself actively, she has a share of blame. Fact: A woman absolutely disagreed with the act when she was compelled to subject to the abuser in horror or when she was disoriented.

  7. 4. Rape is an expression of passion Fact: Rape is an expression of violence. Men raped just for sex, but also for a sense of domination over another person 5. Woman can tease man or act on him, that he is unable to control his sexual urge more Fact: In most cases, rape is a planned act not a sudden burst of passion. 6. Women lie when they talk about rape because they want to revenge a man Fact: False reports of rape are as frequent as in any other violent acts : they are only 2% of cases 7. A woman can "claim" rape when she dresses provocatively, drinks alcohol Fact: If a woman does not have good judgment, she is naive or ignorant, it does not mean that she deserves to be raped. Solely responsible for the rape is contributed to rapist.

  8. Whatto do in case of rape: • Seek medical advice immediately • Medicstakeevidence and makeyou test forsexuallytransmitteddiseases and pregnancy • Without delay notify the police as soon as you are up to. • Preserve the evidence • Do whatyouconsiderasnecessary to makeyoufeelsafe

  9. Zdroje • www.google.com – obrázky • Zákon č. 300/2005 Z.z. - Trestný zákon • Časopis Awake február 2001 str. 4-7

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