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Mandatos formales. Formation of Regular Informal Affirmative Commands
Formation of Regular Informal AffirmativeCommands UnlikeUd./Uds.commands and thenegativetúcommands, mostaffirmativetúcommandshavethesameform as thethirdperson singular (Ud.) form of thepresent indicative.*Stemchangesoccur, butthere are no changesforverbsending in -car/-gar/-zar. 2.Irregular Informal AffirmativeCommands Someverbshave irregular affirmativetúcommandforms.
Regular Verbs Most formal commandforms can be derivedfromtheyoform of thepresent tense. Note thatthe “opposite” vowelisused: -ar → e -er/-ir → a • Stem-changingVerbs Formal commandsforstem-changingverbswill show thestemchange, sincethestemvowelisstressed. Base thecommandontheyoformtogetthestemchangeright. • 3. VerbsEnding in-car, -gar, -zar
Summary of Formal Commands Affirmative:command +pronoun (1word) Negative: no + pronoun+ command (3words)