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Cognitive Wireless Mesh Networks for Multimedia Applications. ETS, INRS-EMT, Bell Canada NSERC Strategic Project. Agenda. Introduction (Zbigniew Dziong) Presentation 1 (Dinh Dung Luong) Presentation 2 (Moe Haidar) Presentation 3 (Ayoub Alsarha) Discussion.
Cognitive Wireless Mesh Networks for Multimedia Applications ETS, INRS-EMT, Bell Canada NSERC Strategic Project CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Agenda • Introduction (Zbigniew Dziong) • Presentation 1 (Dinh Dung Luong) • Presentation 2 (Moe Haidar) • Presentation 3 (Ayoub Alsarha) • Discussion CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Plan for introduction • Scope of the project • Objectives and milestones • Project structure • People involved CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Scope: CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Scope: Key issues Quality of Service Continuity Protection (QoSCP) • Integration of failure protection with providing required QoS in view of changing environment and traffic conditions • Different levels of protection and different timescales • QoS adaptation Economic model for resource management • Application of Markov decision and Game theories • Integration of physical, link and network layer issues • Taking into account interference and different time scales CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Scope: Key questions How to efficiently integrate the adaptive/cognitive spectrum resource management with the MAC, scheduling and routing mechanisms in order to take advantage of underlying synergies? • What are the key cross layer design synergies in CWMNs? • What information should be exchanged across layers and how should it be used? How to manage the complexity of cross layer design and at the same time provide transparent and cost efficient resource management and planning for end-to-end communications? • Which criteria should be used for routing, scheduling and spectrum management? • What are the tradeoffs between exploitation of (different forms of) diversity versus throughput? Can CWMNS support multimedia and emergency services in view of cognitive radio spectrum’s constrained availability and propagation variability? • How to integrate QoS and service protection mechanisms, at different time scales? • How to balance the diverse needs of all users/applications? CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Objectives: Short-term • Analyze and select cognitive radio architectures and scenarios for CWMNs. • Propose quality of service continuity protection models for CWMNs. • Define an economic framework for CWMNs and create models for resource management using Markov decision and game theories. • Define Cross Layer Interface Engines for QoS, QoSPC and resource management. CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Objectives: Long-term • Specification of cost-effective cognitive radio and MAC architectures for CWMNs including cognitive radio resource management, physical CLI engine and cooperation with dedicated radio. • Development of adaptive scheduling and routing algorithms for CWMNs that integrate the proposed economic model with QoS, and QoSPC requirements based on information obtained from CLI engines. • Design of a framework and algorithms for multimedia and emergency QoS Continuity Protection that provide multilevel protection using prediction and a combination of proactive and reactive mechanisms on all relevant network layers. CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Milestones (first 3 out of 11) • Cognitive Radio Architectures (0-1 years) • Define mesh networks deployment scenarios and the corresponding propagation models • Specify cognitive radio architectures that correspond to the project objectives • Economic Model Paradigm (0-1 years) • Design the dynamic cost structure that takes into account interference and variable spectrum availability • Develop models for link dynamic cost calculation. • Quality of Service Continuity Protection (QoSCP) Architecture (0-1 years) • Develop differentiated QoSCP framework for multimedia and emergency services that uses mechanisms from physical, link, network and transport layers. • Design QoSCP metrics and requirements CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Structure: tasks Task 1: Cognitive Radio Architectures and Physical Cross Layer Interface Engine [Project leader: Szczecinski] Task 2: Resource Management and Economic Model [Project leader: Dziong] Task 3: Quality of Service Continuity Protection for Multimedia and Emergency Services [Project leader: Grégoire] CogMesh meeting, February 2008
People involved so far • Professors: • Zbigniew Dziong (ETS) • Jean-Charles Grégoire (INRS-EMT) • Leszek Szczecinski (INRS-EMT) • Post Docs: • Moe Haidar (MAC) • Dinh Dung Luong (QoSCP) • PhD Student: • Ayoub Alsahan • Reza Mossanen Amini • Mehdi Msakni CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Task 1:Cognitive Radio Architectures and Physical Cross Layer Interface Engine [Project leader: Szczecinski] Application Transport: Application Cross Layer Interface Engine(QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): Networking CLI Engine (QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): Scheduling, MAC: MOE Routing: Physical Cross Layer Interface Engine(QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): MOE Cognitive Radio: Dedicated Radio: CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Task 2:Resource Management and Economic Model [Project leader: Dziong] Application Transport: Application Cross Layer Interface Engine(QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): Networking CLI Engine (QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): REZA AYOUB Scheduling, MAC: • Scheduling, MAC: • MOE • MEHDI • AYOUB Routing: REZA Physical Cross Layer Interface Engine(QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): Physical Cross Layer Interface Engine(QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): MOE, AYOUB Cognitive Radio: Dedicated Radio: CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Task 1:QoS Continuity Protection for Multimedia and Emergency Services [Project leader: Grégoire] Application Transport: Dung Application Cross Layer Interface Engine(QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): Dung Networking CLI Engine (QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): Dung Scheduling, MAC: Dung Routing: Dung Physical Cross Layer Interface Engine(QoS, QoSCP, RM, EM): Cognitive Radio: Dedicated Radio: CogMesh meeting, February 2008
Discussion: • Open floor • Web site • Standards • Bell Canada CogMesh meeting, February 2008