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以熱裂解法製備不同形貌 Pt- Ir 奈米粒子及其燃料電池觸媒應用之研究

Nano Functional Ceramic Lab. 以熱裂解法製備不同形貌 Pt- Ir 奈米粒子及其燃料電池觸媒應用之研究. 指導老師 : 王聖璋 博士 研究生 : 林仕章 . 2014/05/21. Contents. Introduction Experimental procedure Results and discuss Conclusions. Introduction.

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以熱裂解法製備不同形貌 Pt- Ir 奈米粒子及其燃料電池觸媒應用之研究

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  1. Nano Functional Ceramic Lab. 以熱裂解法製備不同形貌Pt-Ir奈米粒子及其燃料電池觸媒應用之研究 指導老師:王聖璋 博士 研究生:林仕章 2014/05/21

  2. Contents • Introduction • Experimental procedure • Results and discuss • Conclusions

  3. Introduction • Most of the world’s energy consumption is greatly dependent on fossil fuels, which areexhaustible. Fossil fuels are being used extensively due to continuous escalation in the world’spopulation and development (Khan and Iqbal, 2005). We are in the exhaustion phase of oil(Bockris and Veziroglu, 2007). According to the US Department of Energy, the peak in thedelivery rate of world oil will be reached in less than 15 years (2021), while others argue thatthe maximum global rate of oil production has already been reached (The Oil Drum, 2008). Inany case, great pressure will be placed on remaining oil supplies and hence oil prices by theincreasing demands from the rapidly developing economies of China and India. School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering RMIT University June 2008

  4. Experimental procedure 實驗架設

  5. Results and discuss

  6. graphene XC-72

  7. 觸媒奈米粒子之載量分析_TGA 275oC即可去除OA、ODE、OLA 去除碳載體得知Pt-Ir實際載量 Pt-Ir+IrO2 + CO2 800oC 369oC Pt-Ir+CXC-72 Pt-IrO2 485oC , Ir → IrO2 and graphene

  8. 電化學循環伏安法_反應電解槽的架設與製備 Pt-Ir/graphene+IPA +Nafion solution Coating Carbon cloth Drying 1cm2

  9. Pt-Ir/XC-72與Pt-Ir/graphene之性能差異 QH=64.5 mC/cm2 35% QH=41.9 mC/cm2 0.47 V XC-72 Pt-Ir + Pt-Ir + graphene

  10. Pt-Ir/XC-72與Pt-Ir/graphene之性能差異 6% 13%

  11. Conclusions 我們使用熱裂解法以做出蠻多不同形貌的Pt-Ir合金奈米粒子,並成功將其附載於graphene或碳球上面,而附載量為我們所希望的20%。 Pt-Ir/graphene的氫催化活性面積(QH)為64.5 mC/cm2大於Pt-Ir/XC-72的41.9 mC/cm2,活性提升35%外,經循環伏安法的圈數增加,Pt-Ir/graphene的耐久性能損耗為6%而Pt-Ir/XC-72的耐久性能損耗為13%。

  12. Nano Functional Ceramic Lab. Thanks for your attention

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