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Slovak Republik. Our homeland. Heart of Europe. It´s very small country with original culture and history. Gymnázium in Detva. founded in September 1990 in 2010 we will celebrate the twentieth anniversary. Our school: Gymnázium Detva. Schedule of school year:.
Slovak Republik Our homeland
Heart of Europe It´s very small country with original culture and history
Gymnázium in Detva founded in September 1990 in 2010 wewillcelebratethetwentiethanniversary
Schedule of school year: • The school year starts on 2nd September and ends on 30th June. • Christmas holidays start on 23rd December and ends on 6th January. • Spring holidays last one week in February or March. • Easter holidays last 4 days in March or April. • School leaving exams-in March and May. • Summer holidays last from 1st July to 2nd September
KABU • EveryschoolyearGymnaziumaccepts new students • wewelcomethemwith a ceremonycalled “KABU“(matriculation)- studentshave to carryoutdifferentfunnytasksprepared by olderstudents.
STUŽKOVÁ • in November fourthgraderscelebrate “STUŽKOVÁ“(greenribbon party) • fourthgradersinvitetheirparents and teachers to thankthemfortheirwork and care in pastfouryears • Students are giventhegreenribbon- symbol ofhopebeforeschoolleavingexam.
Continuance of „Stužková“ • Headmaster speaks to the students of Gymnasium • Students thank their parents and teachers, who have helped them for past four years • Students are given a green ribbon by the headmaster • People have a dinner and after that they start to celebrate • Students show their programmme to parents and teachers
VIANOČNÁ AKADÉMIA/Christmas Performance • many students of our school attend art schools, they can play music instruments, dance, sing or act. • before Christmas they prepare performance for basic schools and parents.
Christmas • Aschristmasapproach, thestudentsputupthchristmastree in thehalloftheschool • Studentsofeachclassdecoratetheirclassroomswithvariouskindsofdecorations • TheChristmascarrolssoundthroughouttheentireschool • Thestudentsgiveawaythepresents to eachother
Maypole • the tradition that originates in Slovak folklore is the building of the “Maypole“ • The tree with colourful ribbons is built in front of houses of single young women. That is why our students raise the tree for the girls from school,sing folk songs and dance folk dances in typical costumes.
Students´ball • Every year students organize “Students´ball“ • Students and professors have call – night and then they go to the dance floor • Students with professors dance usually all night • They are dressed up in their best clothes • At midnight they can win tombola (a present for everyone)
School year - end • Students receive a school progress report and some students, who represented our school during the year receive thank letter or diploma • Headmaster thanks to all students and everyone goes home and look forward to having holidays