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10 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://koencoeng-ygtersakity.blogspot.mx/?lophe=1976549388 | [PDF READ ONLINE] The California Legal Investigator: A Book on Investigative Methods for Investigators Without Law Enforcement Authority and Managing a California-Based Private Investigations Agency | ABOUT THIS BOOK:This book is the UPDATED 2018 version that features a practice exam.This book is the SOFT COVER VERSION of the E-Book. For many, this is a popular choice. This book is easier to read than the E-book version, easier on your eyes, and something you can hold in your hand while you relax anywhere you want. Also, the 150 question practice exam is much easier to take using this format than with the E-Book.This book serves three main audiences. The first audience consists of anyone employed or seeking employment as a private investigator, criminal defense investigator, SIU investigator, claims investigator, background investigator, loss prevention investigator, an investigator assigned to a law firm, or any investigator who does not have access to law enforcement restricted information. These readers will find this book a helpful resource guide to conducting a basic investigation. The second audience includes those looking for assistance in learning how to open and manage a California-based investigations agency. The third audience, for which this book has been particularly helpful, involves those preparing to pass the California Private Investigator Exam. Readers in this category have found the discussion about the Business and Professions Code, Penal Code, Civil Code, Civil Code of Civil Procedures, Evidence Code, and the Vehicle Code particularly beneficial. This book also contains information on background investigations, client intake procedures, criminal defense strategies, court procedures, ethics, gathering information, marketing, planning, surveillance techniques, public and private record searches, skip-tracing procedures, traffic collision investigations, trial preparation, and much more.In addition, this book contains legal analyses of court decisions and statutory law. Although nothing in this book can be construed as legal advice, Shaun has hired several attorney-editors to help the reader understand and clarify the book8217s content.A BOOK WRITTEN BY A POLICE OFFICER, FOR A FELLOW LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. Each year, hundreds of current, former, and retiring law enforcement officers, attempt the transition to private or non-sworn investigator employment. Although the officer may have excelled in his or her former career, starting one's business is challenging. More challenging, is having to function in the private sector without the same resources and authority law enforcement traditionally has 8212 the National Crime and Information Center, the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS), the ability to arrest for impeding an investigation, the cooperation that is generally received when one is a sworn officer, a helicopter, a team of undercover investigators, and a dispatcher.Coming from a law enforcement background, Shaun understands this lack in resources. With this book, Shaun has created a bridge to cover the uncertainties of what a non-sworn investigator can and cannot do with the resources available.A BOOK WRITTEN FOR PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS, ATTORNEY INVESTIGATORS, SIU INVESTIGATORS, CLAIMS INVESTIGATORS, AND OTHER NON-SWORN INVESTIGATORS:Nearly 46% of the Shaun8217s readers and students come from a non-sworn investigations background. Since they do not come from a law enforcement background, non-sworn investigators are in a great position to navigate around the difficult realm of private sector and civil investigations. However, being in a greater position to navigate the "waters" of private investigation is useless without a map. The California Legal Investigator serves as a guide by being a modern resource aide and a reminder of the standards of the investigations industry.PLEASE ENJOY MY BOOK. IF IT HELPED YOU, PLEASE GIVE IT A 5.0 STAR RATING AS THIS ENCOURAGES OTHERS TO READ THIS BOOK AND HELP FUND FURTHER RESEARCH! Thank you!Shaun Sundahl<br>
LINK IN LAST PAGE Detail The California Legal Investigator: A Book on Investigative Methods for Investigators Without Law Enforcement Authority and Managing a California- Based Private Investigations Agency
The California Legal Investigator: A Book on Investigative Methods for Investigators Without Law Enforcement Authority and Managing a California-Based Private Investigations Agency LINK IN LAST PAGE
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