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NuPECC Meeting

www.ect.it. NuPECC Meeting. Director’s Report. March 09-10, 2012 Milano. Achim Richter, ECT* and TUD. Scientific activities at ECT* 2011 . 19 Workshops and 1 Collaboration Meeting covering the field of NP from lowest to the highest energies + related areas (Astrophysics / Cosmology)

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NuPECC Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.ect.it NuPECC Meeting Director’s Report March 09-10, 2012 Milano Achim Richter, ECT* and TUD

  2. Scientific activities at ECT* 2011 • 19 Workshops and 1 Collaboration Meeting covering the field of NP from lowest to the highest energies + related areas (Astrophysics / Cosmology) • Total # of participants of 806 • 1 Doctoral Training Program on “Neutrinos in Nuclear-, Particle – and Astrophysics” with 16 students attending it and with 19 lecturers • In addition: 23 short -, 2 medium – and 3 long term visitors (outside workshops) • Total # of Scientists visiting ECT* in 2011 has been 869 (an all time record high!)

  3. ECT* Scientific visitors from 2008 - 2011

  4. 2012 Programme of Activities

  5. New Postdocs at ECT* • M. Cristoforetti(J Postdoc, replacing M. Alvioli, from Oct 01) • A. Idilbi(J Postdoc, replacing S. Melis, from Sep 01) • A. Mukherjee (J Postdoc, replacing L. Muñoz, from Sep 01)

  6. Budget and status of funding

  7. Budget and status of funding • In 2011 ECT* received from the FBK/PAT about 499 kЄ and from third party (outside) sources (European funding agencies and various institutions and EU projects) about 610kЄ total ECT* budget of about 1.1 MioЄ. • Because of the Italian financial crisis we were told by the FBK management that the whole FBK budget will be cut and ECT* (like other research institutions within FBK and PAT) has been asked to reduce its present FBK/PAT contribution also in 2012. Our request is for about 493kЄ. • EJFRC Meeting scheduled for March 19, 2012 at the ECT*.

  8. HPC system Aurora • Report on the 1st phase of Aurora that has ended July 31, 2011, has been delivered in due time. Although the proposal of the AuroraScience collaboration for the 2nd phase of the project has been evaluated favorably by two independent committees of the PAT and of the FBK/INFN, respectively, the AuroraScience collaboration has not yet received an official notice from the PAT/FBK and INFN about the fate of the project. Since INFN (together with other Italian institutions like SISSA, CINECA,…) is pushing meanwhile its own HPC project the perspectives for the completion of Aurora are not looking too bright. • Upon ECT*’s request two researchers (Dr. Luigi Scorzato and Dr. Marco Cristoforetti) and a system operator (Enrico Tagliavini) are still being financed for 2012 within a so called strategic project financed jointly through modest PAT/FBK and INFN funds. • Already at its present stage the computing time of Aurora is oversubscribed and all efforts will be made to maintain (and possibly increase) the present computing power.

  9. FP7/HP2 and ENSAR • FP7/HP2: Have attended the last HadronPhysics2 Collaboration Committee meeting at LNF Frascati on December 02 and 03, 2011 and presented the highlights of ECT*’s activity as a TNA facility within HP2 during the period 2009 – 2011. • FP7/HP3: Since I will be in the US, Senior RA Daniele Binosi will partecipate in the upcoming HP3 Governing Board meeting on March 29, 2012 in Frascati. • ENSAR: 1st Collaboration meeting of JRA07 THEXO was held on October 24 – 26 at ECT*. • ENSAR: Will attend the 2nd General Assembly meeting on April 24, 2012 at CERN, Geneva.

  10. Finally remark • Professor Wolfram Weise / TU Munich has officially been offered the Directorship of ECT* from November 01, 2012 on. The process of negotiations with the FBK is in an advanced state, and I am already involving him in all matters concerning future developments of the ECT*.

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