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How Shall We Then Live? #2 Romans 12:1,2

Explore the principles in Romans 12:1-2 to live as a living sacrifice, shedding worldly patterns like secularism and humanism. Discover how to renew your mind and conform your will to God’s. Reflect on areas of conformity and transformation in your life.

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How Shall We Then Live? #2 Romans 12:1,2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Shall We Then Live? #2 Romans 12:1,2 Principle #1 Dying to Live (A soul given) Principle #2 A Living Sacrifice (Body, Mind, Will)

  2. How Shall We Then Live? #2Romans 12:1,2 Principle #2 A Living Sacrifice (Body, Mind, Will) A Mind Given Conformed – outward expression that does not reflect what is within. Masquerade or act by a scheme/plan World – age 2 Corinthians 4:4 Pattern – zeitgeist 1 John 5:19

  3. How Shall We Then Live? #2Romans 12:1,2 Principle #2 A Living Sacrifice (Body, Mind, Will) What are the Patterns of this Age? Secularism – The Cosmos is all there is Humanism – You will be like God Relativism – No moral absolutes Materialism – All about dollars & Sense

  4. How Shall We Then Live? #2Romans 12:1,2 Principle #2 A Living Sacrifice (Body, Mind, Will) A Mind Given Transformed – metamorphosis Outward conformity of behavior to our redeemedinner nature; 2 Cor. 3:18 Renewing of the mind; Col. 1:28, 3:2,10,16 Saturated w/God’s Word, controlled by HS

  5. How Shall We Then Live? #2Romans 12:1,2 Principle #2 A Living Sacrifice (Body, Mind, Will) A Will Given to God conforming our wills to God’s will accomplished only by dying to self God is active agent, we are passive that you may prove – purpose/result

  6. How Shall We Then Live?# 2Romans 12:1,2 Application #1 Is my life of worship conforming or transforming? #2 This week write down three areas in which you are conforming and three in which you are being transformed? #3 In your life of worship is it about your will or God’s will?

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