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Relative clauses. 2 bachillerato. In order to identify a person or thing, you can use two sentences: A girl is talking to Tom. Do you know the girl? Or you can include one of the sentences in the other one using a relative clause Do you know the girl who is talking to Tom?
Relativeclauses 2 bachillerato
In order to identify a person or thing, you can use two sentences: • A girl is talking to Tom. Do you know the girl? Or you can include one of the sentences in the other one using a relative clause • Do you know the girl who is talking to Tom? • Conoces a la chica que está hablando con Tom?
Relative Pronouns In Spanish, we use "que" for all sentences, but you cannot do this in English. You can say "que" in many ways: who whom which (attention wHicH) whose that No relative because we can omit the relative when the thing or person they identify is the object of the main sentence. This is the story I told you = this is the story which I told you
Decidingtherelativeword You will have to decide which relative to choose depending on whether we are talking about a person or a thing, and the role these words have in the sentence.
where • This is the house I lived when I was a baby. • The time the event took place was 6 AM. • This is the reason he gave up the plan. when why
Omission of therelative You can omittherelativeifthesentenceisdefining and therelativeistheObject of thesentence. Thisisthebookwhichsheread in twodays. Thesubjectwillbeanotherword, usuallyitwilfollowtherelative Thisisthebookwhichshereadin twodays.
Cross outtherelativewhereitispossible 1. A calendar is something which tells you the date. 2. Strikers are soccer players who try to score goals for their team. 3. Jane is a person who everybody likes. 4. The Thames is a river which runs through London. 5. Cheese is food which mice like eating. --------
Cross outtherelativewhereitispossible -------- 6. A racket is something which you use to hit a ball .when you play tennis or badminton. 7.Socks are things which you wear on your feet. 8.A guide is a person who shows tourists around around a place. 9.Love is a feeling which nobody can describe. 10. A guide is a person who shows tourists around around a place. -------- --------
Whereorwhich ? • Be careful, don't use where or when every time you are talking about a place, a time or a reason, they can be subjects, objects, etc: Compare: That is the school where I studied That is the school which we visited last month
Relativeclauseswithprepositions Also, remember to omit the relative where a preposition is used at the end of the sentence: That is the school where I studied= That is the school I studied in
Complete the sentences: where 1. This is the station ________________ my mother and my father met 2. July and August are the months ____________ most people take their holidays 3. Do you know the reason __________________ so many people speak English? 4. Edinburg is the place _____________Graham Bell was born 5. A fishmonger's is a shop __________________ you can buy fish 6. A horror film was the reason ___________________ I couldn't sleep yesterday 7. That is the tennis club ____________________ they built next to my house when why where where why which
Add the commas where necessary: • I bought the magazine which was fantastic • Is that the town where you were born? • Jane who works in my office is very nice • The film is about a man whose wife disappears • Maria who is Spanish speaks good English • I’ll never forget the day (that/when ) they arrived • The girls who saw the accident were very nervous
Add the commas where necessary: • I bought the magazine, which was fantastic. DEF AND NOT DEF • Is that the town where you were born? NON DEF • Jane , who works in my office, is very nice. DEF • The film is about a man whose wife disappears. NON DEF • Maria, who is Spanish, speaks good English. DEF • I’ll never forget the day (that/when ) they arrived DEF • The girls ,who saw the accident, were very nervous DEF NON DEF
Whatisthedifference? • The girls who saw the accident were very nervous. • The girls ,who saw the accident, were very nervous
Modifying relative clauses • Non-defining clauses can be introduced by expressions like "all of", "many of", none of , etc + relative pronoun: • There were a lot of people at the party, many of whom I had known for years. • He was carrying his belongings, many of which were broken.
Formal or informal In formal English, we place prepositions before relative pronouns and we use whom in this case (it is more formal than who in general): My friend Jack, with whom I used to live, told me about that book In informal English, we usually place the preposition at the end of the sentence: My friend Jack, who I used to live with, told me about that book
Tidy up these sentences 1. who the black is man want I in to know 2. I who don't know is for waiting she 3. The was banker to I gave my whom check quite friendly. 4. The woman I really very pleasant talked was to 5. The book received which I for was my birthday excellent. 6. The he car drove fast was really
Tidy up these sentences. KEY 1. I want to know who the man n black is. 2. I don't know who she is waiting for. 3. The banker to whom I gave my check was quite friendly. 4. The woman I talked to was really very pleasant.5. The book which I received for my birthday was excellent. 6. The car he drove was really fast
How to join two sentences using relatives We met a boy yesterday. He is very nice 1) Find the main sentence (it gives more information and cannot be omitted) We met a boy yesterday. He is very nice 2) Find who or what both sentences are talking about: We met a boy yesterday. He is very nice 3) Put the two parts of the sentences together: We met a boy (he is very nice) yesterday
How to join two sentences using relatives 4) Decide if it is the subject, object etc and substitute the word with a relative: We met a boy who heis very nice yesterday. 5) Decide if the clause is defining or non defining and add the commas if necessary. We met a boy who is very nice yesterday.
Order of sentences Sometimesthere are twodifferentpossibleorders. David grew up in Canada. He speaks perfect French. David , who grew up in Canada, speaks perfect French David, who speaks perfect French, grew up in Canada BUT Shehad a baby . He waslovely Shehad a babywhowaslovely He waslovelythebabyshehad RememberthatEnglish has a verystrictorder
Examples: • There's the boy. He broke the window. • There's the boy. He brokethe window • There's the boy. Who hebrokethe window • There's the boy who broke the window
Thisis a wonderful hotel. Wespenthere a weekwhenwevisitedVenice. Thisisa wonderful hotel. Wespenthere a weekwhenwevisitedVenice. Thisisa wonderful hotel. hereWespent a weekwhenwevisitedVenice. Thisisa wonderful hotel whereherewespent a weekwhenwevisitedVenice.
The Acropolis attracts many tourists. It is in Athens The Acropolis (it is in Athens) attracts many tourists The Acropolis which is in Athens attracts many tourists The Acropolis, which is in Athens, attracts many tourists
Now join these sentences using relatives 1. You met a man at the party. He is a famous film star. The man... 2. My friend came to the party. He's a policeman. My friend 3. Paul went to school with me. He is a famous actor now 4. Where is the lady? She ordered fish Youmet a man at thepartywhoisfamous film star ,whocametotheparty, is a policeman Whowenttoshoolwith me s a famous actor ow Whereisthe lady whoorderedfish
RELATIVE CLAUSES • Useful links/ online exercises: • http://www.better-english.com/grammar/nondef.htm choose a correct ending for relative clauses • http://perso.wanadoo.es/autoEnglish/gr.relative.i.htmrephrasings • http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/omexercise/clausulasrelativas/unit29.htm more rephrasings