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CT1 Meeting 22-23 April 2013 Hamburg Clarifications on reporting duties Chiara Bearzotti Project office. Structure of CT1. CT leader is Johann, co-leader is Marie-Noelle WP 1.1 Predictability of the North Atl./Arctic ocean surface state & key oceanic quantities controlling it
CT1 Meeting 22-23 April 2013 Hamburg Clarifications on reporting duties Chiara Bearzotti Project office
Structure of CT1 • CT leader is Johann, co-leader is Marie-Noelle • WP 1.1 Predictability of the North Atl./Arctic ocean surface state & key oceanic quantities controlling it • Leader: MPG, Johann • Deliverables in pm: 24,36, 44 • Milestone in pm: 36 • WP1.2 Predictability of the atmosphere related to the North Atlantic/Arctic ocean surface state • Leader: UPMC, Claude • Deliverables in pm: 18, 36, 44 • Milestone in pm: none • WP1.3 Mechanisms of ocean surface state variability • Leader: UPMC, Marie-Noelle • Deliverables in pm: 18, 36, 44 • Milestone in pm: none
Reporting duties WP reports To be submitted to the project office by end of February 2014 No WP reports in 2013, unless EC requires differently Deliverable reports Deliverable reports have to be submitted to the project office by end of February 2014 Project month 18 is delivery to the EC (!!!) No deliverable reports in 2013 Templates Will be made available in the intranet in December 2013
Intranet access One login for all Userid: freshwater Password: naclim2012 Link: http://naclim.zmaw.de/Intranet.2217.0.html
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013), under grant agreement n.308299 NACLIM www.naclim.eu