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MHSA Steering Committee

MHSA Steering Committee. January 5, 2009 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Sharon Browning. Welcome. Theresa Boyd. Consumer Perspective. Sharon Browning. MHSA Steering Committee 2009 Guidelines Review. Mark Refowitz. Local/State Updates. Mental Health Realignment.

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MHSA Steering Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MHSA Steering Committee January 5, 2009 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

  2. Sharon Browning Welcome

  3. Theresa Boyd Consumer Perspective

  4. Sharon Browning MHSA Steering Committee 2009 Guidelines Review

  5. Mark Refowitz Local/State Updates

  6. Mental Health Realignment

  7. Mental Health Revenue (Excluding MHSA)

  8. Mental Health Budget (Excluding MHSA)

  9. Mental Health Managed Care

  10. Mental Health Positions (Excluding MHSA)

  11. MHSA Positions

  12. FY 06-07 Mental Health Revenue

  13. FY 07-08 Mental Health Revenue

  14. FY 08-09 Mental Health Revenue

  15. FY 09-10 MHSA CSS Growth Funds $20,360,700

  16. Healthcare Agency Fiscal Situation • FY 2008-09 Reduction of $14.8M of which $ 7M is covered by use of reserves • Reductions have an annual value of $16.8M which all must be implemented by July 1st. • Realignment continues to decline and poor economic outlook will put additional pressure on available county general fund dollars

  17. ADP Impacts • ADP Programs have substantial service reductions • Collaborative Court and Inter-Agency Cost Apply Programs being Reduced • County Operated Narcotic Treatment Program (Methadone) will close • Governor’s Budget proposes a $365M reduction of General Fund Dollars that support drug and alcohol treatment programs and replaces it with funding from a new nickel per drink consumption tax

  18. Local BHS Challenges • FY 2007-08 Reduced 30 positions (no layoffs) and $ 2.8M • FY 2008-09 May Revise Adjustment reduced budget $ 4.3M • FY 2008-09 Strategic Financial Plan Adjustment for balancing County General Fund: shifted funding for 12 positions and $5.9M in programs

  19. Local BHS Issues • FY 2008-09 mid-year reductions due to Realignment and County General fund shortfalls are $ 9M effecting mostly county employees and minimal contract provider impacts • FY 2008-09 Proposed Transformation Funding of at least $ 1.5M to create provider run Recovery Centers

  20. At a Financial Crossroad • Need to plan for FY 2009-10 CSS Growth ASAP • Will need Steering Committee approval of the Adult Program (Contract) Transformation • Governor’s Budget seeks to fund Mental Health Managed Care with $226M of Prop. 63 funds • Will require passage of a voter initiative • DMH to work with counties on flexibility regarding maintenance of effort and non-supplantation requirements of the Act • Uncertain about which MHSA funds are targeted

  21. Mary Hale Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Update

  22. Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Plan Timeline

  23. Casey Dorman Training, Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Funds Innovation

  24. Training, Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Statewide Projects: PEI • Counties may utilize training technical assistance and capacity building methods that have demonstrated the capacity to increase skills and promote positive outcomes consistent with the MHSA and the PEI guidelines. • Requests for funding may be submitted along with the PEI Plan • The county has requested funding for fiscal years 08/09 and 09/10

  25. Money Available for Training, Technical Assistance and Capacity Building in PEI

  26. What Can Be Funded • Training and technical assistance may include: • Interactive and practicum sessions • Peer support • Materials development and dissemination • Web resources and online sessions • On site or by phone consultation • Train-the-trainer and other effective approaches in working with diverse audiences

  27. What Can Be Funded • Capacity building activities may include: • Establishing communication venues (e.g., listservs, conference calls, etc.) to enhance the sharing of information and resources across systems • Joint/co-sponsored multi-disciplinary conferences, webinars, etc. • Mentoring and other collaborative opportunities (e.g.) job shadowing and cross-discipline training

  28. Innovation: Planning Estimates

  29. Purpose of Innovation • The MHSA, Part 3.2 Innovative Programs, Section 5830 (a)(1)-(4), specifies that funds for Innovation are to be used for the following purposes: • Increase access to underserved groups • Increase the quality of services, including better outcomes • Promote interagency collaboration • Increase access to services • The official, final guidelines have not been published by DMH

  30. Definition of Innovation • An Innovation is defined, for purposes of these guidelines, as one that contributes to learning rather than a primary focus on providing a service. By providing the opportunity to “try out” new approaches that can inform current and future practices/approaches in communities, an Innovation contributes to learning in one or more of the following ways: • Introduces new mental health practices/approaches that have never been done before, or • Makes a change to an existing mental health practice/approach, including adaptation for a new setting or community, or • Introduces a new application to the mental health system of a promising community-driven practice/approach or a practice/approach that has been successful in non-mental health contexts or settings

  31. What Can be Addressed • Work Plans may impact (for example): • Administrative/governance/organizational practices, processes or procedures • Advocacy • Education and training for service providers (including people not currently defined as mental health practitioners) • Outreach, capacity building and community development • Planning • Policy and system development • Prevention, early intervention • Public education efforts • Research • Services and/or treatment interventions

  32. Community Planning Process • A Community Planning Process to determine what innovative programs should be submitted for funding • Innovative ideas identified through prior community planning (for CSS, WET, PEI) may be submitted based on that planning process • Following Planning Process • 30 day posting • MHB Hearing

  33. Kate Pavich MHSA Updates

  34. MHSA Growth Funds 2008/09 • Children/Transitional Age Youth (TAY) • Children's CAT • Children's FSP and TAY FSP • Youthful Offender WRAP • TAY Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) • Adults • Peer Specialist Positions • CAT/PERT Positions • Recovery Center: North and South County • Supported Employment • FSP 2 FTE • Adult PACT

  35. MHSA Growth Funds 2008/09 • Older Adults • Peer Specialist Positions • Expand the Recovery Program • Expand the OASIS Program • Older Adult PACT • Growth Funds 2009/10 • DMH Information Notice 08-36: $20,360,700

  36. MHSA Recovery Arts • Recovery Arts is an opportunity for Orange County residents utilizing Mental Health services to exhibit their artwork. • Recovery Arts aids in: • Assisting in the recovery process • Empowering those in recovery • Creating a positive outlet of artistic expression • Stigma reduction

  37. Capital Facilities Project Proposal • Public Comment Period: • December 11, 2008 to January 11, 2009 • Board of Supervisors • January 13, 2009 • Increased Costs • Available at www.ochealthinfo.com/MHSA

  38. 401 S. Tustin Street Update

  39. Tony Delgado Full Service Partnerships Update

  40. Sharon Browning Steering Committee Comments

  41. Next Steering Committee Meeting Monday, February 2, 2009 1:00 - 4:00 PM At Delhi Community Center 505 East Central, Santa Ana, CA 92707

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