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Hair Transplant

You will start to see results in 4-8 months of having the procedure. This follows the normal hair growth cycle.<br>In 6 months most patients will see remarkable improvement in volume and quality of the new hair growth.<br>The benefits of hair stimulation and growth will continue one year post treatment. <br>Remarkable improvement in volume and quality of hair growth.

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Hair Transplant

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hair Transplant Treatment Summary: --- Procedure Time: -- 60 mins. No. of treatments: -- 3 session’s 8-week intervals give boost to hair & scalp. Maintenance session at 6-month interval. Downtime: -- There is no Downtime, Lunch time procedure. Results: -- Remarkable improvement in volume and quality of hair growth. Price: -- Only £400 per treatment. Why consider PRP plasma hair-regrowth? •This is an exciting non-surgical treatment option for Men and Women suffering with hair loss. Our surgeon will use a thin needle to inject your own Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) into the scalp. Then the growth factors in your blood cells will do their job and hair growth is naturally stimulated. The end result is a fuller, healthier looking head of hair. •This treatment option is an effective and safe choice with natural results. •Published medical literature confirms the safety and use of PRP in hair therapy. How does Plasma Hair Re-growth treatment work? •This treatment uses ingredients that contain growth hormones that are collected from the patient’s own blood. The growth factors stimulate new hair regrowth. This is an effective and natural procedure that uses your own blood. Visit Our Page: -- https://londonlaser.co.uk/plasma-hair-regrowth

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