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UNESCO World Heritage Centre Workshop on Management of historic urban Landscape of the 20 th century 18-21 December 2007 Chandigarh, India The Case of Tel Aviv the City and the Metropolitan Context Towards a Management Plan Naomi Angel , Architect Tel Aviv District Planner
UNESCO World Heritage Centre Workshop on Management of historic urban Landscape of the 20th century 18-21 December 2007 Chandigarh, India The Case of Tel Aviv the City and the Metropolitan Context Towards a Management Plan Naomi Angel, Architect Tel Aviv District Planner Tel Aviv District Planning and Building Commission Ministry of the Interior State of Israel Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Tel Aviv District within Israel North Haifa Center Tel- Aviv Jerusalem South Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Municipality Population 2005 Population density(Avg. in residential DUNAM developed) Municipal Area (sqKM) Backgound Hertzelia 85,000 9.3 21.6 Discussion City scale Urban fabric Conservation Ramat ha- sharon 35,000 7.4 16.8 Tel Aviv-Jafa 380,000 16.3 51.8 Bnei Brak 145,000 38.8 7.35 Adjacent cities Givataiim 50,000 19.2 3.25 Ramat Gan 130,000 15.3 13.25 Kiriat Ono 25,000 11.0 4.1 Or Yehuda 30,000 17.1 5.15 Azoor 10,000 9.6 2.4 Holon 165,000 23.5 18.95 Bat yam 130,000 33.5 8.15 Total 1,185,000 18.2 170 Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Tel Aviv District Regional Plan Tmm 5 rounded figures 1000 DUNAM = 1 sqKM=100 hectars Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Metropolitan Parks Coastal Park 4 sqKM Park Ha’yarkon 9 sqKM Park Ayalon (Ariel Sharon) 8 sqKM Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Mass Transit system Metropolitan park and mass transit- building blocks for sustainability of urban texture • “oxygen” to central city rehabilitation and stabilization • The family car-curse or blessing? • Parking Quotas National Plan 23A/4 Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan The White City within the District Plan • Area inscribed: 140 Hectar .buffer-200. • 8,500 buildings in total protected urban area • 1,500 to be conserved • Q. Ratio 1500:8500- too low? • Q. Inscribed/protected areas in outer ring township? Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan The world heritage site-The white city of Tel Aviv Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Management plan Issues Building rights “BANK” a residential highrise on city property, booster for implementation of the conservation plan Conflict- upscaling of development drives away “rough” free style outdoor activities (youth movement) neighborhood lifestyle jeopardized? Project statistics- ”Remez-Arlozorov” Arch: Meizlits- Kassif 108 flats, 20,000 sqM total floor area 36 stories Location: east of white City. Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Assuta Hospital Residential Project 35 Storey new tower 4 buildings conserved- one lost 3 ficus trees preserved 2 public gardens + public bldg lot 2 pedestrian neighborhood connective paths 100 public parking Conserve or reconstruct? Public parking needs- underground Public buildings and open space deficits in neighborhood Tower height Tree conservation Edge of lot design solution- new concept? Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Tel Aviv harbor Connecting through the TLV city pulse Arthur Rupin, 1912: “The appearance of Tel Aviv today makes no sense without its beachfront” How to create and sustain a management plan? Conserve only or demolish and reconstruct? Old and new/ private and public Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan The street as a project Kapln St – Tel Aviv Street line Vs Sky line Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Between Tel Aviv & Chandigarh Master Plan of Tel Aviv 1925 Master Plan of Chandigarh 1953 Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Discussion City scale Urban fabric Conservation Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Project cities vs process cities Project cities-celebration and symbol of Independence and of Democracy Washington DC- The Mall Brasilia-The Mall Dilemmas: public icons in process cities-Mann Auditorium Inherent rigidity vs freer directives? The modern architecture heritage The National Institues Axis in Western Jerusalem Process sites- mixed city texture of new, old, older Jerusalem-City view Tel Aviv – Edge of World Heritage site Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Scale of city fabricVarious Cities Tel -Aviv Brasilia New-York New Delhi Barcelona Paris Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Scale of city fabric Tel Aviv Tel-Aviv northern suburbs Tel-Aviv Center Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Ramat Ha-Sharon Pioneers House “kohav” cinema Current conservation list early settlement heritage Water tower “HAGANA” offices Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Holon "Tel giborim” Pillbox First printery Current conservation list early settlement and modern heritage The great Synagogue “Husmasa” well House Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Ramat Gan Current conservation list – in preparation? International Style Architecture Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Post Inscription Processes How did the inscription as a modern heritage site affect the city: • Missing in the Inscription: Gardens, Streets. • Accelerated real estate price change- order of magnitude. • Radiation on neighboring cities • City pride • Public and residents awareness- heritage oriented “public eye”. • City icons- frozen and doomed or conserved and vibrant? (Mann Auditorium, Dizengoff circle) • Stormy public disputes – advantage or risk? How to avoid overppolitization of issues? Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Demonstrative Examples Thinking STREETWISE • Streetline vs skyline. • The case of the Tel Aviv White City typical street: Car vs Pedestrian. • Evergreen hedges and “green gate" at lotline • Low fence between lot and sidewalk • Private car parking within lot crisscross sidewalk, demolish fence and yard and evergreen edge • The changing public standards of residents • The story of Bialik St.- reinsating fence -positive incentive (new fence built by city) failed, negative incentive (confiscation of neglected property by court order) succeeds Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan City Level Emerging management ideas (with city officials) I • Permits and building rights transfer- mandatory city coaching of the residents • Building rights BANK. • The buffer zone (Protected area) rezoning – URGENT. • Electrical co.- “Celebrating 120 years”- gradual transfer of cables from street to the underground. • Gardens in White City- missing entities in inscription. • The street as a project – the buildings as pearls on a string. • Green building code- poisonous materials, (Q. removing cars from lots/streets? cycling environment) as examples. • Must accommodate economic growth to support the heritage site. • Assist adjacent city engineers in the process. Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan City Level Emerging management ideas (with city officials) II • 1-5-10 year management plan • Employ a project manager assigned to institute the 1st overall management plan. • More professionals- education curriculum- conservation architects, Garden and landscape specialists. • Cellular antennas, parking in lot, inner changes- weaknesses of conservation plan 2650b as approved. Need for ongoing city guardianship. • Q: what is beyond our capacity when dealing with modern heritage? • Conserve- do not preserve. Q: where is the line drawn? • Q: Lifestyle- old style jeopardized: Older/Weaker pushed out? Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan District Level Emerging District level management issues • Minimize risks for the city –”BANK” of building rights –Zoning it. • Divide zoning plan 2650b to 2 plans: buildings (approved!) and buffer, “protected”, areas (to be done) • Guide conservation plans for adjacent cities – Metropolitan Buffer Zone and metropolitan radiation of World Heritage Site inscription. • Note: Shift from heritage of Zionist settlement only - towards a mixture of past agricultural and small town heritage with modern Architectural urban. • Assist in updating regulations and laws -Fiscal laws (tax incentives – VAT and property tax). -Fire protection code- Fire engine near building front Vs protecting street, green fence, sidewalk & trees. • Q: Is there a metropolitan vision of heritage? • Q: Metropolitan management plan or guidance towards local ones? Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Backgound Conservation Urban fabric City scale Discussion Adjacent cities Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Reflection on URBAN PROCESSES Where are we on the timeline of Metropolitan aging? • “Petrified forest – Living forest” image. • Inherent uncertainties – apply Risk Management methodologies – Re-educate Planners. • 4 “sister cities” transcontinetal partnership – Brasilia, Chandigarh, Le Havre, Tel Aviv- dynamic learning and constant mutual support – empowrment. • What next? • 100 years of Tel Aviv meeting: 2009 ? • 4 Cities Internet Forum: immediate action. Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India
Tel Aviv the city and the Metropolitan context Towards a management plan Thanks • Arch. Danny Kaiser- former City Engineer- Tel Aviv-Jaffa • Arch. Hezi Berkowitz - City Engineer- Tel Aviv-Jaffa • Arch. Nitza Szmuk- former head of conservation Dpt.–Tel-Aviv Jaffa • Arch. Daniella Possek – City Architect Tel-Aviv Jaffa • Arch. Jeremie Hoffman - head of conservation Dpt.–Tel-Aviv Jaffa • Planner Tamar Tuchler – Council for Conservation of Sites and Buildings • Arch. Gobbi Kertes – Conservation consultant , Tel-Aviv District • Arch. Sergio Lerman – City Architect, Ramat Gan • Arch. Tzadik Elyakim, Arch. Udi Kassif, Arch. Moshe Tzur • Arch. Amichai Friedman and TLV District team • Arch. student Tamir Lavi. Naomi Angel, Architect - Tel Aviv District Planner Management of Modern Historic Urban Landscapes Chandigarh, India