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Surface Water – Groundwater Interaction in San Acacia Reach

Surface Water – Groundwater Interaction in San Acacia Reach. Nabil Shafike New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission. SW/GW A Single Resource. Gaining / Losing Streams. Winter et al. 1998. Disconnected Stream. Winter et al. 1998. Stream Aquifer Interaction Under Stress.

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Surface Water – Groundwater Interaction in San Acacia Reach

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  1. Surface Water – Groundwater Interaction in San Acacia Reach Nabil Shafike New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission

  2. SW/GW A Single Resource

  3. Gaining / Losing Streams Winter et al. 1998.

  4. Disconnected Stream Winter et al. 1998.

  5. Stream Aquifer Interaction Under Stress Winter et al. 1998.

  6. Mathematical Representation Land Surface If h > RBOT Leakage = Cond (HRIV – h) If h <= RBOT Leakage = Cond (HRIV – RBOT) Riverbed Conductance = KLW/M Water Table River Surface Streambed Stream –aquifer System Impermeable Walls Head in Cell (h) River Stage (HRIV) MODFLOW River Packages: - Riv1 (MODFLOW 83) - Riv2 (Miller 1988) - Stream Pckg (Prudic, 89) - BRANCH (Swain et al, 97) - SFR-1 (Prudic et al, 2004) M RBOT W Representation of the Stream –aquifer System

  7. Drain Unit 7 Rio Grande Socorro Main Canal San Acacia Lemitar Irrigation System 1200 9 Mile outfall Neil Cupp Waste Way LFC Channel Storm Water Riparian System Storm Water BDA Diversion Riparian System BDA Diversion Bosque del Apache NWR Waste Way San Marcial Elephant Butte Reservoir Conceptualization of the SW System

  8. Conceptualization of the Groundwater System (Anderholm 1987)

  9. Shallow SW/GW Interaction

  10. Surface Water Depletion

  11. 10 9.5 6.5 3.5 12 6.5 4 Distance (mile) Loss (cfs/mile) 1 to 4 5 to 10 13 to 20 5 to 12 4 to 10 2 to 10 1 to 2 Brown Arroyo Escondida Br. San Marcial San Acacia HW 380 North BdA South BdA Fort Craig Rio Grande Seepage Analysis

  12. Aquifer Test Analysis H. Hydrauic Conductivity (Kx) = 72.0 ft/day V. Hydraulic Conductivity (Kz) = 3.6 ft/day Kh : Kz = 20 : 1 Specific Yield (Sy) = 0.15 Specific Storage (Ss) = 6.0e-07 1/ft Discharge (Q) = 76.0 gpm

  13. Regional GW/SW Model

  14. Riparian Vegetation

  15. Measured vs Simulated Steady StateWater Levels

  16. Simulated Steady State Water Levels

  17. Measured Water Levels at HW-380

  18. Measured Water Levels Near San Marcial

  19. Inflow Hydrograph at San Acacia(Transient Run)

  20. Riparian Evapotranspiration Rate

  21. Rio Grande Flow at San Marcial

  22. LFCC Flow at San Marcial

  23. Simulated Groundwater Levelsat Escandida and San Antonio

  24. Operation Scenarios: 1- Max diversion of 500 cfs and min of 100 cfs 2- Max diversion of 1000 cfs and min of 100 cfs 3- All flow diverted to LFCC with a max of 2000 cfs Hydrology of year 2001 was used in all scenarios

  25. Water Budget Analysis

  26. Water Above Land Surface Current Operation Maximum Operation

  27. Concluding Remarks For this specific year (2001-hydrology) and given the model input conditions: 1- SW Operations impact its interaction with the groundwater system. 2- There is no significant difference in depletions between current operation of the LFCC as a drain and a maximum diversion between 500 cfs to 1000 cfs. 2- Operating the LFCC up to its maximum capacity (2000 cfs) provides the most efficient way to convey water to Elephant Butte because evapotranspiration losses are reduced.

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