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Welcome to Ms. Kerzie’s 5th grade classroom!!!! Your child has written you a letter that is on their desk. It would mean a lot to them if your wrote a brief response on the bottom of their paper. Here is a little information about myself.
Welcometo Ms. Kerzie’s 5th grade classroom!!!!Your child has written you a letter that is on their desk. It would mean a lot to them if your wrote a brief response on the bottom of their paper.
Here is a little information about myself. • This is my 5th year teaching at Mt. Bethel Elementary and I love it! • I graduated from Georgia Southern University in May 2007 with a degree in Early Childhood Education. • I am originally from California, but spent most of my “school years” right here in East Cobb. (I attended Walton High School…Go Raiders!!!) • I am very active and enjoy the outdoors. Some of the activities I enjoy are running, soccer, hiking, camping, and canoeing. • In addition to being a teacher, I am also a Cross Country coach at Walton High School.
What makes 5th grade special? • Safety Patrol (Please sign and leave the permission form that is on your child’s desk.) • Our turn is at the end of the year. • RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) • Immigration Day • Spelling Bee • 5th Grade Picnic, Walk of Fame, and Awards Ceremony …And so much more!
Field Trips • The 5th grade team is looking into several opportunities for curriculum related field trips. We are scheduled for our Jekyll Island adventure (approx. $215) on May 2-4. Other trips we are looking into are the Southern Locomotive Museum (approx. $20), The Augusta Canal Museum and Augusta City Museum (approx. $30) and possibly the Bremen Museum (approx. $20). We will provide details on the field trips as we make decisions.
Daily Schedule • 7:40 First Bell • 7:45 Tardy Bell • 7:45-7:55 Morning Work • 7:55-9:00 Math • 9:00-9:45 Specials • 9:45-10:00 Snack • 10:00-12:07 Language Arts • 12:07-12:37 Lunch • 12:37-12:55 Recess • 12:55-2:05 Science/ S.S. • 2:05-2:20 Pack-up / Dismissal
There are many different behavior management tools that are used in our classroom. Each of these tools is used to reinforce positive behavior and redirect poor behavior. • Here are a few tools that we use: • Marble Jar • CBG’s (Caught Being Good) • Making Better Choices Form • Agenda • 5th Grade Strike System – detailed packet (Please leave this packet on your child’s desk so that I can review it with them tomorrow.)
Parent / Teacher /Student Communication~In order to have the most successful year possible, we will need to have open communication. Here are a few of the ways we can communicate: • Student agenda • Weekly Behavior Reports • Class BLOG: http://mtbethel.blogs.com/kerzie/ • E-mail : jessica.kerzie@cobbk12.org • Newsletter (posted on the BLOG every Monday) • MBES Telephone: (770)578-7248
Communication Cont. • One of the most important communication tools we will use throughout the year is the BLOG. • Every Monday, a weekly newsletter will be posted. It will include a brief outline of major events, tests/quizzes, and announcements. As part of your child’s Monday night homework, they should sit WITH A PARTENT to review the newsletter. In order for this to be most effective, please make this a part of your weekly routine. In addition, a parent signature in your child’s agenda on Monday nights will be required. This signature shows me that you have reviewed the BLOG with your child.
Homework • Homework assignments are an extension of classroom instruction and should be challenging and meaningful. Homework will be assigned daily. Children are asked to write their homework in their agendas. (We walk through this as a class every afternoon.) Your child will bring this agenda home every day to be reviewed with an adult. Agendas are a great way to maintain communication. • In addition to the assigned homework recorded in the agenda, students are required to read at least 120 minutes every week. This should be recorded on the semester reading log. • In September your child will be given more details about the monthly math blaster. (Similar to 4th grade.) • Homework completion is recorded and is reflected on the report card in Work/Study Skills.
Red Folder • Signed papers go home in the RED communication folder. You may keep these papers unless otherwise noted. • In addition to the graded papers, a weekly behavior report will come home on Thursdays. This report will be kept in the red folder and will be a nine week documentation of your child’s behavior. On the back of this sheet I will indicate any assignments that were not turned in or need to be recompleted. Please initial the corresponding week every Thursday night.
Language Arts block • Vocabulary • Spelling • Grammar • Writing • Guided, Shared, Independent and Buddy Reading We have many wonderful materials!
Social Studies • Citizenship • Civil War • WWI and WWII • Great Depression • Cold War • Decade Studies to Present Day
Science • Constructive/Deconstructive Forces • Matter • Electricity & Magnetism • Cells & Microorganisms • Classification of Organisms • Becoming a Scientist
Final Notes • Water bottles -No juice please! • Snack – Healthy! • Birthdays-Let me know if you want to send in a treat. Treats are welcomed! (Please pre-cut the treat!!!!!!) • If there is a change in your child’s transportation, it must be stated in a note stamped by the office. If it is a bus change, you must use the Cobb County form. • Absences – If you are taking your child out of school for a Dr. visit, you must give me a Dr.’s note in order for the office to excuse it.
Lunch • Please remember that fast food is NOT allowed in the lunch room. This is a school wide policy. • NEW THIS YEAR… • When children are joined by parents or other relatives during lunch, there will be a separate table for you enjoy your lunches together. Students are not allowed to bring a friend to this table. Thanks for your cooperation.
I am so happy that all of you could come tonight! I look forward to staying in contact with you throughout the year and I especially look forward to teaching your children!???????????Are there any questions???????????THANK YOU PARENTS FOR HELPING TO FULFILL THE NEEDS OF SOME OF THE SPECIAL “WISH LIST” ITEMS. YOUR GENEROCITY IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!