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Education Sector

Education Sector. Overview of 2016/17 Grant and Budget Guidelines Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Technology. Sector Objectives Structure and Purpose of Sector Transfers Allocation Formulae Budget Requirements Service Delivery Units / etc Other Sectoral Issues.

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Education Sector

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Education Sector Overview of 2016/17 Grant and Budget Guidelines Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Technology

  2. Sector Objectives • Structure and Purpose of Sector Transfers • Allocation Formulae • Budget Requirements • Service Delivery Units / etc • Other Sectoral Issues

  3. Sector Policy Priorities The overall sector objective is to provide for, support, guide, coordinate, regulate and promote quality in delivery of Education, Science, Technology and Sports to all persons in Uganda for national integration, individual and national development. The National Development Plan (NDP) II indicates that the Education and Sports sector priorities over the next five years are aimed at: • Achieve equitable access to relevant and quality education and training; • Ensure delivery of relevant and quality education and training. • Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of education and sports service delivery at all levels. The NDP II, aware of the key sector challenges, specifies that the sector will focus on introduction of ECD programmes and improvement of quality, equity, retention, relevance and efficiency in basic education. In addition, access to skills in the education system will be expanded particularly beyond the primary level. The sector will also prioritize the enhancement of the inspection function.

  4. Structure and Purpose of Sector Transfers

  5. Key Variables Used in Allocation Formulae NB: Formulae variables do not apply to skills development or transitional development.

  6. Overview of Budget Requirements

  7. Overview of Budget Requirements

  8. Overview of Budget Requirements (cont.)

  9. Overview of Budget Requirements (cont.)

  10. Lists of Schools and Facilities • LGs must complete a list of schools in the local government providing information on: • The Location of the school • The status of infrastructure (classrooms, latrines, teachers housing) • Enrolment • Bank account details • This list must be used when • budgeting for salaries, transfers to schools. • prioritising capital investments in the sector • This list must be signed by the CAO and submitted alongside the draft budget estimates. • Without this list LGs will not be able to meet budget requirements • A template has been provided with existing school data available to MoESST

  11. Other Sectoral Issues • Optional slide to be completed by line ministries

  12. The End

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