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12 th and 13 th Century Gothic Art

12 th and 13 th Century Gothic Art. Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France, France. Ambulatory choir and detail of vault, Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, 1140–1144 (see 16–3)  . Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris. Begun 1163 (see 16–5). Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame, 1134–1220 (see p499).

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12 th and 13 th Century Gothic Art

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 12th and 13th Century Gothic Art

  2. Abbey Churchof Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France, France

  3. Ambulatory choir and detail of vault, Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, 1140–1144 (see 16–3)  

  4. Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris. Begun 1163 (see 16–5)

  5. Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame, 1134–1220 (see p499)

  6. West facade, Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame (16–6)

  7. Royal Portal, west facade, Chartres Cathedral, 1145–55 (16–7)

  8. Chartres Cathedral buttresses and view of nave. c. 1200-1220 (nave, 16–11)

  9. Chartres, Interior looking down nave toward crossing.http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=www.quake3world.com/maps/screenshots/chartres.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.quake3world.com/maps/oct01.htm&h=600&w=800&sz=47&tbnid=cIulv93-OSEJ:&tbnh=106&tbnw=141&start=7&prev=/images%3Fq%3DChartres%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DG

  10. Chartres, Good Samaritan WIndow. (see 16–12)left, paradoxplace.com. Google Images. 5 February 2012. Right, medart.pitt.edu Google Images. 5 February 2012

  11. Chartres Cathedral stained glass, details (also see 16–12)

  12. Labrinth at Chartreshttp://www.uiowa.edu/~c009113/images/chartres_lab.jpg

  13. West Façade of Central Portal, Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Reims (see 16–16)artbible.net. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  14. Sainte-Chapelle (Holy Chapel), Paris (see p508, A.)learn.columbia.edu. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  15. Upper Chapel,Sainte-Chapelle, Paris. 1239–1248 (see p509, B.)tumblr.com. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  16. Detail, portionof gothic cathedral.Villard de Honnecourt. Also see p510http://www.crai.archi.fr/gop/StylesArchitecturaux/Gothique/gothique.html. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  17. Geometric proportionsto derive page ratios.Villard de Honnecourt. Also see p510crai.archi.fr. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  18. Moralizations from the Apocalypse (see 16–19)msm240f003v‑004.jpg. themorgan.org. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  19. Salisbury Cathedral, England. 1220–1258 (see 16–21)stonehenge-stone-circle.co.uk. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  20. Salisbury Cathedral, nave (see 16–23) charlesnadolski.com. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  21. Church ofSaint Elizabeth of Hungary,Marburg, Germany1235–1283 (see 16–25)balamand.edu.lb. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  22. Church ofSaint Elizabeth of Hungary, interior (see 16–26) 40030724.jpg lessing-photo.com. Google Images. 5 February 2012

  23. Altneuschul Synagogue,Prague, Czech Republic,late 13th c (also see 16–27)30050404.jpg lessing-photo.com Google Images. 5 February 2012

  24. Saint Maurice.(also see 16–29, statue of Saint Mauriceat Magdeburg Cathedral,Magdeburg Germany)maurice.jpg. aesaintsoftheday.blogspot.comGoogle Images. 5 February 2012

  25. CCoppo di Marcovaldo,CChristus Patiens, c. 1250–1270. (see 16–34)mosmaiorum1984..blogspot.comGoogle Images. 5 February 2012

  26. Church of Saint Francis of Assisi.Assisi, Italy. (see 16–35)sacredsites.com. Google Images. 5 February 2012

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