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Exploring Research Methodology for Innovation in IT Projects

Understand research process, problem development, conceptual framework, variables, and methodologies for IT innovation. Enhance knowledge through literature review and hypothesis proof to optimize business strategies.

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Exploring Research Methodology for Innovation in IT Projects

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  1. TM6014 Research Methodology Lecture 4 Research Methodology and Research Design

  2. Research Process • 4 steps: • To determine what type of research to be done. • To plan how to do the research • To do the research. • To deliver the research output

  3. Developing Research Problem Current Knowledge • To determine what type of research to be carried out. • Must be based on current knowledge • Importance of literature review. New Knowledge (Hypothesis) proof Thesis *Do not confuse between this hypothesis and the statistical hypothesis.

  4. Determining How To Do The Research Current Knowledge • Hypothesis needs to be proved. • The methodology that is used to proof a hypothesis is called the research methodology. • Depends on the type of hypothesis. New Knowledge (Hypothesis) proof Thesis

  5. Conceptual Framework • From LR, we will identify a lot of concepts related to the proposed research project. • To build a good research proposal, we need to identify relationship between these concepts. • Types of relationship: • Cause-effect relationship • Co-relational relationship

  6. Conceptual Framework • Cause-Effect relationship Use of Automation Increase of Productivity Use of Automation Increase of Productivity

  7. Conceptual Framework • Co-relational relationship Use of Automation Increase of Productivity Use of Automation Increase of Productivity

  8. Research Model • The conceptual framework can be extended into a research model.

  9. Research Model Business Strategies Increase of Profit ManufacturingStrategies Increase of Productivity Systems, Machines, Operations, Training Automation Investment Impact of Automation

  10. Variables • Concept is subjective. Every person will have different understanding of a certain concept. • Examples: • A rich man • A big organization • A good Interface. • A high quality software

  11. Variables • To make our research more objective – we need to identified variables involved. • Variables must be measurable.

  12. Variables

  13. Variables

  14. Variables

  15. Research Methodology • The conceptual framework and research model can be used to decide on the suitable research methodology to be used.

  16. Research Methodology • Some of the methodologies: • Fieldwork • Library Studies • Survey • Formal Method • Experiment • Prototype Development

  17. Research Methodology The first Malaysian civilisation was in Kuala Krai, Kelantan, in the tenth century B.C. Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping There is no integers a,b and c such that an+bn = cn, for n > 2. Big companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies.

  18. Research Methodology The first malaysian civilisation was in Kuala Krai, Kelantan, in the tenth century B.C. Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping There is no integers a,b and c such that an+bn = cn, for n > 2. Big companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies.

  19. Research Methodology The first malaysian civilisation was in Kuala Krai, Kelantan, in the tenth century B.C. Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping There is no integers a,b and c such that an+bn = cn, for n > 2. Big companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies.

  20. Research Methodology The first malaysian civilisation was in Kuala Krai, Kelantan, in the tenth century B.C. Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping There is no integers a,b and c such that an+bn = cn, for n > 2. Big companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies.

  21. Research Methodology We can split a Helium atom to form two Hydrogen atoms to obtain safe nuclear energy. Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping By using the material proposed in this research, we can build a cheaper houses. The first written Islamic law was the Malaccan law.

  22. Research Methodology We can split a Helium atom to form two Hydrogen atoms to obtain safe nuclear energy. Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping By using the material proposed in this research, we can build a cheaper houses. The first written Islamic law was the Malaccan law.

  23. Research Methodology We can split a Helium atom to form two Hydrogen atoms to obtain safe nuclear energy. Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping By using the material proposed in this research, we can build a cheaper houses. The first written Islamic law was the Malaccan law.

  24. Research Methodology We can split a Helium atom to form two Hydrogen atoms to obtain safe nuclear energy. Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping By using the material proposed in this research, we can build a cheaper houses. The first written Islamic law was the Malaccan law.

  25. Research Methodology in IT • Research methodology to be used depends on the research types and objectives. • All of the research must be based on the IT conceptual framework.

  26. Research Methodology in IT Bigger companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies. . Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping We can develop a software to mark essays automatically... The use icon-based user interface will make it easier for primary schools’ students to use a software. The first computer was invented by a Muslim scientist by the name of Jamsyid al-Kasyi in Samarkand. By representing program mathematically, we can prove whether the program is correct or not.

  27. Research Methodology in IT Bigger companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies. . Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping We can develop a software to mark essays automatically... The use icon-based user interface will make it easier for primary schools’ students to use a software. The first computer was invented by a Muslim scientist by the name of Jamsyid al-Kasyi in Samarkand. By representing program mathematically, we can prove whether the program is correct or not.

  28. Research Methodology in IT Bigger companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies. . Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping We can develop a software to mark essays automatically... The use icon-based user interface will make it easier for primary schools’ students to use a software. The first computer was invented by a Muslim scientist by the name of Jamsyid al-Kasyi in Samarkand. By representing program mathematically, we can prove whether the program is correct or not.

  29. Research Methodology in IT Bigger companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies. . Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping We can develop a software to mark essays automatically... The use icon-based user interface will make it easier for primary schools’ students to use a software. The first computer was invented by a Muslim scientist by the name of Jamsyid al-Kasyi in Samarkand. By representing program mathematically, we can prove whether the program is correct or not.

  30. Research Methodology in IT Bigger companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies. . Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping We can develop a software to mark essays automatically... The use icon-based user interface will make it easier for primary schools’ students to use a software. The first computer was invented by a Muslim scientist by the name of Jamsyid al-Kasyi in Samarkand. By representing program mathematically, we can prove whether the program is correct or not.

  31. Research Methodology in IT Bigger companies use higher level of automation that smaller companies. . Fieldwork Library Studies Survey Formal Method Experiment Prototyping We can develop a software to mark essays automatically... The use icon-based user interface will make it easier for primary schools’ students to use a software. The first computer was invented by a Muslim scientist by the name of Jamsyid al-Kasyi in Samarkand. By representing program mathematically, we can prove whether the program is correct or not.

  32. Research Design • After the methodology has been identified. • The aim of research design is to plan the strategy that will be used in research implementation.

  33. Research Design • Must identify List of tasks. • If it involves data collection, identify how this will be done. • Identify “milestone” and “deliverables”. • Determine time needed for each task. • Determine the cost for each task.

  34. Gantt Chart • To indicate research activities

  35. Gantt Chart for Master Project (Partial)

  36. Research Design • Survey Research (Quantitative): • Determine Research Questions • Determine Statistical Hypothesis • Construct survey instrument • Do pilot test to determine the validity of the instrument • Determine method for data collection • Population and sampel selection • Data Collection • Statistical data analysis • Report Writing

  37. Research Design • Survey Research (Qualitative): • Determine Research Questions • Construct survey Instrument • Do pilot test to measure the validity of the instrument • Determine method of data collection – interview, observation, focus group • Population and sample selection • Data Collection • Qualitative data analysis • Report Writing

  38. Research Design • Experiment: • Determine all the variables. • Determine steps in to do the experiment. • Determine control experiment. • Do the experiment and the control experiment • Data Analysis • Report Writing

  39. Research Design • Prototype Development: • Problem analysis to determine the software specification • Software Design • Software Implementation • Consider the use of software components • Use “rapid prototyping” technique • Software Testing • Analyze result • Report Writing

  40. Research Design • Formal Methods: • Problem analysis • Determine the suitable formal model to be used: : • Analytic Model • Stochastic Model • Computational Model • Develop the model • Analyze the model by using suitable technique • Report Writing

  41. Research Design • Library Research: • Determine research questions • Search for materials in order to answer the questions • Analyze findings • Report Writing

  42. Research Design • Most of the researches need to use more than one methodology.

  43. Research Design • Example 1: A research may involves • To obtain users requirements  Survey Research • To develop a prototype  Prototype Development • To evaluate the effectiveness of the software  Experiment

  44. Research Design • Example 2: A research may involves • To develop a new technique  Library Research • To develop a prototype Prototype development • To determine the effectiveness of the technique  Formal method.

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