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Status: P lanning (9/29/11)

Strategizing Servicewide Climate Change Training. Status: P lanning (9/29/11) Product: Servicewide training outlined by the Climate Change Response Program (CCRP) in Fort Collins Audience: NPS employees and federal staff (FWS, BLM, USFS)

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Status: P lanning (9/29/11)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Strategizing Servicewide Climate Change Training • Status: Planning (9/29/11) • Product: Servicewide training outlined by theClimate Change Response Program (CCRP) in Fort Collins • Audience: NPS employees and federal staff (FWS, BLM, USFS) • Thematic Statement: In hope of engaging the public in a climate change dialogue, federal staff must be trained to facilitate scientific messages in a manner the public can respond to. • Measurable Objective: With the CCRP staff, create a list of training programs and potential products to offer servicewide employees to improve their knowledge on climate change and how to share it. As part of its mission, the CCRP is charged with sharing science communication. • Technique: Use narrative dialogues, including props, graphs, and video podcasts, to highlight multiple points of view. • Description of product: Survey climate change training opportunities--by all federal agencies--to identify existing models and gaps to inform the CCRP on potential training directions for servicewide employees. • Timeline: November and December 2011 • Resource List: Begin with any already identified NPS training plans, such as the Train the Trainers program to be piloted in 2011, with many supplemental training elements listed from federal partners like NASA, FWS (LCCs), BLM, NCTC, and USFS, and programs, such as Earth to Sky. A well-trained staff needs access to tangible products to use internally and/or externally. Potential products: Dynamic list of NASA scientists working in NPS parks Superintendent Training: Webinar on climate change Utube podcast: “What is Weather vs. Climate” podcast for public iPod app: “Sounds You May No Longer Hear” for public Evaluative survey : Available to interpreters giving climate change programming to have a consistent measuring device Jr. Ranger Climate Book: To speak to a youth audience Webpage template: To give NPS parks a starting point for content For More Information Contact:

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