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Black Nationalism

Black Nationalism. What is black nationalism?. An empowerment ideology with a wide variety of meanings to a wide variety of adherents that nevertheless exhibits common themes. Paul Cuffe Black shipowner who only hired black seaman to disprove racist ideas Theme: Economic self-sufficiency.

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Black Nationalism

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Black Nationalism

  2. What is black nationalism? • An empowerment ideology with a wide variety of meanings to a wide variety of adherents that nevertheless exhibits common themes

  3. Paul Cuffe Black shipowner who only hired black seaman to disprove racist ideas Theme: Economic self-sufficiency Free African Society Religious organization Founded in 1787 by Richard Allen and Absalom Jones Theme: Secular vs. Religious Nature of Black Nationalism Early Nationalists

  4. Antebellum and Civil War Era Black Nationalism • David Walker • 1829, An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World – argues • African motherland must be freed first • Denounced whites for their avarice, but did not consider them natural enemies • Father of black nationalism • Theme: African inspired

  5. Henry Highland Garnet • Follower of David Walker • Believed cooperation with whites was possible • Opposed emigration at first, but later accepted it partially – always committed to political solution

  6. Martin Delany • Black separatist • Initially opposed colonization, but became a separatist after the Fugitive Slave Act • Theme: Diversity of viewpoints

  7. Du Bois & Pan-Africanism • Pan-Africanism – a movement originating after WW1 seeking to achieve a pan-African union of African peoples on the African continent itself and those scattered throughout the New World • Theme: Idealism

  8. Paul Robeson • Performer, scholar, and activist • Well-versed in African languages, anthropology, and folklore • Saw Africa as a potential spiritual and cultural inspiration for humanity in combination with Western technology

  9. Separatists • Garvey vs. Du Bois • Garvey the capitalist vs. Du Bois the socialist • Garvey the separatist vs. Du Bois the integrationist • Grover Cleveland Redding • leader of the Abyssinian Movement • Urged blacks in Chicago to emigrate to Ethiopia

  10. Nation of Islam • Black separatist organization • Islam as a source of unification

  11. Black Panthers • “We see this as a world-wide contest, and in this world-wide contest, you are in a very much of a minority, and we are with the majority. So you don't have 20 million black people to deal with, you have 700 million Chinese, 300 million Africans, and unnumbered billions, and millions and millions, and millions, and millions of mad black, brown, red, and yellow people to deal with.” • Eldridge Cleaver, Minister of Information • Theme: Radicalization

  12. Black Nationalism Today • Cultural dissemination • Hip-hop • Blaxploitation films • Kwanzaa • The Commercialization of Malcolm X

  13. Resources • http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/ah_010600_blacknationa.htm • http://www.rit.edu/~nrcgsh/bx/bx09d.html • http://afgen.com/nationalism_beliefs.html • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part3/3h465.html • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p1537.html • http://www.pbs.org/thisfarbyfaith/journey_2/p_4.html • http://www.etext.org/Politics/MIM/bpp/bpp19680928_6_14.html • http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/P/PanA1fric.asp

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