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duPont Manual High School CLASS OF 2011 Junior Class Meetings Math/Science Technology High School University Communications Visual Arts Performing Arts. Your Counseling Staff. Manual Majors A-G Mrs. Johnston Manual Majors H-O Ms. Teague Manual Majors P-Z Mrs. Medley
duPont Manual High SchoolCLASS OF 2011Junior Class MeetingsMath/Science TechnologyHigh School University CommunicationsVisual ArtsPerforming Arts
Your Counseling Staff Manual Majors A-G Mrs. Johnston Manual Majors H-O Ms. Teague Manual Majors P-Z Mrs. Medley YPAS Majors A-Z Mr. Robinson Education is a Journey and YOU Determine Your Destination – Counselors Can Help You Plan for the Journey Ahead!
Junior Calendar/Timetable2009 - 2010 • PSAT/NMSQT Test Oct. 14, 2009 Administered to all Juniors at Manual H.S. • UPS College Career Expo Oct. 18, 2009 Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. • Governor’s Scholars Program Mid Nov. • Governor’s School for the Arts Dec. • KHEAA - FAFSA Workshop Dec. 3, 2009 Manual High School Auditorium 7:00 - 9:00 pm. • ACT Test March 9, 2010
PSAT/NMSQT • PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. • It’s a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test. • It also gives you a chance to enter National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholarship Programs.
The PSAT/NMSQT Measures • Critical reading skills • Math problem solving skills • Writing skills • You have developed these skills over many years, both in and out of school. • This test does not require you to recall specific facts from your classes.
The Most Common Reasons To Take The PSAT Are: • To receive feedback on your strengths and weaknesses on skills necessary for college study. You can then focus your preparation on those areas that could most benefit from additional study or practice. • To see how your performance on an admissions test might compare with that of others applying to college. • To enter the competition for scholarships from the National Merit Scholarship corporation (grade 11). • To help prepare for the SAT. You can become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions you will see on the SAT. • To receive information from colleges when you check “yes” to Student Search Services.
College Entrance Examinations • Most competitive colleges will require an SAT Reasoning test (east and west coast states) or ACT test with Writing (mid-west and southern states) • SAT Reasoning = ACT with Writing • Take test prep courses – many are online and free! • Take advantage of the Test Prep Courses Offered at Manual.
The ACT consists of four multiple choice tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science The English Test measures standard written English and Rhetorical Skills The Math Test measures mathematical skills students have typically acquired in courses taken up to the beginning of Grade 12 The Reading Test measures Reading Comprehension The Science Test measures the interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving skills required in the natural sciences The Optional Writing Test measures writing skills emphasized in high school English classes and in entry-level composition courses. All together, the test predicts college readiness in the areas evaluated and sets benchmark scores for college success The ACT Test
ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores • A benchmark score is the minimum score needed on an ACT subject area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher, or, a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit bearing college course. • College English Composition 18 on ACT English Test • College Algebra 22 on ACT Math Test • College Social Sciences 21 on ACT Reading Test • College Biology 24 on ACT Science Test • Overall College Readiness 21 on ACT Composite Score These are the minimum scores you need to indicate to the average college you are ready for postsecondary work - More competitive colleges will require higher scores
ACT National Dates October 24, 2009 December 12, 2009 February 6, 2010 March 9, 2010 (National School Based Test Date) April 10, 2010 June 12, 2010 SAT National Dates October 10, 2009 November 7, 2009 December 5, 2009 January 23, 2010 March 13, 2010 May 1, 2010 June 5, 2010 ACT & SAT Test Dates
ACT Content based - core curriculum knowledge Includes science reasoning Math includes trigonometry No guessing penalty Tests grammar Scored on a scale of 1-36 1 composite score, 4 subject scores, plus 7 subscores SAT Tests critical thinking and problem solving Tests vocabulary much more Not entirely multiple choice Includes a guessing penalty Does not test grammar Scored on a scale of 200-800 and has seven sections - 3 math, 3 verbal, plus an experimental section ACT vs. SAT - What’s the Difference?
Kentucky Governor’s Scholar Program - October • Five week summer program held at Bellarmine University, Centre College, and Morehead State University • Participants live in college dormitories • Students are immersed in an academic schedule of the sciences, mathematics, humanities, and the arts that includes 25 subjects ranging from physical science to cultural anthropology • Noted scientists, writers, thinkers, and business, government, and educational leaders visit, speak, and serve as role models while interacting with students in class and on weekend enrichment activities • Student productions, publications, experiments, and field trips enhance the curriculum
Kentucky Governor’s Scholar Program - continued • Applications are scored in four sections: Academic Achievement Student Profile Essay Letter(s) of Recommendation • Students must be nominated by their school district to apply • Students must have taken the ACT, PSAT, or SAT in the 9th, 10th, or 11th grades • Applications are available in the guidance office in mid-November • Participants are eligible for special scholarships offered by Kentucky Colleges and Universities
For rising juniors and seniors Three week summer program at Transylvania University in Lexington You must submit a resume and prepare an audition, DVD, script, or portfolio of your work Prestigious addition to your resume GSA Scholarships to Kentucky Colleges Applications are due in December Nine artistic disciplines including: Architecture Creative Writing Dance Drama Instrumental Music Musical Theater New Media Visual Art Vocal Music Auditions are in February and March Kentucky Governor’s Schoolfor the Arts
Architecture - bring 2-3 samples of your work in any media Creative Writing - bring your ideas, writing samples, pencil and paper Dance - you will participate in a ballet/modern master class so dress appropriately Drama- prepare a two-minute monologue and participate in an improvisation workshop Instrumental Music - bring your instrument and a solo piece to work on - be prepared to perform (including scales) in front of other participants Musical Theater - bring two theatrical songs of contrasting style (one up-tempo and one ballad) plus a two minute monologue New Media - bring pen/pencil and paper, digital camera, video camera, laptops, and samples of your work in any media including work on a flash drive or CD Visual Art - bring 2-3 samples of your work in any media and be dressed to do hands-on work in paint, clay, and charcoal Vocal Music - perform a prepared memorized solo you would like to work on and bring music for your piano accompaniment GSA Free ArtshopsNovember 7 (Louisville), 14, 21, 2009
College Preparatory Curriculum Graduation Requirements • 4 years of English (English 1,2,3,4) • 3 years of Math (Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry or more advanced) • 3 years of Science (life, physical, earth/space, include at least one laboratory class) • 3 years of Social Studies (World Civilizations, U.S. History, plus one of economics, government, geography, or civics) • .5 years of Health • .5 years of PE (or 1 year of Fundamentals of Dance) • 1 year of Humanities (Adv. Humanities or HAVPA) • 2-3 years of the same Foreign Language • 4-5 years of Electives (at least 3 rigorous and 1 or more courses that develop computer literacy) • TOTAL OF 22 CREDITS!
Graduation Requirements for the Advanced Program • For those students who have tested into the Advanced Program – 12 credits must be earned in Advanced Program classes in at least 3 of the following areas: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language. • All Advanced Program courses have a 9 in the next to last digit of the course number or are labeled Advanced Placement. • Students are required to take at least 3 advanced program classes each semester. • Advanced Humanities is also required. • A Cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required to stay in the program. • Students must also take three years of the same Foreign Language
Commonwealth Diploma • Unique to State of Kentucky. • Recognizes superior academics and superior drive to accomplish consistent, outstanding academic production. • Successful completion of 22 credits required for high school graduation • Successful completion of 22 credits in pre-college curriculum • Successful completion of at least 4 Advanced Placement Courses as described in the Advanced Placement Program Course Description Booklet of the College Examination Board. • AP Courses must include one in English, one in ScienceorMath, one in a Foreign Language, and one additional course. • Successful completion of 3 AP exams in the subject areas of completed AP courses.
Diploma Requirements • Must meet the minimum requirements of the Kentucky Department of Education program of studies which is 22 credits. • Score apprentice, proficient, or distinguished in reading on CATS assessment. • Score apprentice, proficient, or distinguished in math on CATS assessment. • Score apprentice, proficient, or distinguished on writing portfolio on CATS assessment. • Your ILP must be 100% complete each year you are in high school.
Why College? Amount of EducationEarnings Unemployment Rate • High School-No Diploma $17,077 11.4% • High School Graduate $25,288 6.3% • Some College $28,625 5.4% • Associate’s Degree $30,047 3.4% • Bachelor’s Degree $40,925 2.1% • Master’s Degree $48,642 1.8% • Doctoral Degree $66,032 1.5% • Professional Degree $83,649 1.3% 2008 median earnings of people in Kentucky over age 25, both sexes, with a full time job - U.S. Census Bureau
Academic Rigor, Talent, and/or Mastery of Skills Cumulative GPA Grades in college Advanced Placement courses Grades in college prep courses Grades in all subjects ACT & SAT test scores Class rank (JCPS does not rank) Essay or writing samples Honors, Awards, etc. Counselor recommendations Teacher recommendations Interview (if required) Community Service Work and extracurricular activities College Admissions Criteria by Importance
Explore and Research Colleges/Careers/Your Future! • Identify what you like to do - How do you want to spend the rest of your life? • Will you be happy with the financial resources available to you as a result of that career choice? • Gather as much information as you can from informal visits to colleges and attending college fairs. • Search college websites for minimum GPA and test score requirements. • Refine what your possible college major may be and explore colleges strong in that area. • What careers are available to people with a degree in your chosen field? • Identify at least 10 Colleges/Universities you are interested in and spend this year researching everything you can about those colleges.
Home Health Aides Network Systems & Date Communication Analysis Medical Assistants Physician Assistants Computer Software Engineers, Applications Physical Therapist Assistants Dental Hygienists Computer Software Engineers, Systems Administrators Dental Assistants Personal and Home Care Aides Network and Computer Systems Administrators Database Administrators Physical Therapists Forensic Science Technicians Veterinary Technologists and Technicians Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Physical Therapist Aides Occupational Therapist Assistants Medical Scientists Occupational Therapists Preschool Teachers Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians Postsecondary Teachers Hydrologists Computer Systems Analysts Hazardous Materials Removal Workers Biomedical Engineers Employment, Recruitment, and Placement Specialists Environmental Engineers Paralegals and Legal Assistants Top Occupations in the U.S.A. Based on Growth Rate to 2014
Public & Independent Private Colleges and Universities • More than 3,000 in the U.S. • Come in various shapes and sizes Major Research Universities Comprehensive Universities Small Liberal Arts Colleges Faith Related Colleges Specialized Colleges for Arts and Technology • Cost ranges up to $40,000 - $50,000 per year for tuition and fees alone
In-State vs. Out-of-StateWhat’s the Difference? • In-state institutions are subsidized by taxes collected by state government offering lower tuition rates to residents of that state • Out-of-State institutions will require you to pay higher tuition rates because your parents did not pay the other state’s taxes - tuition rates are sometimes more than double what you pay for your own in-state institutions
Kentucky Colleges – Four Year Public Universities • Eastern Kentucky University - Richmond • Kentucky State University - Frankfort • Morehead State University - Morehead • Murray State University - Murray • Northern Kentucky University - Highland Heights • University of Kentucky - Lexington • University of Louisville - Louisville • Western Kentucky University - Bowling Green
Alice Lloyd College Asbury College Bellarmine University Berea College Brescia College Campbellsville Univ. Centre College Embry-Riddle Univ. Georgetown Univ. Indiana Wesleyan Univ. Kentucky Christian Univ. Kentucky Mountain Bible College Kentucky Wesleyan College Lincoln Memorial Univ. Lindsey Wilson College McKendree College Mid-Continent Univ. Midway College Northwood University Pikeville College St. Catherine College Spalding University Thomas More College Transylvania University Union College University of the Cumberlands Kentucky Colleges – Four Year Private Nonprofit Colleges and Universities
Four Year Private For Profit College • Sullivan University
Ashland Community/Technical College Big Sandy Community/Technical College Bluegrass Community/Technical College Bowling Green Technical College Elizabethtown Community/Technical College Gateway Community/Technical College Hazard Community/Technical College Henderson Community College Hopkinsville Community College Jefferson Community/Technical College Madisonville Community College Maysville Community/Technical College Owensboro Community/Technical College Somerset Community College Southeast Community/Technical College West Kentucky Community/Technical College Two Year Public Colleges
Two Year Private For-Profit Colleges • Beckfield College • Brown Mackie College • Daymar College • Draughons Junior College • Galen College of Nursing • ITT Technical Institute • Louisville Technical Institute • National College • Paducah Technical College • Southwestern College of Business • Spencerian College
For Profit Trade Schools • Elizabethtown Beauty School • The Hair Design School of Florence • The Hair Design School of Louisville • The Hair Design School of Radcliff • Kaufman Beauty School • Mr. Jim’s Beauty College • Trend Setters’ Academy
Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarships (KEES) • The state of Kentucky rewards students for good grades • 2.5 is the minimum GPA you have to earn in a year to receive KEES money • 15 is the minimum ACT score to receive additional funds • Better grades and higher ACT scores earn you more dollars • Students on free/reduced lunch may earn additional bonus funds for passing AP classes and exams • The funds can be used at any college in Kentucky • Funds cannot be used for out-of-state colleges unless they offer a program not offered in Kentucky
Harvard University Princeton University Yale University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stanford University California Institute of Technology University of Pennsylvania Columbia University Duke University Northwestern University Washington University/St. Louis Cornell University Johns Hopkins University Brown University Rice University Emory University University of Notre Dame Vanderbilt University University of California - Berkeley Carnegie Mellon University Georgetown University University of Virginia University of California - Los Angeles University of Michigan University of Southern California Tufts University Wake Forest University University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill U.S. News & World Report Rankings of Best Colleges - National Universities
University of California-Berkeley University of California - Los Angeles University or Virginia University of Michigan University of North Carolina College of William & Mary Georgia Institute of Technology University of California University of Illinois University of Wisconsin Pennsylvania State University University of Florida University of Texas Ohio State University University of Maryland University of Pittsburgh University of Georgia Clemson University Purdue University Texas A & M University University of Minnesota Rutgers University University of Connecticut University of Delaware Indiana University Michigan State University University of Iowa Virginia Tech Miami University of Ohio U.S. News & World Report Rankings of Best Colleges - Public National Universities
Williams College Amherst College Swarthmore College Middlebury College Wellesley College Bowdoin College Pomona College Carleton College Davidson College Haverford College Claremont McKenna College Vassar College Wesleyan University Grinnell College Harvey Mudd College United States Military Academy Washington & Lee University Smith College Colgate University United States Naval Academy Hamilton College Colby College Oberlin College Colorado College Bates College U.S. News & World Report Rankings of Best Colleges - Liberal Arts
Spelman College Howard University Morehouse College Fisk University Xavier University of Louisianna Hampton University Tuskegee University Claflin University Dillard University North Carolina Central University Elizabeth City State University Florida A & M University South Carolina State University Tougaloo College Morgan State University Tennessee State University Delaware State University Winston-Salem State University Johnson C. Smith University Virginia State University Bennett College Clark Atlanta University Fort Valley State University Jackson State University Alcorn State University U.S. News & World Report Rankings of Best Colleges - Historically Black
Pepperdine University Syracuse University Fordham University Purdue University University of Connecticut Southern Methodist University University of Delaware Indiana University Michigan State University University of Iowa Miami University of Ohio University of Colorado Baylor University SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Marquette University University of Denver Auburn University Clark University Drexel University Iowa State University North Carolina State University St. Louis University University of Vermont SUNY - Stony Brook University of Alabama U.S. News & World Report Rankings of Best Colleges - A+ Options for B Students
University of Maryland - Baltimore County George Mason University Northeastern University Drexel University Arizona State University University of Central Florida Indiana University - Purdue University - Indianapolis (IUPUI) University of Denver University of Southern California University of Vermont Clemson University Emory University Rice University University of South Carolina-Columbia North Carolina State University Ohio State University University of California - San Diego University of Cincinnati University of North Texas U.S. News & World Report Rankings of Best Colleges - Up & Coming National
Hendrix College Agnes Scott College Davidson College Furman University Calvin College Dickinson College University of Richmond Ursinus College Allegheny College College of St. Benedict Reed College Stonehill College University of North Carolina - Asheville U.S. News & World Report Rankings of Best Colleges - Up & Coming Liberal Arts
Some Top Schools for theVisual Arts - listed alphabetically • Art Academy of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, Ohio) • Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, Ill.) • Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, Pa.) • Cleveland Institute of Art (Cleveland, Ohio) • Kansas City Art Institute (Kansas City, Mo.) • Maryland Institute College of Art (Baltimore, Ma.) • Memphis College of Art (Memphis, Tenn.) • Minneapolis College of Art & Design (Minneapolis, Minn.) • Montserrat College of Art (Beverly, Mass.) • Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, N.Y.) • Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, R.I.) • Savannah College of Art & Design (Savannah, Ga.)
Arizona State University Cleveland Institute of Music Curtis Institute of Music Eastman School of Music Florida State University Indiana University - Bloomington Juilliard School of Music Manhattan School of Music Mannes College of Music Northwestern University New England Conservatory of Music Yale University Oberlin Conservatory of Music Peabody Conservatory of Music University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music University of Colorado University of Illinois University of Michigan University of North Texas University of Southern California University of Texas-Austin University of Wisconsin U.S. News & World Report - Best Music Schools - listed alphabetically
Butler University California Institute of the Arts Florida State University Indiana University The Juilliard School North Carolina School of the Arts Ohio State University Point Park University Rutgers University Southern Methodist University Stephens College University of Southern Mississippi University of Illinois University of Michigan University of Utah The Ailey School Ballet Austin Summer Program Boston Ballet/Boston Conservatory Duke University Gustavus Adolphus College Marin Dance Theater New York University Gallatin School of Individual Study Stanford University University of Florida Some Top Schools for Dance
Boston University Carnegie Mellon University Duke University Emerson University Indiana University The Juilliard School New York University Southern Methodist University Florida State University Fordham University Northwestern University Pepperdine University Rutgers University Mason Gross School of the Arts Syracuse University University of Minnesota Guthrie BFA Acting Program Virginia Commonwealth University Some Top Schools for Theater
Ball State University Boston Conservatory Carnegie Mellon University Florida State University Millikin University Notre Dame University Otterbein University Point Park University Roosevelt University Stephens College University of the Arts University of Evansville University of Cincinnati University of Oklahoma Wright State University Some Top Schools for Musical Theater
Ball State University DePaul University Indiana University Ohio State University Millikin University North Carolina School of the Arts Northern Kentucky University Western Kentucky University Point Park University Southern Methodist University University of Cincinnati University of Evansville University of Louisville University of Kentucky University of Texas/Austin University of Wisconsin/Madison Some Top Schools for Theatrical Design and Production
The Academic Common Market • If the program you are interested in isn’t offered in Kentucky, you may be able to pay in-state tuition at an out-of-state school through the Academic Common Market. • Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia participate at the undergraduate and graduate levels. • Florida, North Carolina, and Texasparticipate at the graduate level.
Schedule visits on teacher in-service days and spring break Make an appointment for your tour Visit In-session Stay overnight when possible Include your parents Meet with an admissions officer Verify admissions requirements Discuss your chances for success Obtain a school calendar and catalogue Determine college costs Ask about financial aid opportunities Ask about student/teacher ratio for freshmen Ask about Honors Programs Meet with faculty Ask questions about academic requirements and offerings Attend a class Ask about placement record Identify career-planning services Tour the campus/classrooms/labs Tour the dorms/dining facilities Tour the recreational facilities Tour the city or town Talk to students Find out about student activities Inquire about campus life Investigate transportation options Keep note about your visit Write thank you notes Hints For A Campus Visit
Top Five Tips for Juniors in Preparation for College Applications • Standardized Tests - complete all standardized tests your junior year and retake those with low scores. • Grades and Classes - junior year grades are the most important (you are now settled in your routine; more demanding courses predict college performance; classes you choose speak volumes about your motivation and intellectual curiosity). • Teacher/Counselor Recommendations - if you share an intellectual interest with a teacher they are more likely to give you a good college recommendation. Get to know your counselor and connect with teachers you want to write for you. • Activities- the way in which you spend your time outside the classroom serves as testimony to your moral fiber; assess whether your activities reflect a depiction of your interests and passions. • Opportunities - admissions officers look for students who step out of their comfort zone and seek new experiences. Ignoring an opportunity does not appeal to college admissions officers.
Everything counts … NOW! • Grades and Credits are used to determine the GPA • AP Courses are weighted on a 5 point scale • All Advanced, Honors, and Comprehensive Classes are weighted on a 4 point scale • Eligibility in Sports and Extracurricular and/or Co-curricular activities are based on academic performance • Placement in honors, advanced, and advanced placement classes and awards that will be listed on the college application • All grades, courses, and credits earned will be listed on your TRANSCRIPT!
What is a TRANSCRIPT?? • The transcript is the report sent to colleges that reflects every semester of high school that you have completed • Courses you have taken and credits earned each semester are on the transcript • The level of rigor of each class is included on the transcript (AP, Advanced, Honors, etc.) • Your total cumulative weighted and unweighted GPA is on the transcript • Your attendance record in on the transcript • Grades include all pluses and minuses, A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, and U’s!!!!