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Brokerage session BG-7-2015: Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions

Brokerage session BG-7-2015: Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions. Erik van de Burgwal – Horizon 2020 Transport NCP, The Netherlands Maritime Transport and Innovation Brokerage Event 27/28 November 2013 Santiago de Compostela , Spain. Introduction to topic.

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Brokerage session BG-7-2015: Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brokerage sessionBG-7-2015: Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions Erik van de Burgwal – Horizon 2020 Transport NCP, The Netherlands Maritime Transport and Innovation Brokerage Event 27/28 November 2013 Santiago de Compostela, Spain

  2. Introductionto topic BG-7-2015: Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions Call identifier: Blue Growth – BG-7-2015 • Date of publication : 11th December 2013 • Deadline 1st stage: 24th February 2015 • Evaluation: March, April 2015 • Deadline 2nd stage: 11th June 2015 • Type of action: Research and Innovation Action (100 %) • EU contribution: 4 – 6 Mio. EUR per Proposal (8 Mio. EUR for topic)

  3. Specificchallenge • The development of deep sea resources exploitation (particularly offshore Oil and Gas) is moving maritime operations to extreme pressure and low temperature conditions, with many unknown factors and limited response capacity. • Lack of appropriate means to deal with a large scale pollution event at high depth/pressure: • to predict and measure the evolution of the pollution • to design an appropriate response combining the right mix of interventions • Develop the capacity for rapid response to unanticipated and episodic marine pollution events • in different types of oceanic conditions, including in closed basins and open seas

  4. Scope (1) • Develop an integrated operational response capacity to major offshore and/or coastal pollution events (particularly oil & gas), including in extreme oceanic conditions. • Integrated approach that combines • oceanographic prediction of the pollution behaviour • understanding of the pollution impact including the role of marine microbial communities • use of physical, chemical and biological remediation and its impact on ecosystems, • the use of specialised vessels and underwater (autonomous) vehicles

  5. Scope (2) • Improve the European operational response capacity to such events • integrated models and tools that can be tested for a better preparedness and support decision making in the management of such events • Recommendations for infrastructure works to help protect sensitive ecosystems in high risk areas • Proposals should benefit from the inclusion of partners established in third countries, in particular the US and Canada

  6. Impact (1) • Develop an integrated capacity to optimally respond to major marine pollution events (particularly oil & gas) combining • oceanographic modelling of pollution behaviour • physical, chemical and biological mitigation • infrastructures • Mitigate negative impacts of marine pollution on the marine environment, coastal economies and communities • Improve the integration between the scientific community and relevant government agencies charged with dealing with pollution, • including cross-border and trans-boundary co-operation • Reduce risks of the new offshore economy and improve the business environment for Blue Growth investments;

  7. Impact (2) • Contribute to the implementation: • Directive 2013/30/EU on safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities • Offshore Protocol of the Barcelona Convention in the Mediterranean • Contribute to the effectiveness of EMSA's operational capacity to respond to pollution from oil and gas installations • Improve societal acceptance of offshore activities • Increase competitiveness of European industry including SMEs within the marine industrial sector

  8. Thank you for your attention! MinistryofEconomicAffairs NL Agency – Centreof Expertise for International Research and Innovation Tel +31 88 602 5122 erik.vandeburgwal@agentschapnl.nl www.agentschapnl.nl/horizon2020

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