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Explore a Lambda scheduling algorithm for file transfers on high-speed optical circuits, optimizing bandwidth allocation and capacity usage. Understand the dynamic provisioning of circuits and varying-bandwidth list scheduling (VBLS) to enhance network efficiency.
Lambda scheduling algorithm for file transfers on high-speed optical circuits Hojun Lee Polytechnic Univ. Malathi Veeraraghavan Univ. of Virginia Contact: mv@cs.virginia.edu Hua Li and Edwin Chong Colorado State Univ.
Outline • Background & Problem statement • Varying-Bandwidth List Scheduling(VBLS) • Conclusions and future work
Background • Many optical network testbeds being created for eScience applications • Canarie’s Ca*net 4 - Canada • Translight – USA • SURFnet – Netherlands • UKLight – UK • Target applications: • Terabyte/petabyte file transfers • Remote visualization, computational steering
Background • These optical networks are circuit-switched • Circuit-switched network operation: • Establish a circuit reserve capacity at each switch on end-to-end path • Dedicated resources implies “rate guarantee” • Sounds great – but what’s the catch? • Cost, if network resources are not SHARED on some basis • Answer: implement dynamic provisioning of circuits • User holds a “lambda” for some short duration and releases for others to use • How “dynamic?” The greater the sharing, the lower the costs • Our proposed approach (NSF project called CHEETAH): • Hold “lambdas” only for the duration of file transfers
1 1 Capacity C Capacity C 1 1 2 2 PS CS 2 2 3 3 3 3 . . . . N N N N Each transfer is allocated C/N capacity Each transfer gets C/N capacity Background: Old theory says circuits unsuitable for file transfers • PS: Packet switch • CS: Circuit switch • Fixed bandwidth scheme The lone remaining transfer enjoys full capacity C The lone remaining transfer continues with capacity allocation C/N
Our answer to this handicap • Instead of scheduling a “fixed capacity” for the duration of a file transfer - • To take advantage of bandwidth that becomes available subsequent to the start of the transfer - • Schedule varying capacities for different time ranges within the duration of a transfer • Provide sender this schedule at the start of the transfer (i.e., during circuit provisioning) – it adjusts sending rate • Announce schedule to all the circuit switches on the path for an automated reconfiguration of circuits at time range boundaries • How do we predict the time ranges in which more capacity will be available after the transfer starts at the time of circuit setup? • Require users to specify file sizes • Scheduler keeps track of allocations already made to ongoing transfers
Problem statement • Hence our problem is not how to schedule lambdas for fixed durations, but - • Rather it is how to schedule lambdas for file transfers
Scheduling requests • Specify • File size • Maximum rate • File transfers, unlike real-time audio/video, can be allocated “any” capacity; higher the rate, smaller the transfer delay • End host processing, network interface card and disk limitations place an upper bound on the rate allocated for the file transfer • Requested start time • Allows users to specify a delayed start time • Immediate-request vs. book-ahead calls (pricing)
VBLS: A Lambda-Scheduling Algorithm for File Transfers • End host applications request lambdas for file transfers by specifying a three-tuple • : file size • : a maximum bandwidth limit for the request • : the desired start time for the transfer • The scheduler assigns a Time-Range-Capacity (TRC) vector for each transfer • : the start of the kth time range • : the end of the kth time range • : the capacity allocated for the transfer in the kth time range.
VBLS: an example Assume the available capacity of a 4-channel link is as shown below Available capacity F: 5GB Rmax: 2 channels Treq: 50 Per-channel rate: 10Gbps Time unit: 100ms In 10 time units can transfer 1.25GB TRC allocated: (50, 60, 1) (60, 70, 2) (70, 75, 2)
VBLS algorithm • Identify change points (P1, P2, ..., Pn), in available capacity function, (t) • Find interval [Pi, P(i+1)] in which Treq lies • Four cases are possible while allocating resources in that interval: • Remaining file can be fully transferred and (i) Rmax • Remaining file can be fully transferred and (i) > Rmax • Remaining file cannot be fully transferred and (i) Rmax • Remaining file cannot be fully transferred and (i) > Rmax • In each case, we set parameters of a time range: • Beginning of time range • End of time range • Capacity allocated in that time range • In last two cases, decrease remaining file size variable and continue to next interval between change points
Analysis and simulation • Traffic model: • Call arrival process = file transfer arrival process: Poisson with rate • File size F: bounded Pareto distribution k: lower bound on file size; p: upper bound on file size; : shape parameter: 1.1
Validation of simulation program with analysis • Simple case: • All calls specify same maximum rate, which is set equal to link capacity C • M/G/1 model with ‘G’ being bounded Pareto • Analytical result available
Result for validation case • File latency: mean waiting time – from Treq until first bit is transmitted • System load
Sensitivity analysis: Effect of maximum rate • All calls request same Rmax of 1, 5, 10, 100 channels on a link of capacity C=100 channels • Mean latency smallest in the 1-channel case • Mean file transfer delay (which is latency + service time) is smallest in 100-channel case
Sensitivity analysis: Effect of file size lower bound (k) and upper bound (p) • All calls request same Rmax of 1, 5, 10 channels on a link of capacity C=100 channels • Case 1: k=500MB; p = 10GB • Case 2: k= 10GB; p = 100GB • File latency is more in Case 2 because variance is higher in Case 2 (shape of bounded Pareto distribution) • Increasing upper bound p, increases variance and hence file latency increases
Simulation comparison of VBLS against FBLS (Fixed-Bandwidth LS) and PS • Calls choose 1, 5 or 10 channels with probability 0.3, 0.3 and 0.4 • Normalized delay (D)
Alternate view: throughput • File throughput (y-axis): long-term average of file size divided by transfer delay • System load (x-axis) 1 channel 5 channels 10 channels
Observation • VBLS • Achieves close to idealized PS (infinite buffer) performance • Finite-buffer PS networks need something like TCP – reduces idealized PS throughput levels • Compare with current TCP enhancements under design • which are implementing run-time discovery of available bandwidth to ideally adjust sending rates to match available bandwidth • goal: avoid packet losses and consequent rate drops
Practical considerations • Extending VBLS scheme to multiple links • Clock synchronization & Propagation delay • Staggered schedule • Accounting for retransmissions • Available capacity function • Cannot be continuous, has to be discrete • Wasted resources because of discretization • Cost of achieving PS-like performance • Circuit switches now more complex • Need electronics to do timer-based reconfigurations of circuits
Extensions • Add a second class of requests: • Holding time • Minimum rate • Maximum rate • Requested start time • Useful for remote visualization and other interactive applications
Conclusions and future work • VBLS overcomes a well-known drawback of using circuits for file transfers • fixed-bandwidth allocation fails to take advantage of bandwidth that becomes available subsequent to the start of a transfer • Simulations showed that VBLS can improve performance over fixed-bandwidth schemes significantly for file transfers • Cost: implementation complexity • Future work: to include a second class of user requests for lambdas, targeted at interactive applications such as remote visualization and simulation steering