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NAA TERM PAPER LG-3. WADA NA TODO ABHIYAN. INTRODUCTION. Wada Na Todo Abhiyan is a national campaign to hold the government accountable to its promise to end Poverty, Social Exclusion & Discrimination.
INTRODUCTION • Wada Na Todo Abhiyan is a national campaign to hold the government accountable to its promise to end Poverty, Social Exclusion & Discrimination. • Wada Na Todo Abhiyan emerged from the consensus among human rights activists and social action groups who were part of the World Social Forum 2004(Mumbai). • The movement aim to do this by monitoring the promises made by the government to meet the objectives set in the UN Millennium Declaration (2000), the National Development Goals and the National Common Minimum Program (2004-09) with a special focus on the Right to Livelihood, Health & Education. LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
CONTD… • The movement ensures that the concerns and aspirations of Dalits, Adivasis, Nomadic Tribes, Women, Children, Youth and the Differently Abled are mainstreamed across programs, policies and development goals of the central and state governments. • A National Convention on MDGs was held in New Delhi during 4-5 November 2004.The campaign in India has been named as Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (Keep the Promises) LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
MDG …… • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger • Reduce by half the proportion of people living on less than one U.S. dollar a day. • Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. • Achieve universal primary education • Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling. Increased enrollment must be accompanied by efforts to ensure that all children remain in school and receive a high-quality education LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
Promote gender equality and empower women • Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015. • Reduce child mortality Reduce the mortality rate among children under five by two thirds. • Improve maternal health • Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio. • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases • Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS. • Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases. LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
Ensure environmental sustainability • Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss of environmental resources. • Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water (for more information see the entry on water supply). • Achieve significant improvement in lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers, by 2020. • Develop a global partnership for development LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
KEY INITIATIVES • Since its inception in 2004, the Abhiyan has mobilized more than 500,000 people to take action on our goal of Governance Accountability. key initiatives include: • Public awareness and action on the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the Right to Education Bill. • Nine Is Mine" campaign for the allocation of 9% of the GDP to Health and Education, as promised in the National Common Minimum Program. LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
Civil Society Reviews of the National Common Minimum Program, May 2007. • Release of the Citizen's Reports on the Millennium Development Goals, Dec 2006. • Advocacy with Legislators on key issues of Livelihood, Health & Education. • People's Summit Against Poverty (PSAP) LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
State initiatives. • Wada Na Todo Abhiyan has been able to bring together more than 3000 rights action groups across 23 states of India through its activities and initiatives • The formation of state networks has also enabled co-ordinated action across states, thereby increasing the visibility, outreach and impact of the Abhiyan at both states and national levels. LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
Currently the state campaigns of the Abhiyan are operational in the following 14 states: • Orissa W.bengal Rajastah H.P Uttar Pradesh Bihar Jharkhand M.P Chattisgarh Gujurat Maharastra A.P T.N karnataka LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
Some major activities • Rojgar Adhikar Yatra in UP. • The yatra was conceived by the National Conference of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR), a confederation of more than 300 grassroots dalit organisations, and supported by the PACS Programme, Oxfam India Trust,wada na todo World Dignity Forum . • PSAP. (People’s summit against poverty) to express solidarity and to hold the governments accountable for promises made to the people in various national and international conventions. LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
9-is-Mine. • is a children’s initiative to ensure that the government commits 9% of the GDP to public expenditure on Health & Education, as promised in the National Common Minimum Program LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
REFERENCES: • http://www.wadanatodo.net/default.asp • http://www.samarthan.org/Social%20Watch.htm • www.socialwatchindia.com • www.whiteband.org • www.empoerpoor.org • www.milleniumcampaign.org LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan
Thank you LEARNING GROUP-3 LG-3, Wada na todo abhiyan