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Explore new needs and strategies to enhance services in sparsely populated mountain regions. Focus on sustainable solutions for transport, healthcare, education, daily needs, and more. Collaborate with diverse regional teams for transnational expertise exchange.
Public Services in sparsely populated mountain regions (PUSEMOR) New needs and innovative strategies Thomas Egger Director of the Swiss Center for mountain regions (SAB) and Head of PUSEMOR-Steering committee
Provision with public services: • What’s the problem? • Demographical change new needs • Technological change new opportunities • Globalization / liberalization / Privatization more competition / other general regulations • Provision with public services must ( and can) be organized in an other (better) way!
Important By „basic provision“ we unterstand a certain, politically determined minimum level of public services, including the infrastructures necessary to provide them. By "public services" we mean products and services of a public (cooperative) nature, i.e. goods that would not be provided – or not provided to a sufficient, universal degree – if left to the market alone. Our interest is thus focused on public services, their quality and their price; it is not, or in any event only indirectly, on the jobs within the (formerly government) agencies which provide these services.
Services in PUSEMOR • Transport (railways and roads, public and private) • Health care / care for elderly • Education / schools / professional training • Every day needs (food and non food, incl. postal service) • public administration (municipalities and regional admin.) • telecommunication • (Each regional team has its own focus)
Goals PUSEMOR aims at developping sustainable strategies and innovative solutions for improving the provision of sparsely populated regions with public services. This with the ambition to up-grade these regions both as economic place and as place of residence. To reach the goals, PUSEMOR focuses on the trans-national exchange of expertise and practical experience.
Partners / Regional Teams Country Bundesland / Region Italy Lombardia (3 test areas) as financial lead partner GAL Appennino Genovese (3 t.a.) Austria Bundesland Kärnten (2 t.a.) Bundesland Tirol (Lienz / Osttirol as t.a.) France Région Franche Comté (2 t.a.) Germany Region Südl. Oberrhein (Schwarzwald, 4 t.a.) Slovenia Region Gorenjska (2 t.a.) Switzerland Western Switzerland (3 t.a.) Ticino (3 t.a.) FOSD-CH (SAB) as technical lead partner
WP VIII Synthesis WP VI Transnational Comparison WP VII Development of strategies WP V Regional Studies WP II - IV Project Management and Information / Dissemination Jan 05 Juli 05 Jan 06 Juli 06 Jan 07 Juli 07 Schedule 4 phases with focus on the regional or the transnational work
Summary – Results‘Public services’ Compared with the results of data material the assessment of public services shows clearsimilaritiesbetween the test areas Great accordance in the most domains In positivesense / rather not (yet) problematic + ‘Public administration’ + ‘Education’ + ‘Every day needs’ In negativesense / rather (very) problematic – ‘Transport’ – ‘Health care’ / esp. ‘Care for elderly’ – ‘Telecommunication’
All test areas from different regions and countries are concerned by differentmixture of problems ! Nevertheless exist similar commonproblems ! Basic provision withpublic services will be worse ! Fears about the future are stronger than wishes for extension ! Butactions on problematic domains seem to generate positivefuture trend ! Theses – ‘Common challenges’
Theses – ‘Common challenges’ • Provision with public services can often arranged better in larger spatial units ! • Cooperation between municipalities to prevent intensification of spatialdistinctions within the test areas and regions ! • In ‘Education’, ‘Health care’ and especially ‘Care for the elderly’ the demographical change causes changing demand and need for adjustment of infrastructure ! • Infrastructures and offers for transportation of persons, goods and datavia the internet are the greatestchallenge for the test areas!
Current actions developed to improve public services Broadband access (network- and user-orientated) Broadband access • Broadband access (wireless), • multifunctional bus (food + postal services) Public transports (?) • Multi-service card • mobile kindergarten • Schools as IT-Center • Public E-Point Broadband access (wireless)