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Randomized Algorithms for Optimal Solutions | Lecture 2 by Prof. Vuda Sreenivasarao

Explore the concepts of randomized algorithms, probabilistic inequalities, amortized and competitive analysis. Discover how randomness can lead to faster and simpler solutions with examples like quicksort and Monte Carlo integration.

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Randomized Algorithms for Optimal Solutions | Lecture 2 by Prof. Vuda Sreenivasarao

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  2. Randomized Algorithms • Objectives: • 1.Randomized Algorithms: • 1.1.Basic concept of Randomized algorithms with example. • 1.2.Probabilistic inequalities in analysis with examples. • 1.3.Amortized analysis with examples. • 1.4.Competitive analysis with examples.

  3. Deterministic Algorithms Algorithm Input Output • Goal to prove that the algorithm solves the problem correctlyalwaysand quickly typically the number of steps should be polynomial in the size of the input.

  4. Also known as Monte Carlo algorithms or stochastic methods A short list of categories • Algorithm types we will consider include: • Simple recursive algorithms • Backtracking algorithms • Divide and conquer algorithms • Dynamic programming algorithms • Greedy algorithms • Branch and bound algorithms • Brute force algorithms • Randomized algorithms

  5. Randomized algorithms • Randomization.Allow fair coin flip in unit time. • Why randomize? Can lead to simplest, fastest, or only known algorithm for a particular problem. • Examples: Symmetry breaking protocols, graph algorithms, quicksort, hashing, load balancing, Monte Carlo integration, cryptography.

  6. Randomized algorithms • A randomized algorithm is just one that depends on random numbers for its operation. • These are randomized algorithms: • Using random numbers to help find a solution to a problem. • Using random numbers to improve a solution to a problem. • These are related topics: • Getting or generating “random” numbers. • Generating random data for testing (or other) purposes.

  7. 1.Randomized Algorithms: ALGORITHM INPUTOUTPUT RANDOM NUMBERS • In addition to input algorithm takes a source of random numbersand makes random choices during execution. • Random algorithms make decisions on rolls of the dice. • Ex : Quick sort, Quick Select and Hash tables.

  8. Why use randomness? • Avoid worst-case behavior: randomness can (probabilistically) guarantee average case behavior • Efficient approximate solutions to inflexible problems.

  9. Making Decision Flip a coin.

  10. Making Decision Flip a coin! An algorithm which flip coins is called a randomized algorithm.

  11. Why Randomness? Making decisions could be complicated. A randomized algorithm is simpler. Consider the minimum cut problem Can be solved by max flow. Randomized algorithm? Pick a random edge and contract. And repeat until two vertices left.

  12. Why Randomness? Making good decisions could be expensive. A randomized algorithm is faster. Consider a sorting procedure. 5 9 13 8 11 6 7 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 Picking an element in the middle makes the procedure very efficient, but it is expensive (i.e. linear time) to find such an element. Picking a random element will do.

  13. Why Randomness? Making good decisions could be expensive. A randomized algorithm is faster. • Minimum spanning trees. A linear time randomized algorithm, known but no linear time deterministic algorithm. • Primality testing A randomized polynomial time algorithm, but it takes thirty years to find a deterministic one. • Volume estimation of a convex body A randomized polynomial time approximation algorithm, but no known deterministic polynomial time approximation algorithm.

  14. Why Randomness? In many practical problems, we need to deal with HUGE input, and don’t even have time to read it once. But can we still do something useful? Sub linear algorithm: randomness is essential. • Fingerprinting: verifying equality of strings, pattern matching. • The power of two choices: load balancing, hashing. • Random walk: check connectivity in log-space.

  15. Advantages of randomized algorithms • Simplicity. • Performance. • For many problems, a randomized algorithm is the simplest, the fastest, or both.

  16. Scope of Randomized Algorithms: • Number theoretic algorithms: primality testing Monte Carlo. • Data structures: Sorting, order statistics, searching, computational geometry. • Algebraic identities: Polynomial and matrix identity verification. Interactive proof systems. • Mathematical programming: Faster algorithms for linear programming. Rounding linear program solutions to integer program solutions.

  17. Scope of Randomized Algorithms: • Graph algorithms: Minimum spanning trees shortest paths, minimum cuts. • Counting and enumeration: Matrix permanent. Counting combinatorial structures. • Parallel and distributed computing: Deadlock avoidance, distributed consensus. • Probabilistic existence proofs: Show that a combinatorial object arises with nonzero probability among objects drawn from a suitable probability space.

  18. Randomized algorithms • In a randomized algorithm (probabilistic algorithm), we make some random choices. • 2 types of randomized algorithms: • For an optimization problem, a randomized algorithm gives an optimal solution. The average case time-complexity is more important than the worst case time-complexity. • For a decision problem, a randomized algorithm may make mistakes. The probability of producing wrong solutions is very small.

  19. Types of Random Algorithms • Las Vegas: • Guaranteed to produce correct answer, but running time is probabilistic. • Monte Carlo: • Running time bounded by input size, but answer may be wrong.

  20. Las Vegas or Monte Carlo?

  21. Las Vegas • Always gives the true answer. • Running time is random. • Running time is bounded. • Quick sort is a Las Vegas algorithm. • A Las Vegas algorithm always produces the correct answer its running time is a random variable whose expectation is bounded (say by a polynomial).

  22. Monte Carlo • It may produce incorrect answer! • We are able to bound its probability. • By running it many times on independent random variables, we can make the failure probability arbitrarily small at the expense of running time. • A Monte Carlo algorithm runs for a fixed number of steps and produces an answer that is correct with probability 1/2.

  23. RP Class ( randomized polynomial ) • Bounded polynomial time in the worst case. • If the answer is Yes; Pr[ return Yes] > ½. • If the answer is No; Pr[ return Yes] = 0. • ½ is not actually important.

  24. PP Class ( probabilistic polynomial ) • Bounded polynomial time in worst case. • If the answer is Yes; Pr[ return Yes] > ½. • If the answer is No; Pr[ return Yes] < ½. • Unfortunately the definition is weak because the distance to ½ is important but is not considered.

  25. Routing Problem • There are n computers. • Each computer has a packet. • Each packet has a destination D(i). • Packets can not follow the same edge simultaneously. • An oblivious algorithm is required. • For any deterministic oblivious algorithm on a network of N nodes each of out degree d, there is an instance of permutation routing requiring (N/d) ½.

  26. Routing Problem • Pickrandom intermediate destination. • Packet i first travels to the intermediate destination and then to the final destination. • With probability at least 1-(1/N), every packet reaches its destination in 14n of fewer steps in Qn. • The expected number of steps is 15n.

  27. 1.Randomized Algorithms: • EXAMPLE: Expectation:- X()------ flips a coin. Heads: One second to execute. Tails: Three seconds. • Let X be running time of one cell to X() • with probability 0.5------ X is 1. • With probability 0.5------X is 3. • Here random variable is X. • Expected value of X=E[X]=0.5x1+0.5x3= 2 seconds expected time. • Suppose we run X(),// take time X X(),// take time Y • Total running time is T=X+Y , here T is random variable. • What is expected total time E[T]=? • Linearity of expectation: E[X+Y]=E[X]+E[Y]=2+2=4 seconds expected time.

  28. Min_Cut Problem Definition: Min_cut Problem is to find the minimum edge set C such that removing C disconnects the graph. Traditional Solution: Max-flow: The maximum amount of flow is equal to the capacity of a minimum cut

  29. Example of Min_Cut a b e.g. Min_Cut = 2

  30. Intuition • Let a graph G has n nodes and size of min_cut = k, that is |C| = k then : degree for each node >= k total number of edges in G >= nk/2. Randomized Min_Cut Input: a graph G(V, E), |V| = n Output: min_cut C Repeat: Pick any edge uniformly at random, collapse it and remove self-loops Until: |V| down to 2. *Running time is O(n-2)

  31. Example ofRandomized Min_Cut min_cut = 2 Or maybe… min_cut = 4

  32. Las Vegas VS Monte Carlo • Las Vegas Algorithm: It always produces the correct answer and the expected running time is finite (e.s.p. randomized quick sort). • Monte Carlo Algorithm: It may produce incorrect answer but with bounded error probability (e.s.p. randomized min_cut).

  33. Analysis • Probability of the first edge C Prob = (kn/2 – k ) / (kn/2) = (n-2) / n • Probability of the second edge C Prob = (k(n-1)/2 – k ) / (k(n-1)/2) = (n-3) / (n-1) min_cut

  34. Analysis Prob. Of outputting C: Pr >= =

  35. Analysis • Probability of getting a min_cut is at least 2/n(n-1) Might look like small, but gets bigger after repeating the algorithm e.s.p. If algorithm is running twice, probability of outputting C would be: Pr = 1 – ( 1 – ) ^ 2 • Let r be the number of running times of algorithm. • Total running time = O(n*r)

  36. Internet Minimum Cut June 1999 Internet graph, Bill Cheswick http://research.lumeta.com/ches/map/gallery/index.html

  37. 1.Randomized Algorithms: • EXAMPLE: Hash Tables:- • Random hash code maps each possible key to randomly chosen bucket, but a keys random hash code never changes. • Good model for how a good hash code will perform:- • Assume hash table uses chaining , no duplicate keys. • Perform: find (k). K hashes to bucket b cost of search is one birr , plus birr for every entry in the bucket b whose key is not k. • Suppose there are n keys in table besides k. • V1,V2,………Vn : Random variables for each key Ki, Vi= 1 if key Ki hashes to bucket b , Zero otherwise.

  38. 1.Randomized Algorithms: • Cost of find(k) is T= 1+V1+V2+……….+Vn. • Expectation cost is E[T]= 1+E[V1]+E[V2]+-------+E[Vn] • N buckets:- each key has 1/N probability of hashing to bucket b ≤ 0 • E[Vi]=1/N • E[T]=1+n/N. • If load factor ≤ C,E[T]€ O(1). • Hash table operations take O(1) expected amortized time.

  39. Contention Resolution in a Distributed System Contention resolution. Given n processes P1, …, Pn, each competing for access to a shared database. If two or more processes access the database simultaneously, all processes are locked out. Devise protocol to ensure all processes get through on a regular basis. Restriction. Processes can't communicate. Challenge: Need symmetry-breaking paradigm. P1 P2 ... Pn

  40. Contention Resolution: Randomized Protocol Protocol. Each process requests access to the database at time t with probability p = 1/n. Claim. Let S[i, t] = event that process i succeeds in accessing the database at time t. Then 1/(en)  Pr[S(i, t)]  1/(2n). Pf. By independence, Pr[S(i, t)] = p (1-p)n-1. • Setting p = 1/n, we have Pr[S(i, t)] = 1/n (1 - 1/n) n-1. ▪ Useful facts from calculus. As n increases from 2, the function: • (1 - 1/n)n-1 converges monotonically from 1/4 up to 1/e • (1 - 1/n)n-1 converges monotonically from 1/2 down to 1/e. none of remaining n-1 processes request access process i requests access between 1/e and 1/2 value that maximizes Pr[S(i, t)]

  41. Contention Resolution: Randomized Protocol Claim. The probability that process i fails to access the database inen rounds is at most 1/e. After en(c ln n) rounds, the probability is at most n-c. Pf. Let F[i, t] = event that process i fails to access database in rounds 1 through t. By independence and previous claim, we havePr[F(i, t)]  (1 - 1/(en)) t. • Choose t = en: • Choose t = en c ln n:

  42. 1.Randomized Algorithms: EXAMPLE: Nuts and Bolts : • Suppose we are given n nuts and n bolts of different sizes. • Each nut matches exactly one bolt and vice versa. • The nuts and bolts are all almost exactly the same size, so we can’t tell if one bolt is bigger than the other, or if one nut is bigger than the other. If we try to match a nut witch a bolt, however, the nut will be either too big, too small, or just right for the bolt. • Our task is to match each nut to its corresponding bolt.

  43. 1.Randomized Algorithms: • Suppose we want to find the nut that matches a particular bolt. • The obvious algorithm — test every nut until we find a match — requires exactly n-1 tests in the worst case. • We might have to check every bolt except one; if we get down the last bolt without finding a match, we know that the last nut is the one we’re looking for. • Intuitively, in the ‘average’ case, this algorithm will look at approximately n/2 nuts. But what exactly does ‘average case’ mean?

  44. Deterministic vs. Randomized Algorithms • Normally, when we talk about the running time of an algorithm, we mean the worst-case running time. This is the maximum, over all problems of a certain size, of the running time of that algorithm on that input: • On extremely rare occasions, we will also be interested in the best-case running time: • The average-case running time is best defined by the expected value, over all inputs X of a certain size, of the algorithm’s running time for X:

  45. Randomized Algorithms: • Two kinds of algorithms: deterministicand randomized. • A deterministic algorithm is one that always behaves the same way given the same input; the input completely determinesthe sequence of computations performed by the algorithm. • Randomized algorithms, on the other hand, base their behavior not only on the input but also on several randomchoices. • The same randomized algorithm, given the same input multiple times, may perform different computations in each invocation. This means, among other things, that the running time of a randomized algorithm on a given input is no longer fixed, but is itself a random variable.

  46. EXAMPLE: Nuts and Bolts : • Finding the nut that matches a given bolt. • ‘Uniformly’ is a technical term meaning that each nut has exactly the same probability of being chosen. • So if there are k nuts left to test, each one will be chosen with probability 1/k. • Now what’s the expected number of comparisons we have to perform? Intuitively, it should be about n=2, but let’s formalize our intuition.

  47. EXAMPLE: Nuts and Bolts : • Let T(n) denote the number of comparisons our algorithm uses to find a match for a single bolt out of n nuts. • We still have some simple base cases T(1) = 0 and T(2) = 1, but when n > 2, T(n) is a random variable. • T(n) is always between 1 and n-1; it’s actual value depends on our algorithm’s random choices. We are interested in the expected value or expectation of T(n), which is defined as follows:

  48. EXAMPLE: Nuts and Bolts : • If the target nut is the kth nut tested, our algorithm performs min{k, n-1}comparisons. • In particular, if the target nut is the last nut chosen, we don’t actually test it. Because we choose the next nut to test uniformly at random, the target nut is equally likely—with probability exactly 1/n—to be the first , second, third, or kth bolt tested, for any k. Thus:

  49. EXAMPLES • Contention Resolution. • Global Minimum Cut. • Linearity of Expectation. • MAX 3-SATISFIABILITY. • Universal Hashing. • Chernoff Bounds. • Load Balancing. • Randomized Divide-and-Conquer. • Queuing problems.

  50. Randomized Algorithms Examples: Verifying Matrix Multiplication • Problem : Given three nxn matrices A;B;C is AB = C? • Deterministic algorithm: • (A) Multiply A and B and check if equal to C. • (B) Running time? O(n3)by straight forward approach. O(n2:37) with fast matrix multi- plication(complicated and impractical). • Randomized algorithm: • (A) Pick a random n x 1 vector r. • (B) Return the answer of the equality ABr = Cr. • (C) Running time? O(n2)!

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