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PROJECT COMENIUS. Basic Info about our project. Our project started in the year 2011 and it finishes at the end of this school year. The name of our project is „We are the world – We are the children“. Our logo. Aims of our project.
Basic Infoaboutourproject Our project started in the year 2011 and it finishes at the end of this school year. The name of our project is „We are the world – We are the children“. Our logo
Aimsofourproject * to find out something about other countries and their traditions, culture, history and family life. * to get know to our partners about sport and music in our country, about Czech important personalities, the system of the Czech education and ways we spend our free time. * to make eight pieces of newspaper about the results of our project. * to meet new friends. * to improve our English.
Meetings in partner countries • We met ourfriends in the Czech Republic, Great Britain , Bulgaria and Poland. • Wehavegreatmemories and lotsofphotos and experience.
Ouractivities in thisproject (projectdays) 1) FREE TIME On the 11thofNovemberwe had ourfirstprojectday. Duringthedaystudentsfrom 4th to 9thformwereworking on a projectaboutthewaystheyspendtheir free time. They made many postersaboutit.
2) MEETING IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC At thebeginningofOctober 2011 15 students and 8 teachersfromour partner schools in Great Britain, Poland and Bulgariavisitedourprimaryschool in Brno. On Mondaywewent on a trip to ourcapital city of Prague, wherewevisitedimportantplaces and couldsee many beautifuloldbuildings. Nextafternoonwespent in cavesof „Moravský kras“ and in Brno. Wealso had anofficial meeting in ourschool, whereweprepared many activities and workshopsforourpartners.
3) MEETING IN THE UNITED KINGDOM In May 2012 44 students and teachersfromourschoolcame to aninternational meeting in England. Wespenttwogreatdays in London and thenwearrived in Leeds. Wespent nice timeatValleyViewPrimarySchool, welearnthow to dancetraditional pole dance, atetypicalEnglishmeal, spokeEnglish and visited many beautifulplaces.
4) SPORT IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC DuringSeptemberlessonsourpupilswereworking on ournextComeniustopicaboutSports in the Czech Republic. Theytried to describethe most successfulsportsmen and sportswomen in our country. Youcanreadaboutthem in our Sport newspaper. ROMAN ŠEBRLE BARBORA ŠPOTÁKOVÁ
5) EDUCATION IN EUROPE At the end ofSeptemberallourpupilsworked on theprojectabouteducation in Europe. Youngerpupils made posters and playedsmalltheatresabouthistoryofthe Czech education, olderstudents made posters, comics and projectsaboutthesystemofeducation in the UK, Poland and Bulgaria. Youcanfindoutsomeimportantinformationfromour video, thatwas made by pupilsaged 12.
6) MEETING IN POLAND In October 2012 therewasourthird meeting in Poland. WevisitedWarsaw, Krakow and our partner school in Dobranowice. Ourfriendsprepared very nice sport and cultureprogrammeforus, wedanced, sang, painted and couldspeakEnglishagain.
7) FASHION PROJECT Pupilsofthe 3rd, 4th and 5thformtried to befashiondesigners and models in November 2012. Theydesignedsports, free time and workclothes. At the end ofthedaytheyperformed a big fashionshow forthe audience in theschool.
8) MUSIC PROJECT On Christmas days children of our school had many music performances where they could show the others that music is regular part of their lives. You could hear and see them for example in the Svoboda´s square in Brno, in the Líšeň´s market or in the senior house. They sang a lot of songs, carrols and gave Christmas presents to older people.
9) ANIMALS – EARTH DAY In May 2013 pupilsofour 1st grade wereworking on theprojectaboutPeople and Animals. At thesametimewecelebratedtheEarthDay. Pupils made animalsfromrecycledmaterials and youcouldsee many amazinganimals and monstersthatdecoratedourcorridors in May.
10) READING PROJECT During the year all our pupils have been working on our reading project. The youngest pupils made their own stories and fairy tales, they wrote their reader´s diaries, read the books with their parents and discussed about importance of reading books. The older students tried to explain in English their relation to reading and describe their reading habits. We also met with an English fairy tales writer, Mrs. Hilary Robinson from Leeds and we spoke about reading and writing books.
Made by Adam Illek, Filip Čech, Martin Ondrůj PrimarySchool Masarova, Brno, Czech Republic