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A view on present and the vision for future

Explore the past, present, and future of nuclear matter and its implications in physics. Discover new phases, properties of QCD, big bang, and more.

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A view on present and the vision for future

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  1. A view on present and the vision for future Bedanga Mohanty Physics group, VECC, Kolkata • Past • Present • Future “He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.” - George Orwell

  2. Future Past and present Question  past,present and future involvement What will be the fate of nuclear matter when subjected to extremes of density (compression) and temperature (heating) ? Most intriguing suggestion from fundamental theory of strong interaction (QCD)  new phases of nuclear matter may be formed and could be associated with corresponding change in vacuum structure. Quarks and gluons could be deconfined!

  3. Implications • Properties of QCD • Big Bang • Neutron stars • Nucleosynthesis • Color superconductivity?? • Thermodynamics of matter under extreme conditions • Phase transition tri-critical point

  4. SPS -> RHIC -> LHC->FAIR Past, present and future dedicated to answer one central question Past, present and future to pursue one idea Present PMD: STAR and ALICE Past PMD : WA93 and WA98 Heat the matter Future CBM Compress the matter

  5. Was flow observed ? 1st measurement of such an phenomena at SPS was done using WA93 PMD Abstract : PLB 403 (1997) 390 : …This suggests that directed collective flow of the produced particles is present at SPS energies. Impact of PMD in WA93 Equation of State is important to know How ? Experimental observable – through measurement of collectivity (particles/energy) – called as flow Flow is now considered as one of the most important observable to claim QGP formation at RHIC

  6. Quarks and leptons are like gloves – they can be right handed or left handed (spin  direction of motion) The symmetry associated with this handedness - Chiral symmetry Chiral symmetry is broken in nature. Chiral symmetry restored matter possible if the temperature/density is high enough (Such as in heavy-ion collisions) Theoretical ideas of DCC (from Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek and from J.D. Bjorken) looked for in WA98 PMD Consequence – formation of disoriented chiral condensates  experimental observable – large fluctuation in ratio of number of photons to number of charged particles Impact of PMD in WA98 Symmetries are the central idea in particle physics

  7. Search for DCC not yet over ……….. Efforts summarized in  Impact of PMD in WA98 Important contribution to search for DCC PRC 64 (2001) 011901 (R) PRC 67 (2003) 044901 PLB 449 (1999) 109 PLB 461 (1999) 142 PRC 66 (2002) 044901 Nucl. Phys. A 715 (2003) 339 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 18 (2003) 1067 Int. J. Mod. Phys A 19 (2004) 1453 30% of the total WA98 international journal publication from PMD 12 PhD’s from PMD : Students from India, MIT, USA, Netherlands…….

  8. Physics impact from the first paper from STAR PMD • First time in Heavy-Ion collisions we showed that photons and pions follow energy independent limiting fragmentation. • We have resolved the contradictory results (from two contemporary experiments at RHIC) on the impact parameter dependence of limiting fragmentation of charged particles. Stay tuned -- more results to come!

  9. What we have achieved so far in STAR PMD • PMD in STAR : NIM A 499, 751 (2003) • First physics data taken : 2004. • First physics paper in Physical Review Letters August 2005. Next paper in Physical review C March 2006 Electronics laboratory Detector laboratory Facilities developed at this centre, expertise being gained in several areas

  10. Study properties of the new matter • Specific heat • Compressibility • Opacity • Viscosity • Susceptibilities Future - ALICE Aim is to create a long lived plasma of quarks and gluons. Then study the properties of these building blocks of matter in detail

  11. What we are currently doing in ALICE - PMD • Detector fabrication is in full swing for ALICE • Testing front-end electronics in progress • Prototype successfully tested NIM A 488, 131 (2002) • Detector installation : 2006-2007 • Data taking starts : 2008 • Computing facility is being developed at this center Computing Nodes • This detector to address – • Compressibility of the matter • Chiral symmetry restoration in hot matter HP Proliant-360DLG3 Dual CPU Xeon 2.4 GHz

  12. A journey from understanding the origin of universe to understanding of fascinating objects of the universe Future - FAIR Past and present : probed high temperature and low baryon density matter Future : Focus on moderate temperature and HIGH baryon density matter • To answer questions – unanswered by past and present • Chiral symmetry restored matter yet to be established • Phase boundary yet to be drawn • Properties of hadrons in medium yet to be understood

  13. Future Challenge Possibility of inter linking of various disciplines of physics makes it more interesting Analogy: Critical Opalescence (as observed in a CO2 liquid-gas transition) In coming years it will be : Both theoretical and experimental challenge to locate the critical point

  14. Fe absorbers  C absorber (cm) 5 10 20 30 120 16 detector layers ~190 cm 247 cm 170cm Our future effort To build a muon detector at CBM in FAIR Why build a muon detector ?

  15. Why build a muon detector ? To answer the unanswered questions in past and present  In-medium modifications of hadrons onset of chiral symmetry restorationat high B measure: , ,   m+ m- open charm (D mesons)  Indications for deconfinement at high B production and propagation of charm measure:J/, D Strong theoretical support in this field available at VECC But all these can be done through electrons also……

  16. Electron Muon CERES (1997) arXiv:nucl-ex/9712008 v1 23Dec 1997 Why build a muon detector ? Muon detection is relatively simpler with a background which can be controlled. All this without compromising on the physics we are looking for….

  17. Future Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.--J.F. Kennedy The question is …where did the anti-matter go….? • The Big Bang made antimatter somewhere else, and Earth happens to be in a matter zone. – P. A. Dirac • "For every one billion particles of antimatter there were one billion and one particles of matter. And when the mutual annihilation was complete, one billionth remained - and that's our present universe." --Albert Einstein Few Possibilities : Medical diagnostic : Positron Emission Tomography – study working of brain Energy : Antimatter converting all its mass into energy is the ultimate fuel (1gm of anti-matter will drive a car for 1000 years or more) – ultimate rocket fuel

  18. Typical detector – AMS detector Future To know more about it starts with first detecting it – anti matter – place to look for is in the outer SPACE Is it feasible ? Yes • A collaboration between DAE and ISRO to carry out experiments in space • We have a well proven space technology and know-how • DAE has very good experience in detector building and has carried out experiments in various international high energy experimental collaborations • Concepts of solar laser accelerators were proposed in last vision meeting ….

  19. Proposed detector for CBM has a social angle. Medical diagonesis. X-Ray imaging: GEM, 2-D Dosimetry:GEM, RPC 9 keV absorption radiographyusing GEM My dream of VECC : Basic Science and Applied science • Inventors of transistors were well versed in quantum theory of solids! • Basic circuits in computers were not founded by people who wanted to build computers – in thirties, by physicists dealing with the counting of nuclear particles because they were interested in nuclear physics • Neutron was not discovered because people wanted new sources of power • Can electronic industry exist without previous discovery by people like Thomson and Lorentz • Did Faraday found laws of induction because the principle will be used to build induction coils of motor cars ? • Hertz did not find electromagnetic waves so that we can have better communications There is hardly any example of innovation which is not indebted to basic science thought The “WWW” we are so used to was born at CERN out of demand for automatic information sharing between scientists working in different universities and institutes all over the world. Lets make it a place where both co-exist

  20. My dream for VECC • Super conducting cyclotron • Medical cyclotron • Radioactive Ion Beam • Frontline computational facility (Grid, ernet …) • Theoretical Nuclear physics – one of the best • Big contribution to a frontier area of research (QGP) • Accl. Driven sub-critical systems • Helium facility • Nuclear diagnostic and radiation therapy Best place to do research Age Number Bob Wilson – first director of Fermilab was asked by a congressional committee What will your lab contribute to the defense of the US ? He replied : NOTHING, but it will make it worth defending My dream/wish of a future VECC – is lets make it such a laboratory

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