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Aniridia congenita: implantation of artificial iris combined with cataract surgery in pediatric age. Dr. Marco Mazza Ophthalmic Pediatric Unit Niguarda Cà Granda Hospital Milan Director E. Piozzi.
Aniridia congenita: implantation of artificial iris combined with cataract surgery in pediatric age Dr. Marco Mazza Ophthalmic Pediatric Unit Niguarda Cà Granda Hospital Milan Director E. Piozzi
The surgical treatment of pediatic cataract in anidria is very complex.The clinicals pictures are often very different and therefore a standard surgical procedure doesn’t exist
even the simplestprocedure shall be performedslowly and with great care: a small error can cause a change of surgicalstrategy or certainlymakeit more difficult
However in these patients cataract surgery becomes an opportunity to solve some problems arising from congenital aniridia
Comingnow to the case • a young girl 12 yearsoldwith bilateralcongenitalaniridia and bilateralcataract • over the years, hislevel of visionhasgraduallyreducedbecause of cataracts • major problemshavearisenespecially for nearvision, creatingimportantdifficulties for the school • for thisreasonwedecided for the surgery
planning the surgery, we wondered how to tackle the two problems simultaneously • after a careful study of the literature that in children is quite poor we got to choose a procedure of double plant in the bag
Ithasexcellentbiocompatibilitywhichresults in verylowrates of Posterior Capsular Opacification (PCO) and givesgreatstability in the capsular bag. the yellowfilterbrings an increase in contrastsensitivitywithoutaffectingcolourperception.
AniridiaRings TYPE 50 Fartificialiris implant • Size (compressed): 10,0 mm • Total Diameter: 10,19 • Diaphragm: Cover up to 12 cl. hours / 360° • Inner Diameter: 4,0 mm • Incision: > 3,0 mm • DiopterRange: None • Material: PEMA Black CQ
The surgery has improved the visual acuity: the gain was 2 line for distance and 4 lines for near • The patient had a considerable reduction of glare and a good aesthetic result