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Truckers are in the business of crossing the miles to make money. Having to lay out a bunch of cash in advance of a run generally isn’t on the agenda. Some purchases, however, are very much worth their price before long hauls begin.
Blog: Lubricationspecialist.com Is a Truck Heater Value Your Cash? Truckers are in the business of crossing the miles to make money. Having to lay out a bunch of cash in advance of a run generally isn’t on the agenda. Some purchases, however, are very much worth their price before long hauls begin. An auxiliary truck heater happens to be one of them. A truck heater add-on is a standalone piece of equipment that augments and/or works in conjunction with a rig’s own onboard heater. This extra piece of equipment might seem like a frivolous luxury, but it’s not. Here’s why: They deliver a layer of safety –Relying solely on a truck’s onboard heater can be a big mistake when the temperatures drop. An auxiliary truck heater operates independently to deliver heat to the cabin and the engine compartment both. This means a truck can be shut off and still have plenty of heat for comfort and safety. They can save money – Keeping an engine warm in the overnight hours can be a costly venture if a rig must be left on. An auxiliary truck heater can provide plenty of heat for a sleeping compartment while ensuring the engine stays warm for a fast start up in the morning. What’s more, these heaters rely on their own fuel supply so they don’t drain a rig during those long winter nights. In addition, they can spare wear and tear on the engine itself. Not all truck accessories are worth the prices on their tags. A truck heater happens to not be one of them. This add-on delivers safety, comfort and cost savings combined.