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October 2013 Initial Survey Results

October 2013 Initial Survey Results. Primary School ZŠ s MŠ H. Gavloviča Pruské Slovakia. October 2013 Slovakia Initial Survey Results.

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October 2013 Initial Survey Results

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  1. October 2013 Initial Survey Results Primary School ZŠ s MŠ H. Gavloviča Pruské Slovakia

  2. October 2013 Slovakia Initial Survey Results • The following data provided by 186 pupils aged 10-15 (total 8 classes) were collected and processed in the Primary School of H. Gavlovič in Pruské, Slovakia. • The original questions are posed both in Slovak and English and the results are organised into charts.

  3. 1/ Water consumption Spotreba vody

  4. Do you close the taps when you finish using them, or if you see open or leaking? Zatvárate kohútik, keď ukončíte používanie vody alebo ak ho uvidíte otvorený či pretekajúci?

  5. 2. While are you doing other tasks (brushing teeth, combing hair, etc.), • do you usually leave the taps open? • Keď robíte iné činnosti (umývanie zubov, česanie vlasov, atď.), • nechávate zvyčajne kohútik otvorený?

  6. 3. When you see someone wasting water at school or high school, do you say something? Do you reproach his behavior?Keď vidíte niekoho zbytočne míňať vodu v škole, poviete mu niečo? Vyčítate mu jeho správanie?

  7. 4. When you see that a tap is leaking or is damaged, you report maintenance staff or your teacher? Keď uvidíte pretekajúci alebo poškodený kohútik, ohlásite to školníkovi alebo učiteľovi?

  8. 5. Do you think it is important that the school or high school organizes campaigns, conferences, etc.. in relation to water consumption in the center? Pokladáte za dôležité, keď škola organizuje prednášky, stretnutia, atď. v súvislosti so spotrebou vody v obci?

  9. 2/ Importance of a clean environment Dôležitosť čistého prostredia

  10. 6. How often do you clean your room? Ako často si upratuješ izbu?

  11. 7. Are you anxious if someone smokes near you? Si nahnevaný, ak niekto blízko teba fajčí?

  12. 8. Do you pick up litter if you see it in the classroom/ school yard? Zodvihneš odpadky, ak ich uvidíš na zemi v triede alebo v školskom areáli?

  13. 9. Do you like flowers and plants around your school?   Páčia sa ti kvety a rastliny v okolí školy?

  14. 10. Do you have any plants in the classroom and if so, do you look after the plants in your classroom? Máte v triede nejaké rastliny? Ak áno, staráš sa o ne?

  15. 3/ Recycling habitsZvyky v recyklovaní

  16. 11. What is your experience in separating rubbish at your school?Aká je tvoja skúsenosť s triedením odpadu vo vašej škole?

  17. 12. When you are at home, do you separate rubbish?Keď si doma, triediš odpad?

  18. 13. If you separate rubbish at all, which of the following containers do you use? Ak vôbec triediš odpad, ktorý z nasledujúcich kontajnerov používaš?

  19. 14. How often do you use one time disposable plastic cutlery/ plates/ cups?Ako často používaš jednorázové plastové príbory/ taniere/ poháre?

  20. 15. Do you think that recycling can help to save our planet? Myslíš si, že recyklovanie môže pomôcť zachrániť našu planétu?

  21. 4/ Buying habits Nákupné zvyky

  22. 16. Do you use reusable bags for grocery shopping? Prinesiš si na nákup potravín svoju vlastnú tašku?

  23. 17. Do you buy local eating products?Kupuješ potravinárske výrobky miestnej výroby?

  24. 18. Do you buy season fruits and vegetables?Kupuješ sezónne ovocie a zeleninu?

  25. 19. Do you buy and use low energy bulbs?Kupuješ/používaš nízkoenergetické žiarovky?

  26. 20. Do you buy second-hand clothes? Kupuješ/obliekaš si second-hand oblečenie?

  27. 5/ Transport and pollution Doprava a znečistenie

  28. 21. How do you get to school? Ako chodíš do školy?

  29. 22. How do you get to after-school activities?Ako chodíš na mimoškolské krúžky?

  30. 23. Where you live - how would describe the quality of the air?Tam, kde bývaš - ako by si opísal kvalitu vzduchu?

  31. 24. Can you go bathing in your area - are the sea, lakes, or rivers clean? Môžeš sa kúpať blízko svojho domova? Sú tam jazerá, rieky čisté?

  32. 6/ Energy consumption Spotreba energie

  33. 25. What fuel consumes the heating of your school or high school?Ktoré vykurovacie palivo používa vaša škola?

  34. 26. In your school or high school, Is there thermostat or similar in the classrooms to control the temperature? Je vo vašej škole termostat, alebo je v triede iný prístroj na kontrolu teploty vzduchu?

  35. 27. Do you have the windows opened when the central heating is working?Máte okná otvorené, keď sa v škole kúrii?

  36. 28.  When you are in the classroom, do you pull up the blinds to have daylight and turn off the electric light?Keď si v triede, dávaš hore žalúzie, aby si využil denné svetlo a vypínaš elektrické osvetlenie?

  37. 29.  When you leave the classroom, do you turn off the lights?Keď odchádzaš z triedy, vypínaš svetlo?

  38. An enormousTHANK YOUto everyone who voluntarily helped with collecting, processing and presenting the results

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