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Explore code enforcement violations in St. Louis County, Missouri through a photo exhibit showcasing building exterior, lot, garage, kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, and more.
St. Louis County, Missouri Photo Exhibit Code Enforcement Division 2000 International Property Maintenance Code 08/30/05
St. Louis County, Missouri Building Exterior & Lot Basement Garage Interior Kitchen Dining Room Living Room Bathrooms Bedrooms General Code Enforcement Division 2000 International Property Maintenance Code
Building Exterior & Lot Check driveway conditions. Section 302.3 Check for cracks and voids, damaged sections of deteriorated driveways. Surface differentials of ¾” or more shall be eliminated. Driveways shall be maintained. Gravel is acceptable if existing and maintained.
Building Exterior & Lot Check roof conditions. Section 303.7 Deteriorated overhang, loose roof shingles, roofing flashing and vents shall be repaired/replaced. Roofs shall be sound, tight and have no defects that admit rain.
Building Exterior & Lot Check roof conditions. Section 303.7 Deteriorated overhang, loose roof shingles, roofing flashing and vents shall be repaired/replaced. Roofs shall be sound, tight and have no defects that admit rain.
Building Exterior & Lot Check roof vent & flue conditions. Section 303.7 Check roof vents and flues for acceptable flashing and installation.
Building Exterior & Lot Check roof vent & flue conditions. Section 303.7 Check roof vents and flues for acceptable flashing and installation.
Building Exterior & Lot Check roof vent & flue conditions. Section 303.7 Check gable vents for acceptable condition.
Building Exterior & Lot Verify acceptable & visible house address numbers. Section 303.3 House address numbers shall be 4” minimum high, ½” stroke width visible from the street. Missing numbers shall be replaced.
Building Exterior & Lot Check derelict vehicle & garage door conditions. Sections 302.8 & 303.15 Derelict and unlicensed vehicles shall be removed from the premises. Deteriorated garage doors shall be repaired.
Building Exterior & Lot Check decorative feature conditions. Section 303.8 Examples of a missing column support, deteriorated fascia and gable vent that require repair to maintain a safe condition.
Building Exterior & Lot Check decorative feature conditions. Section 303.8 Example of a missing column support at a residence entry. Check fascia and gable vent conditions.
Building Exterior & Lot Check fascia & soffit conditions. Section 303.8 Examples of a deteriorated fascia and soffit that require repair and anchorage to maintain a safe condition.
Building Exterior & Lot Check fascia & soffit conditions. Section 303.8 Examples of a deteriorated fascia and soffit that require repair and anchorage to maintain a safe condition.
Building Exterior & Lot Check guttering system conditions. Section 303.7 Leaves and foreign matter shall be cleaned out from gutters and downspouts. Damaged and loose downspouts and gutters shall be repaired/replaced/secured.
Building Exterior & Lot Check exterior door conditions. Section 303.15 All exterior doors, door assemblies and hardware shall be maintained in good condition. Fit and adjust door to operate properly. Deteriorated doors, jambs, thresholds and hardware shall be repaired/replaced.
Building Exterior & Lot Check doors for proper operation. Sections 303.14 & 303.15 Open and close doors to verify proper operation. Check for insect screens for each habitable room.
Building Exterior & Lot Check window conditions. Section 303.13 Every window, skylight, door and frame shall be kept in sound condition, good repair and weather tight. Glazing shall be maintained free from cracks and holes.
Building Exterior & Lot Check insect screen conditions. Section 303.14 Every door, window and other outside opening required for ventilation of habitable rooms or food preparation areas shall have tightly fitting screens of not less than 16 mesh per inch.
Building Exterior & Lot Check debris, litter & tall grass. Sections 302.1, 302.4 & 305 All rubbish, garbage, yard waste shall be removed and disposed of. Grass over 8” in height shall be cut.
Building Exterior & Lot Check condition of fences. Sections 302.7 & 303.2 Examples of deteriorating fences requiring repair, paint and maintenance.
Building Exterior & Lot Check condition of fences. Sections 302.7 & 303.2 Example of a deteriorating fence requiring repair and maintenance. Example of a hazardous electrified fence.
Building Exterior & Lot Check swimming pool conditions. Section 302.7.2 Swimming pools shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition in good repair, drained in off-seasons.
Building Exterior & Lot Check swimming pool gate/latching/closing. Section 302.7.2 Fences around pools shall be 4 foot high and use gate latch hardware not accessible to small children. Gates are required to be self-closing and self-latching from a still position 6” from the gatepost.
Building Exterior & Lot Check electric service entrance. Sections 604 & 605 Check the service entrance cable and conduits. Any deteriorated and defective electrical wiring or equipment shall be repaired/replaced to eliminate hazards.
Building Exterior & Lot Check electric disconnect. Sections 604 & 605 Any missing covers on electric disconnects, deteriorated and defective electrical wiring or equipment shall be repaired/replaced to eliminate hazards.
Building Exterior & Lot Check exterior painting & accessory buildings. Sections 302.9, 303.6 & 302.7 Exterior surfaces where chipping and peeling paint occurs shall be scraped and painted. Accessory structures shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.
Building Exterior & Lot Check exterior painting & accessory buildings. Section 302.7 & 303.6 All exterior surfaces where chipping and peeling paint occurs shall be scraped and painted. Accessory structures shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.
Building Exterior & Lot Check foundation and retaining wall conditions. Sections 303.5 & 302.7 Verify that foundation walls are maintained plumb and free from open cracks and breaks. Retaining walls shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.
Building Exterior & Lot Check foundation and retaining wall conditions. Sections 303.5 & 302.7 Verify that foundation walls are maintained plumb and free from open cracks and breaks. Retaining walls shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.
Building Exterior & Lot Check exterior wall conditions. Section 303.6 Check for melted, deformed, damaged and missing siding.
Building Exterior & Lot Check chimney conditions. Section 303.11 All chimneys shall be maintained structurally safe and sound and in good repair. Loose areas and cracked masonry joints shall be repaired/replaced/tuckpointed.
Building Exterior & Lot Check wall exhaust vent conditions. Sections 603.2 & 603.5 Bathroom, dryer and kitchen exhaust vents shall have self closing covers with screens to minimize air leakage and prevent pests from entering the structure.
Building Exterior & Lot Check stair risers, treads, handrails. Sections 303.10, 304.4 & 304.5 Deteriorated, damaged, loose or missing risers, treads, handrails & guardrails shall be repaired/replaced. New handrails shall be 34” to 38” above the nose of the stair tread or floor. New guardrails shall be 36” minimum height. Stair risers shall maintain the same height and treads the same depth for the length of the stairs so as to avoid a tripping hazard.
Building Exterior & Lot Check for correctly installed guardrails. Sections 303.12 & 304.5 Examples of a loose and damaged guardrail and an acceptable guardrail. New guardrails shall be 36” high where adjacent surfaces are 30” or more below the walking surface.
Building Exterior & Lot Check for waterproof exterior GFCI receptacles. Sections 604 & 605 Exterior outlet receptacles shall have waterproof covers and be protected on a ground fault circuit interrupter circuit.
Building Exterior & Lot Check for evidence of vermin infestation. Sections 302.5 & 306.1 Exterminate health hazards by thoroughly treating affected areas for insects, pests and rodents according to standard practices.
Building Exterior & Lot Check conditions of sidewalks & steps. Section 302.3 Check for cracks and voids needing patching. Damaged sections of deteriorated sidewalks and steps shall be replaced. Surface differentials of ¾” or more shall be removed to eliminate trip hazards.
Basement Check fire blocking/stops at walls and ceilings. Section 703 Fire stops at mechanical, electrical and plumbing penetrations shall be installed.
Basement Verify smoke detector installation. Section 704 New smoke detectors shall be installed if defective or missing. Smoke detectors should be installed in each bedroom, on each floor level and in each hall within 15 feet of a bedroom. They should also be installed on each floor level of multi-family unit common hallways.
Basement Check plumbing for safety and leaks. Sections 504, 505, 506 & 507 Check hot and cold water lines, water meter and valves for acceptable installation and leaks.
Basement Check plumbing for safety and leaks. Sections 504, 505, 506 & 507 Deteriorated plumbing such as deteriorated soil stacks and unsecured water lines shall be repaired/replaced. Verify that a clean-out plug is installed in the soil stack.
Basement Check electrical system for safety (sags, etc.). Sections 604 & 605 All electrical systems, equipment , wiring and appliances shall be properly installed and maintained in a safe and approved manner. Deterioration, damage and defects shall be corrected to eliminate hazards.
Basement Check electrical system for safety (sags, etc.). Sections 604 & 605 All electrical systems, equipment , wiring and appliances shall be properly installed and maintained in a safe and approved manner. Deterioration, damage and defects shall be corrected to eliminate hazards.
Basement Check foundation for evidence of leaks. Section 304.1 & 303.5 Leaking and cracked foundation walls shall be repaired and maintained in a sanitary condition, in good repair, and be structurally sound.
Basement Check furnace venting. Section 603 3 sheet metal screws shall be installed at each metal flue joint. Properly seal opening around furnace flue at chimney. Check for deteriorated or missing chimney cap.
Basement Check water heater fittings, pressure relief valve (PRV), and the flue for leaks. Sections 505.4 Check for a Pressure Relief Valve and 3 screws connecting the flue. Missing blow-off arms shall be installed. Check for deteriorated dielectric unions.
Basement Verify 60 amp minimum electric service. Section 604.2 Check the electrical panel box for a minimum 60 amp service and wire clamps. Check circuits for appropriately rated fuses.
Basement Check gas line shut-off valves at all gas appliances. Sections 603.1 & 603.5 Check for natural gas shut-off valves on the furnace, water heater, stove/oven and ranges.
Basement Deteriorated, damaged, loose or missing risers, treads, handrails & guardrails shall be repaired/replaced. New handrails shall be 34” to 38” above the nose of the stair tread or floor. New guardrails shall be 36” minimum height. Stair risers shall maintain the same height and treads the same depth for the length of the stairs so as to avoid a tripping hazard. Stairs shall have a ceiling height of not less than 6’-8”. Check stair risers, treads, handrails & headroom. Sections 304.4, 304.5 & 404.3