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Fostering Volunteerism In The Local Church

Explore the motivations behind volunteerism in local churches, inspired by biblical teachings and personal testimonies. Learn how to make a difference, build skills, and be part of something larger than yourself. Find fulfillment in serving others and growing spiritually.

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Fostering Volunteerism In The Local Church

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fostering Volunteerism In The Local Church

  2. What motivates people to volunteer?

  3. What motivates people to volunteer? “She stole my heart and I’ve been hooked ever since.” - Steve Neelin: Special Olympics volunteer - for years

  4. What motivates people to volunteer? “She stole my heart and I’ve been hooked ever since.” - Steve Neelin: Special Olympics volunteer - for years I want to “make a difference!”

  5. What motivates people to volunteer? “She stole my heart and I’ve been hooked ever since.” - Steve Neelin: Special Olympics volunteer - for years I want to “make a difference!” I want to be involved in something “bigger than myself!”

  6. What motivates people to volunteer? “She stole my heart and I’ve been hooked ever since.” - Steve Neelin: Special Olympics volunteer - for years I want to “make a difference!” I want to be involved in something “bigger than myself!” I see an “opportunity to DEVELOP new skills or BUILD on existing experience and knowledge”

  7. “Here am I; send me.” (Isa. 6:8)

  8. “Here am I; send me.” (Isa. 6:8) • Isaiah saw “the glory of God” (Isa. 6:1)

  9. “Here am I; send me.” (Isa. 6:8) • Isaiah saw “the glory of God” (Isa. 6:1) • Isaiah heard the declaration of the “holiness of God” – “Holy, Holy, Holy” (Isa. 6: 2-4)

  10. “Here am I; send me.” (Isa. 6:8) • Isaiah saw “the glory of God” (Isa. 6:1) • Isaiah heard the declaration of the “holiness of God” – “Holy, Holy, Holy” (Isa. 6: 2-4) • Isaiah received “forgiveness” from God (Isa. 6: 5-7)

  11. “Here am I; send me.” (Isa. 6:8) • Isaiah saw “the glory of God” (Isa. 6:1) • Isaiah heard the declaration of the “holiness of God” – “Holy, Holy, Holy” (Isa. 6: 2-4) • Isaiah received “forgiveness” from God (Isa. 6: 5-7) • Glorious Mission? (Isa. 6:9-10; 11-12; 13, Isa. 55:11)

  12. You have been forgiven! You have heard of His Holiness! You have seen His Glory!

  13. You have been forgiven! You have heard of His Holiness! You have seen His Glory! Are You Volunteering to teach the Lost ?

  14. You have been forgiven! You have heard of His Holiness! You have seen His Glory! Are You Volunteering to teach the Lost ? What about the next quarter’s Bible Class?

  15. You have been forgiven! You have heard of His Holiness! You have seen His Glory! Are You Volunteering to teach the Lost ? What about the next quarter’s Bible Class? Do You Want To Make A Difference?(I Cor. 15: 58)

  16. You have been forgiven! You have heard of His Holiness! You have seen His Glory! Are You Volunteering to teach the Lost ? What about the next quarter’s Bible Class? Do You Want To Make A Difference?(I Cor. 15: 58) Do you want to be involved in something bigger than yourself (Lk. 19:10) ?

  17. Yes, we are free in Christ …but also enlisted! • Freedom from sin; Freedom from the law of sin and death; but…

  18. Yes, we are free in Christ …but also enlisted! • Freedom from sin; Freedom from the law of sin and death; but… • We are enlisted as soldiers – fighting the good fight of the faith ( 2 Tim. 2:4, I Tim. 6:12)

  19. Committed to the cause of Christ! Epaphroditus (Phil. 2:25, 29-30)

  20. Committed to the cause of Christ! Aquila and Priscilla: Tent making was just their “other vocation” – “Fellow workers in Christ” Primary (Acts 18:3, Rom. 16: 3,4)

  21. Committed to the cause of Christ! Aquila and Priscilla: Tent making was just their “other vocation” – “Fellow workers in Christ” Primary (Acts 18:3, Rom. 16: 3,4) “Church in their house” – regardless of where they moved ( Rom. 16:5, Acts 18:2, I Cor. 16:19)

  22. Committed to the cause of Christ! Aquila and Priscilla: Tent making was just their “other vocation” – “Fellow workers in Christ” Primary (Acts 18:3, Rom. 16: 3,4) “Church in their house” – regardless of where they moved ( Rom. 16:5, Acts 18:2, I Cor. 16:19) Strong in doctrine – teaching Apollos more perfectly (Acts 18:25-26) – baptism of John

  23. Volunteer’s Three Levels of Motivation… • 1. Basic: Self–Serving Drive • 2. Secondary: Relational Drive – A friend invited you – it is hard to say “No!” • 3. Highest Level: Belief Drive

  24. What Makes A Great Volunteer? • Passion – infectious

  25. What Makes A Great Volunteer? • Passion – infectious • Reliability – follow through on commitment (James 1:25)

  26. What Makes A Great Volunteer? • Passion – infectious • Reliability – follow through on commitment (James 1:25) • Integrity – moral uprightness (Gal. 2:5, 11, 14)

  27. What Makes A Great Volunteer? • Passion – infectious • Reliability – follow through on commitment (James 1:25) • Integrity – moral uprightness (Gal. 2:5, 11, 14) • Team Player – “fellow workers” – “much labor” (Rom. 16:9, 6, 12)

  28. What Makes A Great Volunteer? • Passion – infectious • Reliability – follow through on commitment (James 1:25) • Integrity – moral uprightness (Gal. 2:5, 11, 14) • Team Player – “fellow workers” – “much labor” (Rom. 16:9, 6, 12) • Energy – never slothful (Rom. 12:11)

  29. Fostering Volunteerism In The Local Church… Remind Ourselves Of God’s Glory – His Holiness – By His Grace we are forgiven “Here am I; send me!” Remind Ourselves while we have freedom in Christ – we are also enlisted in His army!

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