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Introduction and Range Expansion of West of the 100 th Meridian

Introduction and Range Expansion of West of the 100 th Meridian. Chuck O’Neill Sr. Extension Specialist NY Sea Grant / Cornell University. PREPARING FOR THE INVASION Zebra and Quagga Mussels in Utah Water Treatment Facilities 15 July 2008 Orem, Utah. Contact Information. Chuck O’Neill

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Introduction and Range Expansion of West of the 100 th Meridian

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction and Range Expansion of West of the 100th Meridian Chuck O’Neill Sr. Extension Specialist NY Sea Grant / Cornell University PREPARING FOR THE INVASION Zebra and Quagga Mussels in Utah Water Treatment Facilities 15 July 2008 Orem, Utah

  2. Contact Information Chuck O’Neill Sr. Extension Associate Cornell Cooperative Extension / New York Sea Grant Director, National Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse Coordinator, Cornell Invasive Species Program 585-395-5190 chuck.oneill@cornell.edu

  3. Zebra/Quagga Mussel Information Resources • National Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse • Library • Website • Searchable scientific bibliography • Interlibrary loan • www.aquaticinvaders.org • US Army Corps of Engineers • Zebra Mussel Information System • Identification of adults and immature stages • Life history • Impacts • Monitoring and detection • Management strategies • http://el.erdc.usace.army.mil/zebra/zmis/

  4. Dreissena bugensis: “Quagga Mussel” Dreissena polymorpha: “Zebra Mussel” Dreissenid Species in North America

  5. Dispersal Vectors Byssal Threads... The zebra mussel's secret weapon

  6. European/Eurasian Range of the Zebra Mussel

  7. Currents Crayfish Fish (?) Turtles (?) Waterfowl (?) Shipping Canals / aqueducts Recreational boating Bait buckets Construction equipment Aquaria releases Intentional releases Amphibious planes Dispersal Vectors Natural Human Influenced

  8. Recreational Boating... A Major Gateway to Inland Waters Dispersal Vectors

  9. Dispersal Vectors - Attachment to Hulls

  10. Dispersal Vectors – Attachment to Vegetation

  11. NANSC Zebra Mussel Range - June 1988

  12. NANSC Zebra Mussel Range - June 1989

  13. NANSC Zebra Mussel Range - December 1989

  14. NANSC Zebra Mussel Range - December 1990

  15. NANSC Zebra Mussel Range - September 1994

  16. NANSC Zebra Mussel Range – February 2007

  17. NANSC Quagga Mussel Range - September 1994 Mississippi R. (St. Louis, MO, - Alton, IL)

  18. NANSC Quagga Mussel Range - December 1999

  19. NANSC Quagga Mussel Range (East) - February 2007

  20. 100th Meridian Initiative Quagga Mussel Range (West) March 2007

  21. NANSC Quagga Mussel Range (CA) May 2007

  22. Zebra Mussel Control - 1989

  23. Zebra Mussel Control - 2008

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