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Report of W orking Group on Governance, Peace and Security Statistics of the Strategy for Harmonisation of Statistics for Africa (SHaSA) By. Mr. Zachary Mwangi Director General Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Presented during
Report of Working Group on Governance, Peace and Security Statisticsof the Strategy for Harmonisation of Statistics for Africa (SHaSA)By Mr. Zachary Mwangi Director General Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Presented during First Joint Session of Committee of Directors Generals of National Statistical Offices (CoDGs) and Statistical Commission for Africa (STATCOM-AFRICA) 8-12 December 2014, Tunis, Tunisia
Introduction • STG1 is one of the13 thematic groups of Strategy for the Harmonisation of Statistics in Africa (SHASA). • It is chaired by KNBS • Its Secretariat is housed at the Statistics Division within the Economic Affairs Department of the African Union Commission (AUC).
Introduction • STG1 is assisted by UNDP and others stakeholders in accordance with SHaSA guidelines to implement its activities. • SHaSA functions under AUC, the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), in collaboration with the Committee of Directors-General of African National Statistical Offices (CoDG). • CoDG is responsible for guiding and approving the overall implementation of SHaSA.
Policy frameworks informing work of STG1 • The work of STG1 focuses on assisting Africa’s NSOs, under CoDG guidance, to realize their comparative advantages in the collection of GPS data. • Sound and relevant official statistics are essential for decision-making, policy and programme management, and monitoring and evaluation
Policy frameworks informing work of STG1 • Measuring progress on the commitment to continent-wide integration and development, as undertaken by African leaders through various international treaties and processes, requires reliable and harmonized statistics • Such data are built upon a sound foundation of shared standards, common instruments, capacity for implementation and analysis in national statistics offices, and adequate human and financial resources.
Policy frameworks informing work of STG1 • To address these challenges and obstacles, SHaSA commits to four strategic themes: • Produce quality statistics for Africa • Coordinate the production of quality statistics for Africa • Build sustainable institutional capacity in the African Statistical System; and • Promote a culture of quality decision-making.
Policy frameworks informing the work of STG1 • SHaSA identifies 13 strategic priority thematic areas to be tackled, each of which is assigned to a Specialised Technical Group • Critically, the first-mentioned of the 13 is GPSS • STG I is mandated to develop and pursue an Action Plan, by which the four strategic themes will be tackled
Policy frameworks informing work of STG1 Table 1: Member countries of the STG1 by region
Main achievements and key outputs produced • Twenty NSOs have officially confirmed interest in piloting the SHaSA instruments for producing GPS statistics • Nine of them have already started to apply the data collection instruments • UNDP is currently supporting 5 pilot countries; one in each region of Africa • These are Cote d’Ivoire, Cape Verde, Malawi, Cameroon and Kenya
Main achievements and key outputs produced • The countries are testing the applicability and relevance of the instruments across the continent before expanding the roll-out in 2015 and beyond • In addition to the 5 UNDP-supported pilots, 4 ‟self-starter” NSOs are also piloting the instruments, using their own resources • These include Mali, Uganda, Burundi and Tunisia.
Recommendations to be considered and taken by the CoDGs • It will also validate its technical work. • Proposes the following resolutions to be considered and taken by the CoDGs: • Support pilots in 2015 by at least five NSOs each per region for the five African regions • Each should conduct GPS HH survey module and • Administrative data collection instruments
Recommendations to be considered and taken by the CoDGs • Inception of GPSS Units in the participating NSOs, in the concerned RECs, and in the Statistics Division within the AU Economic Affairs Department • Support the equipping, start-up and capacity-building for GPSS units in the respective NSOs, in the concerned RECs and in the AUC Statistics Division
Recommendations to be considered and taken by the CoDGs • Call upon stakeholders to secure funding for a regional project to support NSOs for the institutionalization of GPS data collection across the continent • Any other information related to key documents produced so far and progress made by the STG1 can be tracked on the AUC Statistics Division’s website: www.austat.org