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Here ‘s the work of some of our classes on street games…. EATING –FRUIT WOLF.
EATING –FRUIT WOLF • One child is the wolf. All the others secretely choose the name of a fruit. The wolf knocks on the door and declares s/he wants to eat a fruit. The child who has the name of that fruit runs away; if taken, s/he becomes the wolf. video1video2
FOUR CORNERS • Each child stays on one corner and tries to change place, agreeing with one of the other children. The child in the centre is ready to run first, so to find a corner for himself. video
FULMINATEDLIGHTBULB • Three children are chosen with a wee song. The first stands with open arms and the other two say: “Light on” “Light off” until the first child shouts “Fulminated light bulb!” and starts to catch everybody. The first to be taken helps him/her to catch the other ones. video
FISHERMAN • Two children, hand in hand, are the fisherman’s net. The rest of the class runs away, not to be caught in the net. Each taken child joins the net becoming fisherman. The last free child is the winner. video
PAMPANAA grid with numbers from 1 to 8 is prepared on the ground. Children take turns in tossing a pebble in the cases, following the numbers. If the pebble lands in the right case, the child hops in sequence, except in the case where the pebble is. On his/her way back, hops retrieving the pebble and another child starts. The route can be made more difficult by holding the pebble on your head…video
ELASTIC BANDS Two children keep the elastic bands in tension, while others in turns jump in to change the present pattern, according to a precise sequence.Swiftness and coordination with the school mates are essential. video
STEAL THE FLAG THE HANDKERCHIEF Two teams (made up of the same number of children) stay in two lines, opposite each other .On the central line ( at the same distance from each team) stays the teacher, or a school mate, with the handkerchief (or flag). S/he calls a number and the corresponding children (one from each team) try to get hold of the flag, without trespassing the central line, running immediately back to his/ her place. The child who failed to take the flag, can still get it by stopping the other child before s/he gets back to his/ her place in the line.This game requires promptness, speed and intelligence, and is useful to practise numbers in a foreign language.video
ICED BALLOne of the children tosses the ball to strike a child in the group. The one who is hit must stand still; other children may free him/her.video
THE QUEEN Children stand in a row opposite ‘the queen’ and ask in a chorus how they can reach the castle. The queen gives numbers of different steps: like an ant (very short one), like an elephant ( very long), like a can (rolling), like a crab (sideways), like a shrimp (backwards) like a frog (jumping)… The first child in the group to arrive to the castle becomes the queen.
1-2- 3 STAR! The group stands in a row and tries to get nearer to the child who, his/her back to the group, is counting 1- 2-3. When the child turns shouting ‘star!’ everyone must stand still, otherwise goes back to the previous position. The winner is the swifter to reach the child without being seen, and takes his/her place. VIDEO