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Springs . Have out Target Guide Worksheet: Significant digits part 2 Reading: What is Hooke’s Law? Note guide: Lesson 105 part 2. Mechanical Engineering of Springs. How its made: Springs (5:00 min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omLKbKakDoY

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Springs Have out Target Guide Worksheet: Significant digits part 2 Reading: What is Hooke’s Law? Note guide: Lesson 105 part 2

  2. Mechanical Engineering of Springs How its made: Springs (5:00 min) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omLKbKakDoY • List some of the uses of springs mentioned in the video. • Why might a mechanical engineer design and produce a spring for a car suspension differently then a spring for a mechanical pencil? • What characteristics of the spring should be considered? Your research on Springs used in American Manufacturing

  3. Reading: What is Hooke’s Law? Equation: Relationship between • Force acting on a spring • Displacement of a spring “k” is the spring constant – tells us the stiffness of the spring (or about the elasticity of the spring)

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGmeuxohAC0

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