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ONLINE SIGNUP SHEETS. using . University of Scouting 2011 . Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs. overview. - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap-up - help. Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs. intro. - intro
ONLINE SIGNUP SHEETS using University of Scouting 2011
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs overview - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap-up - help.
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs intro - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Matt Arnett - Webelos 1 Den Leader - Pack 846 Webmaster - Pack 846 PR Chair - Google Docs (3 years) - Eagle Scout (1986, Troop 726) - TRS-80 Model 1, Apple ][e.
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs intro - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Who is Pack 846? (pack846.org) - 11 Dens - 102 Cub Scouts - Lots of scouts! Lots of events! - campouts, Show-n-Sell popcorn sales, hikes, Rootbeer Float sale, Religious Emblems Program, ...
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs intro - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Who is Pack 846? (pack846.org) Pirates campout (67 sec) http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=yenTz6IawfY
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs Google Docs - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help • Google Docs is... • free, web-based • word processor • spreadsheet & forms • slide show (i.e. powerpoint) • data storage service • offered by Google • http://docs.google.com
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs Google Docs - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Google Docs vs MS Office Docs ~ Office Document ~ Word Spreadsheet ~ Excel Presentation ~ Powerpoint ~
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs collaboration - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs collaboration - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Collaboration is... people working together to realize shared goals by sharing information, knowledge, ideas, and building consensus through communication.
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help • a form of collaboration • multiple people • common goal • sharing information • communicating.
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Why use online signup sheets? "Online sign-up sheets have made running campouts and planning food so easy. We now have an accurate count of who is attending. This has made filing Tour Permits very easy." "No more pieces of paper getting lost or misplaced. Having all participants email addresses in one location has been great for last minute changes." Pack 846 Event Coordinator
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Why use online signup sheets? "We used to guess at how many people would attend a campout when buying food because we could not get an accurate count from all the Dens in time. Now we know exactly who is attending and how much food to buy." Pack 846 Event Coordinator
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Why use online signup sheets? "For popcorn Show-n-Sells... online signup sheets eliminates any confusion as to how many hours have been staffed/not staffed. Parents can tell where (location and time) their Scout is needed most. This eliminated a lot of followup trying to fill empty hours." Pack 846 Popcorn Kernel
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Why use online signup sheets? "This is my first year as Popcorn Kernel... I could not even imagine the work involved with trying to coordinate (through emails and phone calls) staffing our 18 Show-n-Sells." Pack 846 Popcorn Kernel
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Why use online signup sheets? "With the Religious Emblems Program.. It has become such a luxury to be able to spend my time working on curriculum and teaching instead of compiling information from emails and other sources." Pack 846 Religious Emblems
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help a brief history of sign-up sheets pre 1970's
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help a brief history of sign-up sheets 1970's - 1980's
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help a brief history of sign-up sheets 1990's - 2000's
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help a brief history of sign-up sheets 2007
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Google Docs - Spreadsheet and Form http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzgaUOW6GIs&feature=relmfu (youtube video, 2:00)
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help simple example: Raingutter Regatta sign-up sheet http://www.pack846.org/surveys/ RaingutterRegatta2011.html
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Popcorn Show-n-Sell stats - 4 locations - 5 weekends - 18 separate booths - 67 scouts participated (102) - 96 hours to cover - 247 man hours worked
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help example: Show-n-Sell
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs sign-up sheet - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help example: Popcorn Show-n-Sell sale hourly work schedule http://www.pack846.org/popcorn/2011/ Show-n-Sell.html
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs live demo - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help • create new signup sheet
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs wrap up - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help • drawbacks • limited offline support (summer 2011) • not as mature as MS Office • very basic features (only 6 fonts) • not 100% compatible with MS Office
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs wrap up - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help • benefits • collaboration • 2 way communication • expose granular data • one central copy of signup sheet • notifications • revision history • security / sharing • mobile apps • no website needed • FREE!
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs help - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Follow up sessions http://pack846.org/googledocs 1. repeat of today's presentation 2. hands-on create signup sheets
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs help - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help Help rap http://www.google.com/support/toolbar/ bin/answer.py?answer=181336 (1:06) Google Docs Status http://www.google.com/appsstatus#hl=en Google Docs for Teachers http://www.google.com/educators/ p_docs.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYPjJK6LZdM (4:08)
Online Signup Sheets using Google Docs help - intro - Google Docs - collaboration - sign-up sheet - live demo - wrap up - help YouTube.com lots of tutorials, ideas, reviews, testimonials What's new in Google Docs? http://www.google.com/google-d-s/whatsnew.html Collaboration in Google Docs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zmOYziFKZw email me: arnett.matt@gmail.com
Thank you!
ONLINE SIGNUP SHEETS using University of Scouting 2011
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