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Using Web 2.0 Tools in the Mathematics Classroom. Rebecca Spencer APSB Technology Facilitator/Non-Publics bspencer@avoyellespsb.com. Agenda: Using Web 2.0 Tools in the Mathematics Classroom. Goals of the Presentation Overview of Web 2.0 Why use these tools? Web 2.0 Tools - examples
Using Web 2.0 Tools in the Mathematics Classroom Rebecca Spencer APSB Technology Facilitator/Non-Publics bspencer@avoyellespsb.com
Agenda:Using Web 2.0 Tools in the Mathematics Classroom • Goals of the Presentation • Overview of Web 2.0 • Why use these tools? • Web 2.0 Tools - examples • Web 2.0 in the Math Classroom • Q&A
Goals of this Presentation This presentation will: • Provide an overview of Web 2.0. • Discuss why to use these tools in your classroom. • Explore ideas about how to use these tools in the teaching of mathematics. • Show some of the possibilities for the use of Web 2.0 tools.
Why am I here? • Math Videos • Math Manipulatives • Interactive Games • Online Quizzes and assessments • Math Tutoring • Math Lesson Plans
Digital Kids or Learners • They are more media-centric than previous generations. • They play in Digital play grounds. • Multitaskers: read e-mails, send text, talk in short sound bites. • Are part of the Digital Generation. • Use all kind of Digital devices, like PDAs, laptops, etc.
Comparison of Digital & Past Generations Past Generation Digital Generation • Single Taskers • Work Oriented • Text – based First • Linear Thinking • Multitaskers • Play Oriented • Digital & Graphic First • Random Access Fun Generation
Web 2.0 Overview • Web 2.0 is a term often applied to an ongoing transition of the Web from a collection of websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving web applications to end users. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0 • Web 2.0 is often referred to as the “Read/Write Web” • Examples include – weblogs, wikis, podcasts, online documents, etc.
Why use these tools in the Mathematics Classroom? • Video - “A Vision of K-12 Students Today” • NCTM Principals and Standards • ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) • Nearly every school has computers with internet capabilities. • Harnessing those capabilities is both logical and cost effective. • You do not need to know how to program to use these tools!!
NCTM Principles and Standards • A coherent curriculum effectively organizes and integrates important mathematical ideas so that students see how the ideas build on, or connect with, other ideas, thus enabling them to develop new understandings and skills. • The council outlines principles and standards which are meant to guide mathematics teaching.
ISTE - National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•S) 1. Creativity and Innovation • Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. 2. Communication and Collaboration • Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. 3. Research and Information Fluency • Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
ISTE - National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•S) Cont. 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making • Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. 5. Digital Citizenship • Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. 6. Technology Operations and Concepts • Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
Other Research • Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants (Prensky) • PEW Internet and American Life Project (2005) (http://www.pewinternet.org/) • 87% of U.S. teens aged 12-17 use the internet, up from 73% in 2000. • By contrast, 66% of adults use the internet, up from 56% in 2000. • 51% of teenage internet users say they go online on a daily basis, up from 42% in 2000. • 21st Century Skills (2006) (www.21stcenturyskills.org) • Coalition of Business, Education, and Government Leaders • Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Literacy • Students must be able to use technology to learn content and skills — so that they know how to learn, think critically, solve problems, use information, communicate, innovate and collaborate.
Some Words of Caution • Imperative that technology is not an “add on”. • Begin slowly, one class, one kind of technology. • Work with a colleague. • Find experts in your building or district. • Be careful about student’s exposure on the Web. • Remind students that all school rules apply to class blogs and wikis and other technologies. • Have students create separate accounts if they want to use these tools outside of class. • When in doubt ask permission of administration and parents. • Make a technology contract for you and your students to follow.
Math Videos Math247- 500 mathcasts or quick videos and demos for math problems. Join to add your own. MathTV- Interactive math games and simulations for problem solving MathVids - wow, a great site for math videos about tough Math concepts A+++ http://www.mathplayground.com/mathvideos.html http://www.math-videos-online.com/http://www.teachertube.com http://k12wiki.wikispaces.com/Effective+Math+Videos#Videos%20Organized%20by%20NCTM%20Strands http://www.thefutureschannel.com/index.php
Math Virtual Manipulatives **Illuminations** http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/mathematics/ebook_assets/vmf/VMF-Interface.html **National Library of Virtual Manipulatives** http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/de/math1-3/virtualmanipulatives.html http://www1.center.k12.mo.us/edtech/everydaymath.htm http://ssrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/jrenouf/virtualmanipulatives.htm http://www.crickweb.co.uk/assets/resources/flash.php?&file=Toolkit%20index2a
Online Calculators Instacalc (also creates charts)http://instacalc.comCalcr (basic calculator only - powered by Instacalc)http://instacalc.com/calcre-Tutor Graphing Calculatorhttp://www.e-tutor.com/et2/graphingFrakKalk: Fraction Calculator (download for Mac only): add, subtract, multiply, and divide large fractions without having to convert from decimal form.http://goldfishsoft.com/frakkalk.htmlEdenMath: Scientific Calculator (download for Mac only): a scientific calculator which does standard arithmetic, probability, and trigonometric functions.http://www.edenwaith.com/products/edenmathEdenGraph: (download for Mac only) a graphing calculator- plots two-dimensional graphs using standard algebraic and trigonometric functions.http://www.edenwaith.com/products/edengraphCalcoolate (Also available as a download for Windows machines.)http://www.calcoolate.comCreate a Graph (creates five kinds of graphs)http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraphGCalc: use GCalc2 applet for online calculatinghttp://gcalc.netGCalc: use GCalc3 to use the Java calculatorhttp://gcalc.net
Math Websites AAA Math (K-8) - Hundreds of pages of basic math skills. The site includes: Interactive Practice on every page, an Explanation of the math topic on each page and several Challenge Games on every page. AchieveIT Math Links (K-5) - A great collection of math links in the areas of place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication, measurement and geometry and money. APlus Math (K-8) - Flashcards, worksheets and interactive games (A popup menu appears on the initial screen) Ask Dr. Math (K-12) - Students may ask Dr. Math questions to help them with their math assignments. An archive of past answers to questions is also included. Basket Math Interactive Learning (K-8) - Score a basket every time a question is answered correctly in a variety of math categories. Cool Math Sites (K-12) - A collection of interesting activities and puzzles. Create a Graph (K-12) - Students are able to create their own graphs online. Enchanted Mind - Brainbender Puzzles (3-12) Enchanted Mind - Interactive Puzzles (3-12) The Geometry Center (6-12) - Explore shapes, patterns and symmetry Interactive Mathematics Activities(6-12) - A collection of math puzzles and interactive sites, including Algebra, Geometry and Calculus. (An ad banner appears at the top of the page.) MathsNet Number Crunchers - A collection of activities that improve numeracy. National Library of Virtual Mathematics (7-12) - Number and Operations, Geometry, Algebra, Measurement, Data Analysis and Probability Quia Mathematics (K-12) A collection of 20 interactive activities Web Math (K-12) - Visit this site to help you solve problems in math you are having trouble with.
Interactive Math Websites http://www.mathplayground.com/math_manipulatives.html http://www.e-learningforkids.org/courses.html http://www.numbernut.com/index.html http://macmillanmh.com/math/mathtoolchest/mtc_online/ http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/ http://mathworld.wolfram.com/
Math Websites for Skill Drill Addition: http://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/math-trainer-addition.html Subtraction: http://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/math-trainer-subtract.html Multiplication: http://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/math-trainer-multiply.html Free Rice Project: http://www.freerice.com/index.php?&t=24734284474&s=Basic%20Math
Math Createable Worksheets http://www.mathway.com/worksheet.aspx?p=algebra algebra worksheets http://www.superkids.com/aweb/tools/math/ skill drill worksheets http://www.schoolexpress.com/funtime/math_generator/index.php http://www.homeschoolmath.net/worksheets/ http://themathworksheetsite.com/ http://www.mathfactcafe.com/ http://www.mathworksheetwizard.com/ http://www.aplusmath.com/Worksheets/index.html http://edhelper.com/math.htm http://jmathworksheets.com/JWotherworksheets.html http://www.mathgoodies.com/worksheets/
Math Downloads http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org/tuxmath/index.php Tux Math http://www.bigbrainz.com/Download.html Timez Attack http://www.sumdog.com/teachers/ Sum Dogs http://www.geogebra.org/cms/GeoGebra - Geometry, Algebra and Calculus Freeware
Math Wikis http://www.jmathpage.com/ http://cffmath.wikispaces.com/General+Math http://wikis.dalton.org/math/index.php?title=Main_Page http://smartmeasurement.wikispaces.com/ http://www.geogebra.org/en/wiki/index.php/English#Mathematics:_Middle_School http://wiki.nsdl.org/index.php/MiddleSchoolPortal http://robertfant.com/PMWiki/pmwiki.php/Algebra1/HomePage
Math Downloads The Standards Site: Interactive Teaching Resources from UK http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primary/teachingresources/Lots of resources to download and try including: AreaGrid Tool (Shockwave) Calculating Angles (Shockwave) Coordinates (Shockwave) Counting on a 100-bead String (Shockwave) Data Handling (Shockwave) Decimal Number Line (Shockwave) Difference (Shockwave) Division Grid (Shockwave) Fixing Points (Shockwave) Fractions (Shockwave) Grouping (Shockwave) Grid for rows and columns (Shockwave) Isometric Grid (Shockwave) Line Graph (Shockwave) Measuring Cylinder (Shockwave) (Shockwave) Measuring Scale (Shockwave) Multiplication Facts (Shockwave) Multiplication Grid (Shockwave) Number Dial (Shockwave) Number Facts (Shockwave) Number Grid (Shockwave) Number Line (Shockwave) Number Spinner (Shockwave) Ordering Numbers (Shockwave) Place Value (Shockwave) Polygon (Shockwave) Ruler (Shockwave) Sort Shape by Color and Shape (Shockwave) Sort Shapes by Angles (Shockwave) Sort Triangles and other Shapes (Shockwave) Symmetry (Shockwave) Tell the Time (Shockwave) Thermometer (Shockwave) Twenty Cards (Shockwave)
Math Tutoring Ask Dr. MathBrowse old math questions or ask your own. Expert answers. The archives have thousands of answered questions covering all math topics from elementary to college level. Highly recommended!mathforum.org/dr.math S.O.S. Mathematics CyberBoardActive discussion board where you can ask math questions about algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, probability, college math, computer science, physics, and more.www.sosmath.com/CBB Mrs. Glosser's Math Goodies Forumsfor students, teachers & parentsHomework help, Teacher Talk, Parents place.www.mathgoodies.com/forums Cramster Q & A Board http://www.hippocampus.org/ 24/7 Study community for high school and college students and math enthusiasts.qaboard.cramster.com FreeMathHelp.com A math homework help forum.www.freemathhelp.com/forum Mathiverse ForumsAn active and growing message board for both math and physics. Includes middle school, high school, and college level math. www.mathiverse.com/forum http://www.algebasics.com/ Algebasics.com is not an interactive piece of software, but rather like a kind of speaking, animated textbook where a teacher explains the mysteries of algrebra to you, over and over again if you like
References • Grabe, M., & Grabe, C. (2000). Integrating The Internet For Meaningful Learning. New York: Houghton Mifflin. • Harris, R. (1997). Evaluating Internet Resources. http://www.virtualsalt.com/evalu8it.htm • Lenhart, A., Madden, M., & Hitlin, P. (2005). Teens And Technology: Youth Are Leading The Transition To A Fully Wired And Mobile Nation. Pew Internet & American Life Project. http://www.pewinternet.org/PPF/r/162/report_display.asp. • McGrath, D. (2003). Rubrics, Portfolios, And Tests, Oh My! Assessing Understanding In Project Based Learning. Learning and Leading with Technology • National Council for Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles And Standards For School Mathematics.
References • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon • Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, And Other Powerful Web Tools For Classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. • Warlick, D. F. (2005). Classroom Blogging: A Teacher’s Guide to the Blogosphere. Raleigh, NC: The Landmark Project. • ISTE (2007) The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•S) and Performance Indicators for Students http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForStudents/2007Standards/NETS_for_Students_2007_Standards.pdf