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Powerpoint Jeopardy

Powerpoint Jeopardy. All the alleles that offspring inherit from parents must have been found on the parents’ _______ cells. Sex or Gamete or reproductive. Classify the following as homozygous or heterozygous: Tt rr hybrid carrier purebred

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Powerpoint Jeopardy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Powerpoint Jeopardy

  2. All the alleles that offspring inherit from parents must have been found on the parents’ _______ cells

  3. Sex or Gamete or reproductive

  4. Classify the following as homozygous or heterozygous: • Tt • rr • hybrid • carrier • purebred • Parents do not show trait but have child with trait. Both parents must be… • if the P1 generation is a homozygous dominant parent and a homozygous recessive parent, the genotype of the F1 generation will be….

  5. Tt - heterozygous • rr – homozygous (recessive) • hybrid - heterozygous • Carrier - heterozygous • Purebred - homozygous • Parents do not show trait but have child with trait. Both parents must be… -heterozygous • if the P1 generation is a homozygous dominant parent and a homozygous recessive parent, the genotype of the F1 generation will be…. -heterozygous

  6. Who is the father of genetics? List one reason he chose to study pea plants

  7. Mendel -Cheap -Grew quickly -Easily available -Produced a lot of offspring

  8. In humans, the gene for freckles is dominant over the gene for no freckles. If two non-freckled parents have kids, what is the chance of having a freckled child?

  9. 0%

  10. In peas, the gene for “tall” height is dominant over the gene for “short”. If two tall plants are crossed and we find that 78% of their offspring are tall, what are the most likely genotypes of the parents?

  11. Tt x Tt

  12. In humans, the gene for curly hair (C) shows incomplete dominance with the gene for straight hair (S). If a curly haired woman and a straight haired man have children, we can expect 100% of their children to have __?__ hair.

  13. WAVY (with incomplete dominance, heterozygous individuals show a blended trait)

  14. If you wanted to predict the inheritance of pea color AND pod color in peas (2 different gene loci), you would need a __?__ cross.


  16. When multiple genes code for a single trait, that trait is said to be: A- multiple alleles B- polygenic C- codominant

  17. polygenic

  18. Because the A & B blood type alleles in humans are __?__, a person who is heterozygous for these two alleles has blood type __?__.

  19. codominant ------------------- AB

  20. In peas, “tall” is dominant over “short” for plant height. Furthermore, “round” is dominant over “wrinkled” for seed shape. If we cross a short, wrinkly-seed plant with another plant that is hybrid for both traits, what percent of their offspring can we expect to be tall with wrinkled seeds?

  21. 25%

  22. A gene is a segment of DNA that codes for all or part of a __?__ which determines all or part of a __?__.

  23. PROTEIN (polypeptide) ------------------------------- TRAIT DNA  RNA  Protein  trait

  24. 1) “Tall” is an example of a: • phenotype • genotype • 2) Blood “Type A” is an example of a: • phenotype • genotype

  25. 1- a) phenotype 2- a) phenotype

  26. What do the letters across the top and along the sides of a punnett square represent? What do the letters inside the punnett square represent?

  27. Top/side: The parents’ (P1) alleles Inside: POSSIBLE genotypes of offspring

  28. The chance of flipping a coin two times in a row and having both flips land “tails up”.

  29. 25% =(50% x 50%)

  30. If a parent has the genotype Tt for a trait, what % of their sex cells will carry a “t” allele?

  31. 50% (the other 50% will carry the “T” allele.)

  32. The theory of evolution by natural selection is credited to…

  33. Darwin

  34. Which of the following is part of Darwin’s theory of evolution? A- species will adapt to better fit their environments B- competition does not exist between organisms because everything has a niche C- there is an unlimited amount of resources available in an ecosystem D- favorable traits can be passed on to future generations

  35. D- favorable traits can be passed on to future generations

  36. Which of these is able • to genetically adapt and evolve? • an individual organism • a group/population of organisms • both of these • neither of these

  37. b. a group/population of organisms

  38. Variations in a trait: • can be an adaptation that increases the survival of an organism. • b) may have no affect on an organism. • c) might reduce the survival of an organism. • d) can be caused by mutations • e) any of these

  39. e) any of these

  40. Darwin’s ideas on natural selection can be summarized that the best adapted (“fittest”) members of a species are those who can do what?

  41. Survive long enough to make the most offspring!

  42. Meiosis is a type of cell division used to create 4 unique (haploid or diploid?) cells from one parent cell for the purpose of (asexual or sexual?) reproduction.

  43. HAPLOID ------------- SEXUAL

  44. In a sexually reproducing species, it is generally beneficial to have a __?__ (high/low) amount of variability & diversity in the offspring.

  45. HIGH (large, great)

  46. What do the two members of a homologous chromosome pair NOT necessarily have in common?

  47. Identical nucleotide sequences

  48. What are the products of spermatogenesis? What are the products of oogenesis?

  49. -4 viable sperm -1 viable egg and 3 polar bodies

  50. Examin the cell below: What phase of Meiosis is it in? Is this cell diploid or haploid? What are the diploid and haploid numbers for this species?

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