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NGC. 9 th Grade Registration . 2013-2014. Principal…………………………..Kenny Bodine Asst. Principal……………………Sherry Cox Counselor………………………….Kim Hallmark. Review of Graduation Requirements. Core Academics. English…………………4 credits Math……………………4 credits Science………………..4 credits
NGC 9th Grade Registration 2013-2014 Principal…………………………..Kenny Bodine Asst. Principal……………………Sherry Cox Counselor………………………….Kim Hallmark
Review of Graduation Requirements Core Academics English…………………4 credits Math……………………4 credits Science………………..4 credits Social Studies………4 credits Other Requirements Physical Education………..1 credit Fine Arts……………………….1 credit Technology……………………1 credit (local policy) Foreign Language………….2 or 3 credits Speech…………………………..1/2 credit Total Credits = 26
Graduation Plans Recommended Distinguished 3 Foreign Languages Math Models not accepted as a math credit IPC not accepted as a science credit Must earn 4 additional measures Must score advanced high on the college readiness component of the English 3 and Algebra 2 EOC exams • 2 Foreign Languages • Must score Level 2 on the English 3 and Algebra 2 EOC exams
2 TYPES OF CREDITS STATE-Do count toward 26 LOCAL –Don’t count toward 26 ROTC DRILL CLASSES Cheer is local if the teacher is not PE certified and will not count toward the 26. • ROTC • Cheer can count for PE if the teacher is PE certified *Remember these are just two examples and on any given year there can be more or less Local classes will be marked as such on the registration form.
CLASSIFICATION OF CREDITS Students are classified according to the number of credits they have earned. Freshman 0 to 5.5 credits * Sophomore 6 to 11.5 credits Junior 12 to 17.5 credits Senior 18+ credits *Freshman who earn credit in all four core classes may be promoted to the tenth grade with fewer than 6 credits.
TRANSCRIPT GPA RANK Student ranks are generated twice a year. Students are ranked 1 to (number of students in class) Students in top 10 % will qualify for automatic admission to any public university in the state of Texas. (Exception UT) • English • Math • Science • Social Studies • Foreign Language
Honors Courses Honors courses offered at the ninth grade campus: Geometry -bakerc@joshuaisd.org Biology -millerg@joshuaisd.org World Geography -gillhamd@joshuaisd.org English -blackwella@joshuaisd.org
Electives Principles of Agriculture Principles of Health Science Principles of Information Technology ROTC ROTC Rifle (Local credit) ROTC Unarmed/Armed Drill (Local Credit) Spanish Student Aide (Local credit) Theatre • Art I • Athletics • Athletic Training • Band • Cheer (Local Credit) • Choir • Color Guard (Local Credit) • Dance • Dance Team • Driver Education • Health • P.E.
PE/Fine Arts PHYSICAL EDUCATION FINE ARTS Band Choir Art Theatre Dance • Athletics • P.E. • ROTC • Band • Dance All of the above courses can also be counted as elective credits as well
Extra Curricular Course Guide • Please take time to read carefully through the guide to learn more about the extracurricular activities • Do not sign up for a class listed in this guide until you have read the description of the class as provided by the instructor Course Guide
Math/Science Selections • Students who were in Algebra I as 8th graders will enroll in geometry or honors geometry. Everyone else will sign up for Algebra 1. • There will be a number of students that will be placed in double-blocked algebra. • Students who took Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) as 8th graders will sign up for biology or honors biology • The remaining students will take an exam at the end of 8th grade and that score along with other data will be used to place the student in IPC and biology or biology only.
Certifications offered at JHS CNA Hunter Ed Safety Pharmacy Tech EMT First Aid CPR Boater Safety Vet Tech Foundation course: Principles of Ag Foundation course: Principles of Health Science
Cosmetology • Microsoft Certifications • Intuit Quickbooks Computer Support Technician
End of Course Exams(EOC) • Students will be required to meet the passing standard, LEVEL II: Satisfactory Academic Performance (or at least achieve a predetermined minimum score). • In order to graduate, a student must achieve a cumulative score that is at least equal to the product of the number of EOC assessments taken in that content area and a scale score that indicates satisfactory performance (LEVEL II) • Any student who fails will be required to take the exam again • Any student who only meets the minimum passing standard will be sent home with a form requesting permission for the student to be retested. • The 15% requirement has been deferred for two years now… we will have to wait and see about the decision for the freshman of 2013-2014. • Please check out more detailed information at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/staar/ English I Reading English I Writing Biology Algebra I Geometry World Geography
SCHEDULE CHANGES Master Schedules are developed in the spring prior to the upcoming year. Selections during registration indicate how many teachers and sections will be needed for a course. The process allows administrators to plan and to hire for optimum academic strength. When students are permitted to randomly change schedules, classes become overcrowded. As a result, all students are affected. Even the most effective planning is compromised. Very seldom does a one course change affect only one course. Careful selections benefit everyone. Thank you for being a crucial part of our educational team as we work together for academic excellence.
PLAN CAREFULLY!! By planning ahead carefully you can avoid unintended negative impact to your schedule later on.
Contacts: 9th grade campus Kim Hallmark 817-426-7500 ext. 2004 hallmarkk@joshuaisd.org